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Genome Editing with Engineered Zinc Finger Proteins – Philip D. Gregory – Video
Posted: June 24, 2013 at 6:42 am
Genome Editing with Engineered Zinc Finger Proteins - Philip D. Gregory
Philip D. Gregory #39;s talk "Genome Editing with Engineered Zinc Finger Proteins" from the First International Workshop on Mammalian Synthetic Biology, May 11-1...
By: synberc
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Genome Editing with Engineered Zinc Finger Proteins - Philip D. Gregory - Video
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The Innovation Genome ProjectThe 7 Essential Innovation Questions 20130603 1959 1 – Video
Posted: at 6:42 am
The Innovation Genome ProjectThe 7 Essential Innovation Questions 20130603 1959 1
By: bocbocbocboc
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The Innovation Genome ProjectThe 7 Essential Innovation Questions 20130603 1959 1 - Video
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Genome Evolution – Video
Posted: at 6:42 am
Genome Evolution
Gabrielle est une mre de famille calme, aimante et douce. Elle vit dans une socit o tout est valu (du sourire, aux capacits mentales ainsi que physiqu...
By: Vaniliane
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Genome Evolution - Video
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Posted: at 6:42 am
Technology Open Access Human Genome, Environment Trait data
"George Church, PhD, Professor of Genetics, Director of the Center for Computational Genetics, Harvard Medical School" The Project ( enab...
By: LabRoots
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The genome’s 3-D structure shapes how genes are expressed
Posted: at 6:42 am
Public release date: 23-Jun-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Alison Heather 61-434-071-326 Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Scientists from Australia and the United States bring new insights to our understanding of the three-dimensional structure of the genome, one of the biggest challenges currently facing the fields of genomics and genetics. Their findings are published in Nature Genetics, online today.
Roughly 3 metres of DNA is tightly folded into the nucleus of every cell in our body. This folding allows some genes to be 'expressed', or activated, while excluding others.
Dr Tim Mercer and Professor John Mattick from Sydney's Garvan Institute of Medical Research and Professor John Stamatoyannopoulos from Seattle's University of Washington analysed the genome's 3D structure, at high resolution.
Genes are made up of 'exons' and 'introns' the former being the sequences that code for protein and are expressed, and the latter being stretches of noncoding DNA in-between. As the genes are copied, or 'transcribed', from DNA into RNA, the intron sequences are cut or 'spliced' out and the remaining exons are strung together to form a sequence that encodes a protein. Depending on which exons are strung together, the same gene can generate different proteins.
Using vast amounts of data from the ENCODE project*, Dr Tim Mercer and colleagues have inferred the folding of the genome, finding that even within a gene, selected exons are easily exposed.
"Imagine a long and immensely convoluted grape vine, its twisted branches presenting some grapes to be plucked easily, while concealing others beyond reach," said Dr Mercer. "At the same time, imagine a lazy fruit picker only picking the grapes within easy reach.
"The same principle applies in the genome. Specific genes and even specific exons, are placed within easy reach by folding."
"Over the last few years, we've been starting to appreciate just how the folding of the genome helps determine how it's expressed and regulated,"
The genome's 3-D structure shapes how genes are expressed
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Rhamya’s 90 Day Video Challenge: Day 5 My story about Eczema – Video
Posted: at 6:42 am
Rhamya #39;s 90 Day Video Challenge: Day 5 My story about Eczema
Rhamya #39;s 90 Day Video Challenge: Day 5 My story about Eczema I share my story about how I #39;m dealing with eczema This was almost a secret:http://socialmediaba...
By: Kenee Payne
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Rhamya's 90 Day Video Challenge: Day 5 My story about Eczema - Video
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Soothe Your Itching Eczema: Dr. Mao’s Wellness Living
Posted: at 6:42 am
Courtesy Photo
Did you know that eczema affects more than 15 million people in the United States?
If you are one of them, you are not alone! However, the blisters and itching do not have to be a permanent part of your life.
Here are a few tips to help keep your skin smooth and moisturized throughout the year.
You Are What You Eat
Your skin is the largest organ on your body and a functional part of your immune system.
In traditional Chinese medicine your skin is regulated by your lungs and large intestine.
So if your lungs or intestines cannot properly expel toxins from your body, a back-up of toxins will appear on your skin in the forms of lesions or rough spots.
If you eliminate processed foods that contain artificial additives and treated ingredients your body will have fewer toxins in your system.
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Soothe Your Itching Eczema: Dr. Mao's Wellness Living
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People’s Pharmacy: Noxzema helps a young eczema sufferer
Posted: at 6:42 am
Q: My 3-year-old son has suffered with eczema on his legs and feet for two years. We treated it successfully with Elidel, but cancer concerns about its safety in children alarmed us. With consent from his doctor, we suspended its use.
I tried many creams to try to soothe his skin, but he cried about all of them, saying they hurt. I started using Noxzema moisturizer after reading about it on your website. Thankfully, there were no tears from him.
To my great surprise, his skin responded almost immediately. Almost all traces of eczema are gone. We have been using this product for about three weeks, in the morning and evening, without washing it off. It has truly changed my young sons life.
A: Many other readers also have reported that Noxzema can ease their skin irritation. This nonsoap facial cleanser was developed in 1914. It was originally intended as a sunburn remedy, but early reports that it was helpful for knocking eczema allegedly led to the name no eczema or Noxzema.
Q: I took lisinopril for many years to control hypertension. Every time I complained to the doctor who prescribed it about my constant nagging cough, he just prescribed cough medicine. He never told me it was due to the lisinopril. When the coughing got so bad that I wet myself, he prescribed a pill for incontinence!
After eight years, I changed doctors. The new doctor took me off lisinopril immediately and explained the connection with the cough. He put me on losartan; the cough went away in less than a week.
No more cough meant no more losing control of my bladder, so he told me to toss the incontinence med along with the cough med. This new doctor encourages me to eat right for my health instead of taking a handful of pills.
If you are having seemingly unrelated health problems, be sure to check out the meds you take with your doctor or pharmacist to see if there is a connection. I wish I had done so way sooner!
A: Great advice! A cough caused by drugs like enalapril, lisinopril and ramipril is a common side effect of ACE inhibitors. Such a cough can be unbearable; prescribing another drug to counteract the complication of incontinence is incomprehensible.
Q: My nurse practitioner suggested that I start taking Coenzyme Q10 because I also am on simvastatin to control cholesterol. She said it would be beneficial for my muscles and my heart. When I asked my cardiologist, though, he didnt have a clue what I was talking about. What can you tell me about this nutrient?
Originally posted here:
People’s Pharmacy: Noxzema helps a young eczema sufferer
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My Psoriasis Arthritis Problem – Hope to Find a Person with a Good Heart That Can Help – Video
Posted: at 6:42 am
My Psoriasis Arthritis Problem - Hope to Find a Person with a Good Heart That Can Help
Spring Hill, TN.
By: Jessica Saballos
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My Psoriasis Arthritis Problem - Hope to Find a Person with a Good Heart That Can Help - Video
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Posted: at 6:42 am
NEW UPDATED TREATMENT FOR SCALP SEB.DERM AND PSORIASIS! New treatment with supplements for INTESTINAL HEALTH to help aid in the chunking, flaking and awful i...
By: GMMReviews1
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