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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Crysis 3 – Mission 1 ( POST HUMAN ) – Part 2 – Video
Posted: June 27, 2013 at 3:43 pm
Crysis 3 - Mission 1 ( POST HUMAN ) - Part 2
By: Nguy #7877;n Thnh Kim
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Crysis 3 - Mission 1 ( POST HUMAN ) - Part 2 - Video
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Strange Flames on the International Space Station – Video
Posted: June 25, 2013 at 5:45 pm
Strange Flames on the International Space Station
Date- 17th Jun 13 Source- #39;Researchers experimenting with flames onboard the International Space Station h...
By: stevebd1
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Strange Flames on the International Space Station - Video
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Mario Party 9 Bowser’s Space Station (3/3) – Video
Posted: at 5:45 pm
Mario Party 9 Bowser #39;s Space Station (3/3)
Finale and final boss -SB14.
By: shadowbones14
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Mario Party 9 Bowser's Space Station (3/3) - Video
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ISS Expedition 36 Space Station Live! From Mission Control June 21, 2013 – Video
Posted: at 5:45 pm
ISS Expedition 36 Space Station Live! From Mission Control June 21, 2013
ISS Expedition 36 Space Station Live! From Mission Control June 21, 2013.
By: Matthew Travis
Originally posted here:
ISS Expedition 36 Space Station Live! From Mission Control June 21, 2013 - Video
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International Space Station over Concord, California – Video
Posted: at 5:45 pm
International Space Station over Concord, California
June 21st, 2013 the International Space Station passes over Concord, CA. 6400 ISO 1/1600 Exp 12inch Dobsonian (non-computerized)
By: John Read
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International Space Station over Concord, California - Video
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Astronauts finish chores outside space station
Posted: at 5:45 pm
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Two space station astronauts took care of a little outside maintenance Monday.
Russian flight engineers Fyodor Yurchikhin and Alexander Misurkin replaced a main valve on the International Space Station and prepared for the arrival of a new lab later this year.
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Two space station astronauts took care of a little outside maintenance Monday.
Russian flight engineers Fyodor Yurchikhin and Alexander Misurkin replaced a main valve on the International Space Station and prepared for the arrival of a new lab later this year.
"To save the time, I'm embroidering," one of the spacewalkers said in Russian, holding a clump of cord as he worked. "It's not easy to handle all these ropes." Later, he added, "OK, now we're doing beadwork."
Besides the valve swap 250 miles up, the spacewalkers installed clamps and retrieved science experiments, completing most all their chores. The spacewalk ran a little over at 6 1/2 hours. "Thank you for your work," radioed Russian Mission Control outside Moscow.
Russian flight engineers Fyodor Yurchikhin and Alexander Misurkin replaced a main valve on the International Space Station and prepared for the arrival of a new lab later this year.
"To save the time, I'm embroidering," one of the spacewalkers said in Russian, holding a clump of cord as he worked. "It's not easy to handle all these ropes." Later, he added, "OK, now we're doing beadwork."
Besides the valve swap 250 miles up, the spacewalkers installed clamps and retrieved science experiments, completing most all their chores. The spacewalk ran a little over at 6 1/2 hours. "Thank you for your work," radioed Russian Mission Control outside Moscow.
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Astronauts finish chores outside space station
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Russian cosmonauts ready space station for new lab
Posted: at 5:45 pm
Two cosmonauts took a spacewalk outside the International Space Station Monday to prepare the orbiting outpost for the arrival of a new Russian laboratory later this year.
Clad in bulky Orlan spacesuits, cosmonauts Fyodor Yurchikhin and Alexander Misurkinspent more than six hours outside the space stationto test automated docking system cables and install equipment to aid the arrival of the new Russian Multipurpose Laboratory, a science module slated to launch to the orbiting laboratory by the end of 2013. The spacewalk began at 9:32 a.m. EDT (1332 GMT).
- One of Russia's spacewalking astronauts
Yurchikhin and Misurkin successfully tested the docking system cables that will be used to help the new Multipurpose Laboratory module dock itself at the station when it arrives. The spacewalkers also installed cable clamps to hold the cables that will route power and data from the U.S. segment of the space station to the new laboratory module. [See Photos of the Russian Spacewalk]
Still, it wasn't all work and no play for the hard-working cosmonauts.
"Can you make the sun not shine so bright?" one of the spacewalkers joked during the orbital work. "It's shining right in my eyes."
Yurchikhin and Misurkin are part of the space station's six-personExpedition 36 crew. Their crewmates fellow cosmonaut Pavel Vinogradov, NASA's Chris Cassidy and Karen Nyberg and European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano remained inside the International Space Station during the spacewalk.
Misurkin and Yurchikhin were lighthearted during the six hour and 34 minute excursion. They joked with Russian Mission Control about being hungry, paused occasionally for a photo and commented on the beauty of the Earth from space.
"I guess we're flying over South America," one of the spacewalkers said at one point. "Gorgeous."
Aside from the new module preparation work, the cosmonauts also replaced a fluid control valve panel on the Zarya module, installed a new science experiment on the exterior of the orbiting laboratory, and retrieved two older experiments.
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Russian cosmonauts ready space station for new lab
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Russian spacewalkers prime space station for new laboratory
Posted: at 5:45 pm
In this frame grab from video provided by NASA, two Russian flight engineers perform maintenance on the International Space Station on Monday.
By Miriam Kramer
Two cosmonauts took a spacewalk outside the International Space Station on Monday to prepare the orbiting outpost for the arrival of a new Russian laboratory later this year.
Clad in bulky Orlan spacesuits, cosmonauts Fyodor Yurchikhin and Alexander Misurkinspent more than six hours outside the space stationto test automated docking system cables and install equipment in preparation for the arrival of the new Russian Multipurpose Laboratory, a science module slated to launch to the orbiting laboratory by the end of 2013. The spacewalk began at 9:32 a.m. ET.
Yurchikhin and Misurkin successfully tested the docking system cables that will be used to help the new Multipurpose Laboratory module dock itself at the station when it arrives. The spacewalkers also installed cable clamps to hold the cables that will route power and data from the U.S. segment of the space station to the new laboratory module. [See Photos of the Russian Spacewalk]
It wasn't all work and no play for the hard-working cosmonauts.
"Can you make the sun not shine so bright?" one of the spacewalkers joked during the orbital work. "It's shining right in my eyes."
Yurchikhin and Misurkin are part of the space station's six-personExpedition 36 crew. Their crewmates fellow cosmonaut Pavel Vinogradov, NASA's Chris Cassidy and Karen Nyberg, and European Space Agency astronaut Luca Parmitano remained inside the International Space Station during the spacewalk.
Misurkin and Yurchikhin were lighthearted during the six-hour, 34-minute excursion. They joked with Russian Mission Control about being hungry, paused occasionally for a photo and commented on thebeauty of the Earth from space.
Excerpt from:
Russian spacewalkers prime space station for new laboratory
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Leila Velez: Multiplicando o DNA da empresa – Video
Posted: at 5:44 pm
Leila Velez:Multiplicando o DNA da empresa
"Como escalar um negcio de forma estruturada: multiplicando o DNA da empresa" Esse video integra uma srie com a co-fundadora do Instituto Beleza Natural, a...
By: Endeavor Brasil
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Leila Velez: Multiplicando o DNA da empresa - Video
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Do As Infinity – DNA (Countdown Live 2011 – 2012) – Video
Posted: at 5:44 pm
Do As Infinity - DNA (Countdown Live 2011 - 2012)
By: doasinfinity5
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Do As Infinity - DNA (Countdown Live 2011 - 2012) - Video
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