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Advanced Clinical Care Announces Clinical Trials for Psoriasis Sufferers
Posted: June 27, 2013 at 3:45 pm
WORCESTER, Mass., June 27, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Advanced Clinical Care, a clinical trial center located in Central Mass, is recruiting patients for two plaque psoriasis clinical trials. Advanced Clinical Care has previously run and completed hundreds of clinical trials, helping many people who suffer from a rheumatic disease. With these trials the researchers intend to gain new knowledge about the two treatment medications for people suffering with plaque psoriasis. Both trials run for five years, which means patients will be receiving free care and free medication for the entire duration of the study.
"We are excited about these two studies because the drugs should quickly eradicate psoriasis. Patients currently enrolled have been very happy with the treatment medications," said Mary Coughlin, RN, co-founder of Advanced Clinical Care. She continued, "With severe psoriasis, the patient suffers from itchy and bleeding skin, which is often over an extensive area. When we clear up the psoriasis, our patient's lives are changed forever."
With psoriasis, not only do patients suffer from the pain, but also from the consequences of the skin rash. Psoriasis sufferers have been asked not to go in a public swimming pool or showers for fear that they are contagious, others have been asked not to touch anything in a cafeteria. People suffering from psoriasis who are on medication for the disease frequently still suffer from psoriasis symptoms. Through the two clinical trials, doctors and researchers hope to learn more about the safety and effectiveness of the treatment medications when given to patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. The results of the studies will provide doctors with more information about the two treatment plans. To learn more about the two plaque psoriasis clinical trials and to sign up for a study, visit
About Advanced Clinical Care
Advanced Clinical Care, formerly called Clinical Pharmacology Study Group, was founded in 1989 in Worcester, MA by Dr. Charles Birbara and Mary Coughlin, RN. Dr. Birbara and Mary created the clinical trial center to become involved with the newest medications in the field of rheumatology. Advanced Clinical care has witnessed firsthand the tremendous efficacy and improvements in their patients quality of life after enrolling in a clinical trial.
Originally posted here:
Advanced Clinical Care Announces Clinical Trials for Psoriasis Sufferers
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Google Proxies Tunnel Out Of Search Censorship
Posted: at 3:44 pm
Dallas, Texas (PRWEB) June 27, 2013
idcloak Technologies has released two free tools for bypassing Google search censorship. Google is required by certain countries to filter out politically sensitive keyphrases from search results. The only way users from these countries may see the hidden results is by accessing Google through a remote computer. These computers are known as proxies.
idcloak offers two different types of Google proxy. Each is best suited for different conditions, as idcloaks Robin Welles explains, First, we have the Google proxy list, a customizable database of public IP proxies from over a hundred countries around the globe. These are great for regular anonymization tasks against, since they require no user action once set up. They are also the best option for beating high-grade censorship because they carry no content that can betray they are providing a proxy service.
The second unblocker service released by idcloak is the site-based web proxy. Welles says this is a much simpler and user-friendly service that performs all basic proxy tasks. You use the proxy through a webpage-based interface. Because you dont need to configure your network settings, its ideal for anyone with low computer skills or those carrying out one-off anonymization tasks. Some censorship filters will block access to the page, however, meaning users will then either need to switch to IP proxies or invest in a VPN.
There is of course some danger that entering politically sensitive search terms might bring unwanted attention on a user. Asked about which of idcloaks two free proxy services were safest for political research, Welles sided with the web proxy.
The most important thing is to have Google encrypted on top of its standard https connection, and both the web proxy and IP proxies will do this. But perhaps the web proxy is the safer of the two services as it additionally allows you to encrypt the page before it enters the encrypted tunnel.
Some skeptics also doubt the trustworthiness of IP proxies: One problem peculiar to IP proxies is that they are public and nobody knows who administers them. Theoretically, even government censors could be setting up the proxy and using it to monitor search traffic. Our webpage-based proxy, on the other hand, is administered in-house, and we have our users trust.
To learn more, visit The Dallas-based firm provides free censorship circumvention services and knowledge.
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Google Proxies Tunnel Out Of Search Censorship
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Blockage of Major News Websites Raises Censorship Fears
Posted: at 3:44 pm
Aruling bya court inthe central Russian town ofUlyanovsk ordering astate-run Internet provider toblock access to15 websites, including those oftwo prominent national newspapers, has sparked fears ofa broader campaign ofInternet censorship inthe country.
Two ofthe blocked websites, andKomsomolskaya Pravda, are among thetop 10 news websites inRussia. Thetwo media outlets said they had not been notified ofthe court hearings or theverdict they learned about it fromtheir readers andtherefore were unable todefend themselves.
Local prosecutors said ina statement Wednesday that theruling was based onthe presence onthe websites ofarticles explaining theintricacies ofgiving abribe inRussia andhow toescape prosecution afterward.
Prosecutors emphasized that thecourt ruling had not ordered whole websites tobe blocked but only specific pages containing theillicit information. Internet provider Rostelecom made thedecision toblock thesites themselves, going beyond thecourt's instructions, they said.
Rostelecom, which is one offour Internet providers inUlyanovsk, told Vedomosti that it blocked theentire websites because it did not have thetechnical capability toblock specific pages andthat thecourt ruling did not specify particular pages totarget anyway.
Federal Mass Media Inspection Service spokesman Vladimir Pikov told thenewspaper that his agency was surprised that thewebsites were blocked, since according toa recently enacted Internet censorship law, media outlets cannot be blocked.
InJuly oflast year, President Vladimir Putin signed thecensorship bill, which allows thefederal government toset up aregistry ofblacklisted websites containing child pornography, content promoting drug use andextremism, andother resources ruled illegal inRussia.
While bribery is acriminal offense inRussia, it is not specifically mentioned inthe bill.
"We expected this tohappen," said Galina Arapova, director ofthe enter forProtection ofMedia Rights. "The legislation is so vague andlacks any technical regulation."
Intheir statement, prosecutors did not identify theweb pages that they wanted blocked. Komsomolskaya Pravda said it found asarcastic article titled "On How toGive andReceive Bribes inthe Right Way" published more than adecade ago, while was unable tofind thelikely culprit.
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Blockage of Major News Websites Raises Censorship Fears
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Ron Paul’s America #46 ~ Dr Quits Insurance
Posted: at 3:44 pm
Ron Paul #39;s America #46 ~ Dr Quits Insurance Obama Nationalizing Schools
Please rate and subscribe!!! Please support: Ron Paul #39;s Podcast Nation programID=401 Ron Paul #39;Constitutiona...
By: RonPaulCC2012
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Ron Paul's America #46 ~ Dr Quits Insurance
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Ron Paul ~ Gold Will Go To Infinity, Because The Dollar Could Collapse Totally – Video
Posted: at 3:44 pm
Ron Paul ~ Gold Will Go To Infinity, Because The Dollar Could Collapse Totally
Please rate and subscribe!!! Ron Paul #39;Constitutionally Correct #39; 2012. Twitter: Facebook:
By: RonPaulCC2012
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Ron Paul ~ Gold Will Go To Infinity, Because The Dollar Could Collapse Totally - Video
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Ron Paul: Bernanke Should Resign – CNBC 6/18/2013 – Video
Posted: at 3:44 pm
Ron Paul: Bernanke Should Resign - CNBC 6/18/2013
Ron Paul says Fed Chairman Bernanke should "resign," and explains why the Fed #39;s plan is in so much trouble.
By: Eduardo89rp
Here is the original post:
Ron Paul: Bernanke Should Resign - CNBC 6/18/2013 - Video
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Ron Paul Crowd’s Crazy Conspiracy Theories – Video
Posted: at 3:44 pm
Ron Paul Crowd #39;s Crazy Conspiracy Theories
Subscribe to Take Action News with David Shuster for more: If you liked this clip of Tak...
By: TakeActionNewsTV
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Ron Paul Crowd's Crazy Conspiracy Theories - Video
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Ron Paul on Snowden – Video
Posted: at 3:44 pm
Ron Paul on Snowden
Amendment IVThe right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be viol...
By: newswidyo
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Ron Paul: Feds admit 14% unemployment – while denying it – Video
Posted: at 3:44 pm
Ron Paul: Feds admit 14% unemployment - while denying it
Ron Paul: Feds admit 14% unemployement - while denying it Subscribe to RidleyReport Links and info I do not own th...
By: AlternativeNews4U3
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Ron Paul: Feds admit 14% unemployment - while denying it - Video
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Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 1 Post Human PC Ultra Let’s Play Gameplay Commentary – Video
Posted: at 3:43 pm
Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 1 Post Human PC Ultra Let #39;s Play Gameplay Commentary
By: BestGameBox
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Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 1 Post Human PC Ultra Let's Play Gameplay Commentary - Video
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