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Category Archives: Transhuman News

DNA from 3 people to create embryos in United Kingdom?

Posted: June 29, 2013 at 1:47 pm

LONDON (KABC) -- A controversial technique to create embryos using DNA from three people may soon be allowed in Britain.

The technique was created to help women prevent birth defects from being passed on to their babies. It's intended to bypass faulty mitochondria, the energy source in cells. Muscular dystrophy, epilepsy, heart problems and mental retardation can result from faulty mitochondria from a mother.

Approximately one in 200 children born in Britain each year has a mitochondrial disorder.

For a woman with faulty mitochondria, scientists take only the healthy genetic material from her egg or embryo. They then transfer that into a donor egg or embryo that still has its healthy mitochondria but has had the rest of its key DNA removed. The fertilized embryo is then transferred into the womb of the mother.

"Scientists have developed ground-breaking new procedures which could stop these diseases being passed on," Britain's chief medical officer, Dr. Sally Davies, said in a statement on Friday. "It's only right that we look to introduce this life-saving treatment as soon as we can."

Similar research is going on in the U.S., where the embryos are not being used to produce children.

British law forbids altering a human egg or an embryo before transferring it into a woman, so such treatments are currently only allowed for research. The government says it plans to publish draft guidelines later this year before introducing a final version to be debated in the U.K. Parliament next year. Politicians would need to approve the use of the new techniques before patients could be treated.

Some groups oppose artificial reproduction techniques and believe the destruction of eggs or embryos to be immoral. British tabloids jumped on the procedure when it was first announced in 2008 and labeled it the creation of a three-parent baby - the mother, the donor and the father - a charge scientists claim is inaccurate because the amount of DNA from the donor egg is insignificant.

If British lawmakers agree, the U.K. would become the first country in the world where the technique could be used to create babies. Experts say the procedures would likely only be used in about a dozen women every year.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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DNA from 3 people to create embryos in United Kingdom?

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DNA tests "inconclusive" in Bristol woman’s unsolved 1977 murder

Posted: at 1:47 pm

The long awaited DNA tests in the Shaun Ritterson case are finally in, and the results have shed little light on the 35-year-old murder mystery.

Unfortunately, due to the degradation of the evidence, the test results came back inconclusive, said Matt Weintraub, Bucks County's chief of prosecution. They couldn't implicate our suspect, or rule our suspect out.

Like all homicides, the 20-year-old Bristol woman's case will remain open, Weintraub said, but will no longer be an active investigation.

Personally, I'm disappointed, he said. But professionally I'm satisfied that we've done all that we can do to solve this case and bring some finality to it.

Ritterson was found dead on a Buckingham hillside in June 1977. She had been stabbed and disemboweled.

Numerous people were questioned, but an arrest was never made.

In 2011, the Bucks County District Attorney's Office granted reporters from Calkins MediaThe Courier Times and Intelligencer's parent company unprecedented access to the Ritterson files and evidence. A year of research and interviews led to the award-winning series The Girl on Church Hill, published in June 2012.

The reporters' work also spurred investigators to reopen the case. A task force of detectives and other law enforcement officials re-interviewed as many witnesses as they could find, and chased down leads provided by newspaper readers.

Police in both 1977 and 2012 showed interest in Ritterson's uncle, Harry Ritterson. Witnesses described his relationship with his niece as extremely close, and said they often socialized together at bars despite a 20-year age difference.

A reporter interviewed Harry Ritterson at his Easton home last year. He said he knew he'd been blamed for his niece's murder and wanted to clear his name. Ritterson told the reporter that he wanted to speak with investigators and offered to take a DNA test. He then cut off all contact with the reporter.

See original here:
DNA tests "inconclusive" in Bristol woman's unsolved 1977 murder

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Watson: ‘DNA was my only gold rush’

Posted: at 1:47 pm


Cold Spring Harbor, New York (CNN) -- At 85, James Watson still plays tennis every week. His hips and knees haven't given out yet, he says, and he likes grass courts.

"I try and play people who can hit the ball hard," he said Tuesday at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, a Long Island, New York, research institution he directed for 25 years.

Watson has always gone up against tough competition, especially in science. Most famously, in 1953, he and Francis Crick figured out that DNA, the molecule of life, has a double helix structure, beating their rival Linus Pauling to the answer.

Solving the DNA structure set the stage for the foundation of much of modern biology, as scientists use insights about DNA to develop disease treatments, trace the inheritance of physical traits and explore how conditions can be passed down from generation to generation.

Having shared the Nobel Prize for the discovery with Crick and Maurice Wilkins in 1962, who are now both deceased, Watson is aware that he perhaps has no competitor in the title of most famous living scientist.

"That's really saying, there's not been another DNA," he said, clad in khaki Bermuda shorts, beige socks and brown loafers. "All you can say is that you were very lucky. You were born at the right time and your parents gave you books when you were young."

Early life

Milestones in genetics

Milestones in genetics

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Watson: 'DNA was my only gold rush'

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Mexico leads the world’s human genome research – Video

Posted: at 1:47 pm

Mexico leads the world #39;s human genome research
Mexico has become an international leader on the human genetic code research, this work is focused on meeting the epidemiological needs in the country. teleS...

By: telesurenglish

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Mexico leads the world's human genome research - Video

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William Davidson – Understanding Salmonid Biology from the Atlantic Salmon Genome – Video

Posted: at 1:47 pm

William Davidson - Understanding Salmonid Biology from the Atlantic Salmon Genome
William Davidson- Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C., Canada.

By: genome canada

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William Davidson - Understanding Salmonid Biology from the Atlantic Salmon Genome - Video

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Allowing our organs and DNA to speak with Genome Healing – Video

Posted: at 1:47 pm

Allowing our organs and DNA to speak with Genome Healing
Reprogramming yourself at the DNA level.

By: Carol Roberts

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Allowing our organs and DNA to speak with Genome Healing - Video

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700,000-Year-Old Horse Genome Pushes Limits of DNA Survival

Posted: at 1:47 pm

Genetic material suitable for sequencing could persist for as many as one million years, predict scientists.

A Przewalskis horse, which represents the last surviving line of wild horses, in Khomyntal, Western Mongolia.

Small pieces of a horses foot bone that were frozen for approximately 700,000 years in the Yukon Territory of Canada have yielded the oldest genome sequence of any species to date.

Scientists unearthed the bone fragments from the Artic permafrost in 2003 and dated the fossils to be between 560,000 - 780,000 years old. Using mass spectroscopy, they found that collagen and other proteins had survived since the Middle Pleistocene and so decided to see if DNA had also endured.

It had, and the resulting genome is nearly ten times older than any DNA previously sequenced, thus breaking the time barrier for the age of DNA viable for such analysis, said study author Eske Willerslev of the University of Copenhagen at a press conference in Helsinki on Wednesday.

Two pieces of the 700,000 year-old horse foot bone, just before scientists extracted the ancient DNA.

While the cold and dry conditions of the permafrost helped keep the DNA intact, the authors also perfected techniques for handling and analyzining the ancient DNA: reports Nature:

They also combined DNA sequencing techniques to get maximum DNA coverage using routine next-generation sequencing with single-molecule sequencing in which a machine directly reads the DNA without the need to amplify it up which can lose some DNA sequences.

The researchers predict that future ancient DNA studies could go even further back in time most likely up to a million years said Ludovic Orlando, a scientist at the University of Copenhagen and co-author on the study. Such a deep look into the evolutionary past obviously offers great perspective as to the level of detail with which we could reconstruct our own origins and the evolutionary history of almost every single species living on the planet, he said.

The study was published in Nature in Wednesday.

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700,000-Year-Old Horse Genome Pushes Limits of DNA Survival

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Rant: Eczema on the face Sucks! – Video

Posted: at 1:46 pm

Rant: Eczema on the face Sucks!
Just giving out my experience about this shitty skin disorder, for more information.

By: TheXEbonyXGoddess

Originally posted here:
Rant: Eczema on the face Sucks! - Video

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Cortisone induced eczema – Playing Sport – Video

Posted: at 1:46 pm

Cortisone induced eczema - Playing Sport
A quick update, now 9.5 months into recovery and playing sport twice a week. The body is loving it, even though it #39;s a dry winter here in Melbourne.

By: Josh Strawczynski

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Cortisone induced eczema - Playing Sport - Video

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Food Allergies and Eczema – Video

Posted: at 1:46 pm

Food Allergies and Eczema
What we #39;re doing to try and beat eczema and more investigation in the food allergies of our 10 month old. We #39;re switching formulas, too, and I thought we alr...

By: Jamie Roubinek

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Food Allergies and Eczema - Video

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