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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Chavez jury hears of DNA, another lover – Video
Posted: June 29, 2013 at 1:47 pm
Chavez jury hears of DNA, another lover
Day 11 of the Levi Chavez murder trial began with a DNA forensic expert talking about the gun found where the wife of the now-former cop was found dead.
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Familia Pereira comemorando oitenta anos da Dna Maria Marataizes ES – Video
Posted: at 1:47 pm
Familia Pereira comemorando oitenta anos da Dna Maria Marataizes ES
By: Junior Pereira
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Familia Pereira comemorando oitenta anos da Dna Maria Marataizes ES - Video
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Building 3D Structures with DNA Bricks – Video
Posted: at 1:47 pm
Building 3D Structures with DNA Bricks
Researchers at the Wyss Institute at Harvard have created more than 100 three-dimensional nanostructures using DNA building blocks that function like Lego b...
By: wyssinstitute
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How Did Police Destroy DNA Evidence in 48 Sex Assault Cases? – Video
Posted: at 1:47 pm
How Did Police Destroy DNA Evidence in 48 Sex Assault Cases?
The destroyed DNA evidence dates back to cases from 2009. The problem came to light when a detective made a DNA match in a 2009 sex assault case.
By: NewsyScience
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Reaction to destroyed DNA evidence n Aurora sex cases – Video
Posted: at 1:47 pm
Reaction to destroyed DNA evidence n Aurora sex cases
6/26 5 pm -- 7NEWS finds the ramifications of destroyed evidence in the Aurora police department could go beyond the police depart. Amanda Kost reports.
By: 7NewsDenver
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Reaction to destroyed DNA evidence n Aurora sex cases - Video
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Posted: at 1:47 pm
Unity camp by GBI Puri Indah [Youth - Junior Church - Sunday School] Ministry Teaser.
By: Ryan Reinaldo
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UK may approve creating babies with DNA from 3 people
Posted: at 1:47 pm
LONDON Britain may allow a controversial technique to create babies using DNA from three people, a move that would help couples avoid passing on rare genetic diseases, the country's top medical officer says.
The new techniques help women with faulty mitochondria, the energy source in a cell, from passing on to their babies defects that can result in such diseases as muscular dystrophy, epilepsy, heart problems and mental retardation. About one in 200 children is born every year in Britain with a mitochondrial disorder.
For a woman with faulty mitochondria, scientists take only the healthy genetic material from her egg or embryo. They then transfer that into a donor egg or embryo that still has its healthy mitochondria but has had the rest of its key DNA removed. The fertilized embryo is then transferred into the womb of the mother.
Some groups oppose artificial reproduction techniques and believe the destruction of eggs or embryos to be immoral. British tabloids jumped on the procedure when it was first announced in 2008 and labeled it the creation of a three-parent baby -- the mother, the donor and the father -- a charge scientists claim is inaccurate because the amount of DNA from the donor egg is insignificant.
"Scientists have developed ground-breaking new procedures which could stop these diseases being passed on," Britain's chief medical officer, Dr. Sally Davies, said in a statement on Friday. "It's only right that we look to introduce this life-saving treatment as soon as we can."
Similar research is going on in the U.S., where the embryos are not being used to produce children.
Earlier this year, the U.K.'s fertility regulator said it found most people supported the new in vitro fertilization methods after a public consultation that included hearings and written submissions. Critics have previously slammed the methods as unethical and say there are other ways for people with genetic problems to have healthy children, like egg donation or tests to screen out potentially problematic embryos.
In a response to the public consultation, the charity Christian Medical Fellowship said the techniques were unethical. "We do not consider that the hunt for `therapies' that might prevent a small number of disabled children (with mitochondrial disease) being born justifies the destruction of hundreds if not thousands of embryonic human lives," the group said. It also said there were lingering concerns about the safety of the techniques.
British law forbids altering a human egg or an embryo before transferring it into a woman, so such treatments are currently only allowed for research. The government says it plans to publish draft guidelines later this year before introducing a final version to be debated in the U.K. Parliament next year. Politicians would need to approve the use of the new techniques before patients could be treated.
If British lawmakers agree, the U.K. would become the first country in the world where the technique could be used to create babies. Experts say the procedures would likely only be used in about a dozen women every year.
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UK may approve creating babies with DNA from 3 people
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Little Mix in the USA: DNA Diaries – Recap – Video
Posted: at 1:47 pm
Little Mix in the USA: DNA Diaries - Recap
Webisode of the girls #39; adventures in the US! #MixersMagnets #DNAdiaries Download "DNA" here:
By: littlemixmusic
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Little Mix in the USA: DNA Diaries - Recap - Video
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Britain: DNA technique using ‘three-parent’ DNA progressing
Posted: at 1:47 pm
DNA/IVF technique prevents mothers from passing on diseases such as muscular dystrophy or heart conditions. (UPI Photo/Woo Suk Hwang/Seoul National University)
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LONDON, June 28 (UPI) -- Britain's chief medical officer said at a London briefing mitochondrial transfer -- parental DNA injected into a donor egg -- is moving toward being approved.
Sally Davies, the chief medical officer, said it's only right to introduce this life-saving treatment as soon as possible, The Guardian reported.
Draft regulations are expected to be ready this autumn. If the House of Commons approve regulations expected to be debated in Parliament next year, Britain could be the first country to offer the new treatment, officials said.
Doctors could be able to apply for permission for the procedure before the end of 2014, health officials said.
However, the technique, which has worked in animals, has never been tested in humans. Davies said any babies born via the "three-parent" process must be followed up to ensure they are healthy.
Researchers at Newcastle University in England pioneered the procedure targeting diseases caused by faulty mitochondria -- the tiny power units inside cells. The mitochondria disorders tend to affect parts of the body that need the most energy, including the heart, brain and muscles -- around 1-in-6,500 people in Britain are born with a mitochondrial disorder, making the condition more common than childhood cancer, Davies said.
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority published a study last March, which suggested the public was generally supportive of the technology that involves using a snippet of DNA from a healthy female donor to prevent mothers from passing on devastating genetic disorders such as muscular dystrophy or heart conditions.
However, some groups oppose the procedure because one approach involves the destruction of invitro fertilization embryos. The technique also crosses a line in medicine because it makes genetic modifications to an embryo that will pass down to all future generations, which raises the risk of unforeseen complications affecting generations to come, The Guardian said.
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Britain: DNA technique using 'three-parent' DNA progressing
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