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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Ron Paul EDUCATES Hillary Clinton on WARS and IRAN – Video
Posted: July 3, 2013 at 3:43 am
Ron Paul EDUCATES Hillary Clinton on WARS and IRAN
By: Al Quran
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Ron Paul’s Pod Cast Nation #18 ~ Big Brother – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Ron Paul #39;s Pod Cast Nation #18 ~ Big Brother
Please rate and subscribe!!! Please support: Ron Paul #39;s Podcast Nation programID=401 Ron Paul #39;Constitutiona...
By: RonPaulCC2012
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Ron Paul's Pod Cast Nation #18 ~ Big Brother - Video
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Ron Paul World Need Ron For President 2013 – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Ron Paul World Need Ron For President 2013
By: GalileoTVideos
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Ron Paul World Need Ron For President 2013 - Video
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Ron Paul pwns a trick question in Debate 1 10 08 YouTube – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Ron Paul pwns a trick question in Debate 1 10 08 YouTube
By: Al Quran
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Ron Paul: IRS agent misbehavior is systemic – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Ron Paul: IRS agent misbehavior is systemic
Sponsor: - Ron Paul: IRS agent misbehavior is systemic. Straight Talk from the *real* leader of the opposition...first broadcast 5.20...
By: RidleyReport
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Ron Paul: IRS agent misbehavior is systemic - Video
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Ron Paul on Lew Rockwell Show – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Ron Paul on Lew Rockwell Show
Ron Paul discusses the NSA, Edward Snowden, neocons, our corrupt government and more on Lew Rockwell #39;s radio show.
By: TheLibertarian4life
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Ron Paul on Lew Rockwell Show - Video
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Ron Paul on Gay Marriage What He Thinks Of Legalizing It – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Ron Paul on Gay Marriage What He Thinks Of Legalizing It
By: GalileoTVideos
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Ron Paul on Gay Marriage What He Thinks Of Legalizing It - Video
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Ron Paul: "If You Like The Surveillance State, You’ll Love E-Verify"
Posted: at 3:43 am
Submitted by Ron Paul via The Free Foundation blog,
From massive NSA spying, to IRS targeting of the administration's political opponents, to collection and sharing of our health care information as part of Obamacare, it seems every day we learn of another assault on our privacy. Sadly, this week the Senate took another significant, if little-noticed, step toward creating an authoritarian surveillance state. Buried in the immigration bill is a national identification system called mandatory E-Verify.
The Senate did not spend much time discussing E-Verify, and what little discussion took place was mostly bipartisan praise for its effectiveness as a tool for preventing illegal immigrants from obtaining employment. It is a tragedy that mandatory E-Verify is not receiving more attention, as it will impact nearly every Americans privacy and liberty.
The mandatory E-Verify system requires Americans to carry a tamper-proof social security card. Before they can legally begin a job, American citizens will have to show the card to their prospective employer, who will then have to verify their identity and eligibility to hold a job in the US by running the information through the newly-created federal E-Verify database. The database will contain photographs taken from passport files and state driver's licenses. The law gives federal bureaucrats broad discretion in adding other biometric identifiers to the database. It also gives the bureaucracy broad authority to determine what features the tamper proof card should contain.
Regardless of ones views on immigration, the idea that we should have to ask permission from the federal government before taking a job ought to be offensive to all Americans. Under this system, many Americans will be denied the opportunity for work. The E-Verify database will falsely identify thousands as "ineligible," forcing many to lose job opportunities while challenging government computer inaccuracies. E-Verify will also impose additional compliance costs on American businesses, at a time when they are struggling with Obamacare implementation and other regulations.
According to David Bier of Competitive Enterprise Institute, there is nothing stopping the use of E-Verify for purposes unrelated to work verification, and these expanded uses could be authorized by agency rule-making or executive order. So it is not inconceivable that, should this bill pass, the day may come when you are not be able to board an airplane or exercise your second amendment rights without being run through the E-Verify database. It is not outside the realm of possibility that the personal health care information that will soon be collected by the IRS and shared with other federal agencies as part of Obamacare will also be linked to the E-Verify system.
Those who dismiss these concerns as paranoid should consider that the same charges were leveled at those who warned that the PATRIOT Act could lead to the government collecting our phone records and spying on our Internet usage. Just as the PATRIOT Act was only supposed to be used against terrorists but is now used to bypass constitutional protections in matters having noting to do with terrorism or national security, the national ID/mandatory E-Verify database will not only be used to prevent illegal immigrants from gaining employment. Instead, it will eventually be used as another tool to monitor and control the American people.
The recent revelations of the extent of National Security Agency (NSA) spying on Americans, plus recent stories of IRS targeting Tea Party and similar groups for special scrutiny, demonstrates the dangers of trusting government with this type of power. Creation of a federal database with photos and possibly other biometric information about American citizens is a great leap forward for the surveillance state. All Americans who still care about limited government and individual liberty should strongly oppose E-Verify.
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Ron Paul: "If You Like The Surveillance State, You’ll Love E-Verify"
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Vince Vaughn and Ron Paul Bro Out Over BBQ, Monetary Policy
Posted: at 3:43 am
Vince Vaughn and Ron Paul at Ron Paul's annual BBQ at his home in Lake Jackson, Texas.
A curious photo,posted by Flickr user Gage Skidmore, emerged on the Internet Monday of actor Vince Vaughn and former Rep. Ron Paul helping themselves to some grub. It turns out Vaughn and Paul have been buddies for some time, and Vaughn was a guest of Paul's at his annual barbecue at his Lake Jackson, Texas, home Saturday.
"They've know each other for four or five years. Vince Vauhgn contacted Dr. Paul because he was interested in monetary policy and his book 'End the Fed,' " explains Megan Stiles, an attendee of the private BBQ who works for Campaign for Liberty, Paul's 501(c)(4) organization.
[READ: 'The Internship' Starring Vince Vaughn: Fresh Technology, Stale Jokes]
Vaughn explained as much when he introduced Paul at 2011's Liberty Political Action Conference.
"I think he was a little surprised to think that I was calling him but I was just impressed with his talking points on that subject and his willingness to get out there and really keep beating that drum," the "Wedding Crashers" star said at the conference.
Vaughn also told the Rolling Stone in an interview last month, "I really do like Ron Paul I agree with him on most things." Paul and his wife, Carol even attended the premiere of Vaughn's movie "Couples Retreat" in 2009.
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Vince Vaughn and Ron Paul Bro Out Over BBQ, Monetary Policy
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Is Rand Paul Libertarianism Compatible with Republican Ideology? – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Is Rand Paul Libertarianism Compatible with Republican Ideology?
From the 2013 Aspen Ideas Festival session "Future of the Republican Party". The Republican Party has seen its share of fractures, factions, and disruption o...
By: AspenInstitute
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Is Rand Paul Libertarianism Compatible with Republican Ideology? - Video
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