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Psoriasis behandling, FDA godkjent ingredienser – Video
Posted: July 3, 2013 at 3:44 am
Psoriasis behandling, FDA godkjent ingredienser
Klikk koblingen For mer informasjon: Revitol Dermasis er en Psoriasis krem som inneholder FDA godkjent ingredienser for hjelp...
By: bezutin koklov
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Psoriasis behandling, FDA godkjent ingredienser - Video
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National Psoriasis Foundation awards 12 psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis research fellowships
Posted: at 3:44 am
Public release date: 2-Jul-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Noe Baker 503-546-8413 National Psoriasis Foundation
PORTLAND, Ore. (July 1, 2013)Twelve residents and medical students each received a one-year, $40,000 National Psoriasis Foundation fellowship to study psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. The National Psoriasis Foundation Amgen Medical Dermatology Fellowships aim to increase the number of scientists studying and treating psoriatic diseases by encouraging promising doctors to dedicate their careers to psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis as physician researchers.
The fellowships connect an early-career doctor with an established psoriatic disease researcher who will oversee their work. Learn more about the Psoriasis Foundation fellowship program: The 2013 fellows are:
"These exciting projects, ranging from the impact of diet on psoriasis to the safety and performance of treatments in real life, are critical to answering questions about the causes of psoriatic diseases and how they can be stopped," said Randy Beranek, National Psoriasis Foundation president and CEO. "We launched this fellowship initiative because we know the future generation of researchers is the key to curing psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis."
The Psoriasis Foundation fellowships are supported by a grant from Amgen.
About the National Psoriasis Foundation
National Psoriasis Foundation is the world's largest nonprofit organization serving people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Our mission is to find a cure for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and to eliminate their devastating effects through research, advocacy and education. For more information, call the Psoriasis Foundation, headquartered in Portland, Ore., at 800.723.9166, or visit Follow the Psoriasis Foundation on Facebook and Twitter.
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National Psoriasis Foundation awards 12 psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis research fellowships
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Unnecessary Censorship (SourceFed Edition) – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Unnecessary Censorship (SourceFed Edition)
Decided to have a little fun with some old SourceFed Videos. I do not own any of the media within, please check out and support the great team over at Source...
By: Carder Williams
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Unnecessary Censorship (SourceFed Edition) - Video
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You Can’t Do That On Television ~ Censorship – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
You Can #39;t Do That On Television ~ Censorship
You Can #39;t Do That On Television - Episode 101 ~ Censorship.
By: Felix Cooper
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You Can't Do That On Television ~ Censorship - Video
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China’s great firewall censorship architect retires citing ill health
Posted: at 3:43 am
Chinese anti-censorship campaigners have rejoiced at the news that the man considered to be the architect of the country's 'great firewall', Fang Binxing, has announced plans to retire his post after suffering ill health.
In a speech to graduating students at Beijing's University of Post and Telecommunication at which he holds a professorship, 53 year-old Binxing cited a serious illness as the reason for his departure.
"Due to excessive demands on my body, and without enough time to replenish, I have experienced a serious illness and lost the capacity to stay up working day and night," he said in translated comments on the University's website.
"I can no longer put both academic research and administrative duty on my shoulders. This is why I have told the authorities that I will not serve for another term.
No date for that departure has been confirmed but already some of his critics expressed satisfaction at the news.
We are glad that you are gone! read one of the more polite comments translated from a post on China's equivalent of Twitter, Weibo.
The technocratic Binxing has become a touchstone for unhappiness at the State's censorship of Internet content. In May 2011, a campaigner reportedly threw eggs and shoes at him during one of his speeches. Some months before that incident his growing unpopularity was underlined by the defacement of a blog he published. Such open expresions of disrespect were considered highly unusual.
If as appears the case Binxing is gone for good, the 'golden shield' censorship system he helped create will mark him out as the key figure in the early period of China's digital growth. Whether it survives in in the long term is uncertain but few expect any short-term relaxation of its filtering.
With US politicians angsting about possible spying backdoors in equipment from telecoms firm Huawei, Binxing was also one figure willing to accuse US companies such as Google and Cisco of playing the same game to carry out surveillance on China.
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China's great firewall censorship architect retires citing ill health
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MrGagTube Ron Paul Economy Crisis Coming – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
MrGagTube Ron Paul Economy Crisis Coming
By: MrGagTube
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MrGagTube Ron Paul Economy Crisis Coming - Video
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Ron Paul: Paper Money Is The Culprit – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Ron Paul: Paper Money Is The Culprit
Ron Paul: Paper Money Is The Culprit We don #39;t live in #65279; #39;the real world, #39; we live in a world where everything financial is manipulated. We don #39;t live in #39;the ...
By: GoldandSilverNow
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Ron Paul: Paper Money Is The Culprit - Video
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Ron Paul LIKE A BOSS) Drops the Knowledge Bomb on Rick Perry and the media – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Ron Paul LIKE A BOSS) Drops the Knowledge Bomb on Rick Perry and the media
By: Al Quran
Ron Paul LIKE A BOSS) Drops the Knowledge Bomb on Rick Perry and the media - Video
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Ron Paul’s America #51 ~ Obama IRS
Posted: at 3:43 am
Ron Paul #39;s America #51 ~ Obama IRS Obama Advisors
Please rate and subscribe!!! Please support: Ron Paul #39;s Podcast Nation programID=401 Ron Paul #39;Constitutiona...
By: RonPaulCC2012
The rest is here:
Ron Paul's America #51 ~ Obama IRS
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Ron Paul booed for telling truth CIA and Military agree with him that isnt goo – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Ron Paul booed for telling truth CIA and Military agree with him that isnt goo
By: Al Quran
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Ron Paul booed for telling truth CIA and Military agree with him that isnt goo - Video
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