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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Microbial Genome Analysis in Lasergene Genomics Suite Webinar – Video
Posted: July 3, 2013 at 3:44 am
Microbial Genome Analysis in Lasergene Genomics Suite Webinar
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Translating the Cancer Genome: A Drug Discovery Perspective – Video
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Translating the Cancer Genome: A Drug Discovery Perspective
University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus Cancer Genetics Course A 5-day intensive course in the genetics of cancer for upper level undergraduates, ...
By: ciartech
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Human Genome Project : Nanotech and Microchip Precision Medicine (Jun 27, 2013) – Video
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Human Genome Project : Nanotech and Microchip Precision Medicine (Jun 27, 2013)
SOURCE: News Articles: Computers That You Eat (or That Eat You?)
By: SignsofThyComing
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Human Genome Project : Nanotech and Microchip Precision Medicine (Jun 27, 2013) - Video
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The Incomplete Map of the Cosmic Genome Teaser #1 – Video
Posted: at 3:44 am
The Incomplete Map of the Cosmic Genome Teaser #1
The original teaser trailer for new App #39;The Incomplete Map of the Cosmic Genome #39; featuring Robin Ince, Brian Cox, Richard Dawkins, Helen Czerski, Josie Long...
By: The Incomplete Map of the Cosmic Genome
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Smithsonian Genome Exhibit Unlocks 21st Century Science of Life – Video
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Smithsonian Genome Exhibit Unlocks 21st Century Science of Life
A new exhibit at the Smithsonian #39;s National Museum of Natural History in Washington celebrates two scientific milestones: The 10th anniversary of the complet...
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Premiere Edition Preview – The Incomplete Map of the Cosmic Genome – Video
Posted: at 3:44 am
Premiere Edition Preview - The Incomplete Map of the Cosmic Genome
A sneak peek at the premiere edition of TIMOTCG featuring Dr Lucie Green and Professor Lawrence Krauss. "The Incomplete Map of the Cosmic Genome" is a new Ap...
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Genome Institute of Singapore Scientists Discover Molecular Communication Network in Human Stem Cells
Posted: at 3:44 am
Singapore, July 2, 2013 - (ACN Newswire) - Scientists at A*STAR's Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) and the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics (MPIMG) in Berlin (Germany) have discovered a molecular network in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) that integrates cell communication signals to keep the cell in its stem cell state. These findings were reported in the June 2013 issue of Molecular Cell.
Human embryonic stem cells have the remarkable property that they can form all human cell types. Scientists around the world study these cells to be able to use them for medical applications in the future. Many factors are required for stem cells to keep their special state, amongst others the use of cell communication pathways.
Cell communication is of key importance in multicellular organisms. For example, the coordinated development of tissues in the embryo to become any specific organ requires that cells receive signals and respond accordingly. If there are errors in the signals, the cell will respond differently, possibly leading to diseases such as cancer. The communication signals which are used in hESCs activate a chain of reactions (called the extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) pathway) within each cell, causing the cell to respond by activating genetic information.
Scientists at the GIS and MPIMG studied which genetic information is activated in the cell, and thereby discovered a network for molecular communication in hESCs. They mapped the kinase interactions across the entire genome, and discovered that ERK2, a protein that belongs to the ERK signaling family, targets important sites such as non-coding genes and histones, cell cycle, metabolism and also stem cell-specific genes.
The ERK signaling pathway involves an additional protein, ELK1 which interacts with ERK2 to activate the genetic information. Interestingly, the team also discovered that ELK1 has a second, totally opposite function. At genomic sites which are not targeted by ERK signaling, ELK1 silences genetic information, thereby keeping the cell in its undifferentiated state. The authors propose a model that integrates this bi-directional control to keep the cell in the stem cell state.
These findings are particularly relevant for stem cell research, but they might also help research in other related fields.
First author Dr Jonathan Goke from Stem Cell and Developmental Biology at the GIS said, "The ERK signaling pathway has been known for many years, but this is the first time we are able to see the full spectrum of the response in the genome of stem cells. We have found many biological processes that are associated with this signaling pathway, but we also found new and unexpected patterns such as this dual mode of ELK1. It will be interesting to see how this communication network changes in other cells, tissues, or in disease."
"A remarkable feature of this study is, how the information was extracted by computational means from the experimental data," said Prof Martin Vingron from MPIMG and co-author of this study.
Prof Ng Huck Hui added, "This is an important study because it describes the cell's signaling networks and its integration into the general regulatory network. Understanding the biology of embryonic stem cells is a first step to understanding the capabilities and caveats of stem cells in future medical applications."
Notes to the Editor:
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Genome Institute of Singapore Scientists Discover Molecular Communication Network in Human Stem Cells
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AXA Longevity-Pr. Stephen Coles: Is there an upper limit to human longevity? – Video
Posted: at 3:44 am
AXA Longevity-Pr. Stephen Coles: Is there an upper limit to human longevity?
To date, there are 90 known cases of people who are 110 or older, still alive and living somewhere in the world. An MD, Stephen Coles has specialised in the ...
By: axapeopleprotectors
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AXA Longevity-Pr. Stephen Coles: Is there an upper limit to human longevity? - Video
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how to treat eczema naturally fast – eczema home remedies – Video
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how to treat eczema naturally fast - eczema home remedies
how to treat eczema naturally fast - eczema home remedies More info: Suffering from severe and chronic eczema is...
By: david anderson
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how to treat eczema naturally fast - eczema home remedies - Video
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Day 26 – How My Mum Cured Her Eczema After 57 Years – Video
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Day 26 - How My Mum Cured Her Eczema After 57 Years
How I cured my lifelong Eczema after 57 years, my mum tells all. ** Please SHARE with friends, don #39;t forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE **
By: RawHealthPeace
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Day 26 - How My Mum Cured Her Eczema After 57 Years - Video
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