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Watch: Ron Paul, Julian Assange Talk Syria
Posted: September 4, 2013 at 12:46 pm
Former Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, and WikiLeaks leader Julian Assange often praise each other, but for the first time next week Internet users can watch the libertarian champion interview the publisher of secret documents.
The interview will air on Paul's Internet TV station,RonPaulChannel.Com, which launched Aug. 12. Full access to the site requires a subscription, currently going for $9.95 a month.
In a clip of the forthcoming Assange interview, provided to U.S. News, the two leaders both vocal critics of past U.S. military endeavours - discuss the possibility of western military action against Syria's government.
[READ:U.S. Releases Syria Chemical Weapons Report]
"Haven't you touched on this subject, of somebody looking for an incident with Syria that would justify all of the countries to come in and the United States government to come in and the British government to come in and do something in Syria?" Paul asks Assange.
The WikiLeaks boss, who has been holed up in Ecuador's embassy in London for the past year, explained that WikiLeaks did indeed publish such material.
Assange cited a leaked December 2011 email from intelligence contractor Stratfor, a report back from a staffer who met with U.S. Air Force, French military and British military officials about a possible military intervention in Syria.
[MORE:Britain Out, France in for Looming U.S. Strike in Syria]
The officials reportedly thought a military intervention would need "some humanitarian outrage to hook it all on to, and we have seen that," Assange said.
On Friday the White House released areportclaiming that 1,429 Syrians were killed in an Aug. 21 chemical attack by the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The British parliament on Thursday voted down a proposal to attack Syria in response to the alleged chemical attack. In the United States, too, many politicians worry President Barack Obama's administration could rush into a war based on inaccurate intelligence.
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Watch: Ron Paul, Julian Assange Talk Syria
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Ron Paul Unfiltered: Libertarian Icon On His New Internet TV Channel
Posted: at 12:46 pm
John W. Adkisson / Getty Images
Ron Paul in 2012 in Greenville, S. C.
Former Texas congressman Ron Paul has never been at a loss for ways to pass the time. Between his books hes got a new one out in September speaking engagements, the presidential runs, and now his online venture the Ron Paul Channel, his professional pace has tended to belie his 78 years.
The newest of those enterprises is his just-launched subscription-based video channel, a platform presenting Pauls unfettered commentary on the news of the day for which subscribers pay $9.95 a month. That gets them access to a handful of episodes a week featuring the indefatigable libertarian standard-bearer editorializing at length on his favorite subjects and interviewing friendly guests, with Paul broadcasting from Texas and most of the technicians working from California.
Paul, who says he doesnt technically own the outlet, nevertheless sees its launch as typifying todays media topography, in which mobile devices level the playing field for would-be publishers and let anyone with a microphone use new media to bypass old gatekeepers.
To help him take the plunge into new media, Paul is relying on an ownership group whose leadership has ties to prominent tech and venture capital firms.
(MORE: Seven Highlights from Ron Pauls reddit AMA)
When I left Congress, a lot of people came to me and suggested new ways to do the things Ive done for a long time, Paul told TIME. They had different suggestions for different vehicles, but most of them were really using the Internet, since the Internet was always the friend of our campaigns and for our supporters to get organized. So I went with the group that offered to set up the ability for me to work from Texas and not have to go to New York or travel to communicate. They set this up where I could have an Internet-based program, which was attractive to me.
Were doing this because we believe the news is canned. That you dont get independent analysis. The channel does have similarities to TV-type programming, but it really cant be a news channel where youre up on every second of the news around the world, because that costs many millions of dollars, so its limited to guests and commentary on policy.
Indicative of his focus purely on his channels content lots of foreboding about U.S. action in Syria, for example, and Pauls usual castigation of the surveillance state Paul did not have a number or estimate of subscribers, and did not immediately recall the name of the ownership group behind the Ron Paul Channel when asked. That group would be a California entity called Social Programming Network, which reported earlier this year it had raised a little more than $4 million in a private offering, according to a regulatory filing.
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Ron Paul Unfiltered: Libertarian Icon On His New Internet TV Channel
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Ron Paul on His New TV Channel
Posted: at 12:46 pm
John W. Adkisson / Getty Images
Ron Paul in 2012 in Greenville, S. C.
Former Texas congressman Ron Paul has never been at a loss for ways to pass the time. Between his books hes got a new one out in September speaking engagements, the presidential runs, and now his online venture the Ron Paul Channel, his professional pace has tended to belie his 78 years.
The newest of those enterprises is his just-launched subscription-based video channel, a platform presenting Pauls unfettered commentary on the news of the day for which subscribers pay $9.95 a month. That gets them access to a handful of episodes a week featuring the indefatigable libertarian standard-bearer editorializing at length on his favorite subjects and interviewing friendly guests, with Paul broadcasting from Texas and most of the technicians working from California.
Paul, who says he doesnt technically own the outlet, nevertheless sees its launch as typifying todays media topography, in which mobile devices level the playing field for would-be publishers and let anyone with a microphone use new media to bypass old gatekeepers.
To help him take the plunge into new media, Paul is relying on an ownership group whose leadership has ties to prominent tech and venture capital firms.
(MORE: Seven Highlights from Ron Pauls reddit AMA)
When I left Congress, a lot of people came to me and suggested new ways to do the things Ive done for a long time, Paul told TIME. They had different suggestions for different vehicles, but most of them were really using the Internet, since the Internet was always the friend of our campaigns and for our supporters to get organized. So I went with the group that offered to set up the ability for me to work from Texas and not have to go to New York or travel to communicate. They set this up where I could have an Internet-based program, which was attractive to me.
Were doing this because we believe the news is canned. That you dont get independent analysis. The channel does have similarities to TV-type programming, but it really cant be a news channel where youre up on every second of the news around the world, because that costs many millions of dollars, so its limited to guests and commentary on policy.
Indicative of his focus purely on his channels content lots of foreboding about U.S. action in Syria, for example, and Pauls usual castigation of the surveillance state Paul did not have a number or estimate of subscribers, and did not immediately recall the name of the ownership group behind the Ron Paul Channel when asked. That group would be a California entity called Social Programming Network, which reported earlier this year it had raised a little more than $4 million in a private offering, according to a regulatory filing.
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Ron Paul on His New TV Channel
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Ron Paul: Military force against Syria 'reckless,' 'immoral'
Posted: at 12:46 pm
Former Rep. Ron Paul, Texas Republican, used his weekly column to argue strenuously against military intervention in Syria, accusing Congress of allowing itself to be used as window-dressing for an imperial president.
Every member ought to vote against this reckless and immoral use of the U.S. military, wrote Mr. Paul, whose libertarian views on defense issues typically place him far outside the median GOP position on such matters. But even if every single member and senator votes for another war, it will not make this terrible idea any better because some sort of nod is given to the Constitution along the way.
President Obama got a boost for his case Tuesday when the top two Republicans in the GOP-controlled House of Representatives, Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio and Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia, said they support his position. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, is on board as well.
Mr. Paul, a sharp critic of what he saw as the military adventurism of the George W. Bush administration during the last decade, goes on to argue that such U.S. interventionism is bankrupting the country.
I agree that any chemical attack, particularly one that kills civilians, is horrible and horrendous. All deaths in war and violence are terrible and should be condemned, he wrote. But why are a few hundred killed by chemical attack any worse or more deserving of U.S. bombs than the 100,000 already killed in the conflict? Why do these few hundred allegedly killed by [Syrian President Bashar] Assad count any more than the estimated 1,000 Christians in Syria killed by U.S. allies on the other side? Why is it any worse to be killed by poison gas than to have your head chopped off by the U.S.-allied radical Islamists, as has happened to a number of Christian priests and bishops in Syria?
Mr. Paul concluded by arguing that the United States empire is heading for the same collapse as Rome if it continues down its current war path.
What we desperately need is an overwhelming congressional rejection of the presidents war authorization, he wrote. Even a favorable vote, however, cannot change the fact that this is a self-destructive and immoral policy.
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Ron Paul: Military force against Syria 'reckless,' 'immoral'
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Ron Paul: Syria Intervention ‘Beginning of the End’ of ‘American Empire’
Posted: at 12:46 pm
How many people do we have to kill? former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) told Fox News Channel host Neil Cavuto on Tuesday. Discussing the plan for a possible intervention in Syria after government forces used chemical weapons on civilians, Paul said that if the president does not get a vote in Congress authorizing Syrian intervention, it would represent the beginning of the end of the American empire.
I think there is a sea change, Paul said of the debate over Syrian intervention. The American people are waking up. They are tired of it. They dont have the money.
Paul said that one of the few reasons America is contemplating intervention in Syria is because President Barack Obama drew a red line at the use of chemical weapons.
When asked by Cavuto if there would be no intervention had Obama not drawn his red line, Paul said it was entirely possible. He insisted that Republicans quickly politicized Obamas statement on Syria.
RELATED: CNNs Christiane Amanpour Hammers Syrian U.N. Amb. for Defending Victim Assad
The McCain-ites and the Lindsey Grahams, they love this stuff, Paul said. Theyve been screaming for war for two years.
Why do we have to always solve these arguments within a country civil strife, civil wars with our military? Paul asked. Its getting old. The people dont like it. We cant afford it. Its going to cost billions of dollars.
Paul advised the Congress not to give Obama authority to attack Syria. He said that the president has repeatedly stated that does not need authorization in order to attack Syria and that authority will only be abused.
If Obama doesnt get this vote, this is the beginning of the end, and fortunately so, for the American empire, Paul said. It would be a great victory for the cause of liberty and peace.
Watch the clip below via Fox News Channel:
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Ron Paul: Syria Intervention ‘Beginning of the End’ of ‘American Empire’
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Green libertarianism – Video
Posted: at 12:46 pm
Green libertarianism
The WikiPlays article Green libertarianism is composed of Creative Common Content. The Original Article can be location at
By: willy wacko
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Green libertarianism - Video
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David Butler – Libertarianism and Freemasonry – PorcFest X – Video
Posted: at 12:46 pm
David Butler - Libertarianism and Freemasonry - PorcFest X
Exploring Freemasonry #39;s libertarian history, values and traditions. David Butler Senior Technical Account Manager, . Early mover - reformed Republican. | Mov...
By: RedPillRecording
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David Butler - Libertarianism and Freemasonry - PorcFest X - Video
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The Limits of Libertarianism – Video
Posted: at 12:46 pm
The Limits of Libertarianism
This video briefly explains the limits of libertarian political philosophy and how it sits alongside moral philosophy, with some comparison to political phil...
By: Duncan Whitmore
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The Limits of Libertarianism - Video
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Transhumanist Explains His Invention – HD – Video
Posted: at 12:46 pm
Transhumanist Explains His Invention - HD Stay in the know - Follow Alex on Twitter: #39;Like #39; Alex on FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook...
By: AlexJonesInfoHD
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Transhumanist Explains His Invention - HD - Video
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Transhuman plot to dominate the world – Video
Posted: at 12:46 pm
Transhuman plot to dominate the world
Transhuman plot to dominate the world.
By: oosveluzo levso
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Transhuman plot to dominate the world - Video
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