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Eczema and Halite! (Himalayan rock salt) – Video
Posted: September 4, 2013 at 12:47 pm
Eczema and Halite! (Himalayan rock salt)
A bit about how I think this has cured eczema, and may help yours too!
By: Victoria Melia
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Eczema and Halite! (Himalayan rock salt) - Video
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Rain Soul Testimonial 10 Eczema – Video
Posted: at 12:47 pm
Rain Soul Testimonial 10 Eczema
By: Make It Rain Team
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Rain Soul Testimonial 10 Eczema - Video
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Swimming During Pregnancy Could Increase Child's Asthma, Eczema Risk
Posted: at 12:47 pm
September 2, 2013
redOrbit Staff & Wire Reports Your Universe Online
Expectant mothers who swim during pregnancy could increase the chance their child will develop asthma or eczema later in life, according to research appearing in the British Journal of Dermatology.
According to the researchers, airborne chemicals from chlorine (which is used to keep pools clean) could alter the immune system of an unborn child, increasing his or her risk of developing those conditions, Rebecca Seales of the Daily Mail reported on Sunday.
The same is true for some cleaning products and cosmetics, scientists from the St. Johns Institute of Dermatology in London and the University of Manchester warn in their study. Their research sought to investigate potential causes of a fivefold increase in asthma, eczema and hay fever cases in the UK over the past five years.
The increase has already been linked to a number of factors including the fact that people wash themselves more often, so have lower resistance, and have less exposure than before to vitamin D, noted Claire Duffin of The Telegraph.
However, the study authors reviewed existing evidence and the results of previous tests and have concluded that exposure to certain airborne chemicals during pregnancy and in early life may play a contributory role in influencing susceptibility to atopic allergy, she added.
Dr. John McFadden, consultant dermatologist at St Johns Institute of Dermatology, told The Telegraph additional research into the potential link between the chemicals and the increase in disease risk should be analyzed. He said the scientific community was still searching for the exact cause, and that he and his colleagues have developed another potential source, and people are using far more chemicals than they did five decades ago.
Research has found that people with atopic allergies tend to have an immune system in which the element which fights parasites is more dominant than that which combats bacteria, Duffin said. During a womans pregnancy, her immune system skews the same way to protect against miscarriage and premature labor. It means her babys immune system is also biased when it is born.
Normally, the babys immune system would rebalance within a year. However, the scientists believe that environmental factors, such as airborne chemicals, may result in a permanent skewing of the immune system, which then leaves children predisposed to allergies, she added. Currently, health experts encourage pregnant women to maintain their health by doing low-intensity exercise such as swimming, added Seales.
Originally posted here:
Swimming During Pregnancy Could Increase Child's Asthma, Eczema Risk
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Probiotic Action, a Probiotics for Eczema Pioneer Shares New Insight On Eczema Triggers and How to Treat Them
Posted: at 12:47 pm
Miami, FL (PRWEB) September 02, 2013
A recent article posted on the in the UK shared information surrounding the connection between common personal care items, and eczema. As the article states, recent reports of allergic reactions, lung illnesses, and eczema have been associated with the use of spray deodorant, and other aerosol items. While the associated effects of aerosol sprays have been known to cause coughing and sneezing, sources are now claiming the use of aerosol propellants is largely associated with eczema breakouts in men, and women. As a leader in eczema awareness and education Probiotic Action shares the new industry insight on eczema triggers and how to treat them.
Most studies have proven that eczema is often a reaction from external catalysts, similar to allergies, causing the skin to react in breakouts. Although many individuals have not classified the entirety of their triggers, common reactors are perfume, soaps, clothing materials, and even food. Aside from items that may come in direct contact with skin, certain sprays, containing aerosol propellant chemicals are now being classified as a breakout catalyst. For those who have experienced allergic reactions to common beauty items, industry experts are suggesting that users look more closely into the ingredients of their care items. Items containing alcohols, aluminums, and perfumes have been known to dehydrate the skin, making it more susceptible to a reaction. While some look to topical ointments to reduce the after breakout effects, recent findings are claiming the use of probiotics may aide in the reduction of skin irritation from allergens, or irritants as they are known to reduce inflammation in certain body systems.
When asked about the recent development of using probiotics for eczema, Fernando Perez, a spokesman for Probiotic Action added his advice, Rather than trying to react to breakouts, those with eczema should do further research into what is causing their breakouts. While studies are still being conducted, many are finding that using probiotics on a regular basis may help reduce inflammation, and allergic reactions on the skin. For those with eczema, using a product that reduces redness, inflammation, and promotes healthy bacteria on the skin should be considered as a treatment option.
For more information on using probiotics for eczema, psoriasis, acne, and other skin conditions, visit and like them on Facebook for reviews and product updates.
Probiotic Action is an advanced acne treatment that uses Probiotics for acne containing the good bacteria that is naturally found on healthy human skin. By using probiotics, Probiotic Action is an effective treatment that restores the normal bacteria content on skin, while battling what causes acne. Probiotic Action will successfully clear skin when used as an adult acne treatment while protecting skin against bad bacteria, free radicals, and pollutants.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Probiotic Action is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Original post:
Probiotic Action, a Probiotics for Eczema Pioneer Shares New Insight On Eczema Triggers and How to Treat Them
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Research and Markets: Eczema – Pipeline Review, H2 2013
Posted: at 12:47 pm
Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Eczema - Pipeline Review, H2 2013" report to their offering.
'Eczema - Pipeline Review, H2 2013', provides an overview of the indication's therapeutic pipeline. This report provides information on the therapeutic development for Eczema, complete with latest updates, and special features on late-stage and discontinued projects. It also reviews key players involved in the therapeutic development for Eczema.
- A snapshot of the global therapeutic scenario for Eczema.
- A review of the Eczema products under development by companies and universities/research institutes based on information derived from company and industry-specific sources.
- Coverage of products based on various stages of development ranging from discovery till registration stages.
- A feature on pipeline projects on the basis of monotherapy and combined therapeutics.
- Coverage of the Eczema pipeline on the basis of route of administration and molecule type.
- Key discontinued pipeline projects.
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Research and Markets: Eczema - Pipeline Review, H2 2013
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How To Cure Psoriasis – Discover The Latest Best Cure For Psoriasis Revealed – Video
Posted: at 12:47 pm
How To Cure Psoriasis - Discover The Latest Best Cure For Psoriasis Revealed how to cure psoriasis first understand that psoriasis is a function of the body being unable to healthily reproduce skin cells it...
By: Sarah Bayley
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How To Cure Psoriasis - Discover The Latest Best Cure For Psoriasis Revealed - Video
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Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 12:47 pm
Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis
Browse Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis on Video MD. See more from Arthritis.
By: LifeIsBeautiful
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Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis - Video
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Research and Markets: Psoriasis – Pipeline Review, H2 2013
Posted: at 12:47 pm
Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Psoriasis - Pipeline Review, H2 2013" report to their offering.
'Psoriasis - Pipeline Review, H2 2013', provides an overview of the indication's therapeutic pipeline. This report provides information on the therapeutic development for Psoriasis, complete with latest updates, and special features on late-stage and discontinued projects. It also reviews key players involved in the therapeutic development for Psoriasis.
- A snapshot of the global therapeutic scenario for Psoriasis.
- A review of the Psoriasis products under development by companies and universities/research institutes based on information derived from company and industry-specific sources.
- Coverage of products based on various stages of development ranging from discovery till registration stages.
- A feature on pipeline projects on the basis of monotherapy and combined therapeutics.
- Coverage of the Psoriasis pipeline on the basis of route of administration and molecule type.
- Key discontinued pipeline projects.
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Research and Markets: Psoriasis - Pipeline Review, H2 2013
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Daavlin Home Phototherapy for Psoriasis and Vitiligo – Video
Posted: at 12:47 pm
Daavlin Home Phototherapy for Psoriasis and Vitiligo
By: Dilaser S.A
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Daavlin Home Phototherapy for Psoriasis and Vitiligo - Video
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Psoriasis Natural Treatment – Natural Psoriasis Treatment (PROOF) – Video
Posted: at 12:47 pm
Psoriasis Natural Treatment - Natural Psoriasis Treatment (PROOF) - Best Natural Psoriasis Treatment. Psoriasis Natural Treatment Safe and effective . Don #39;t go for any natural psoriasis products...
By: babbol ani
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Psoriasis Natural Treatment - Natural Psoriasis Treatment (PROOF) - Video
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