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Category Archives: Transhuman News
How to Recover Deleted Music from HTC DNA – Video
Posted: September 4, 2013 at 12:48 pm
How to Recover Deleted Music from HTC DNA
Lost your music files on HTC Droid DNA? Here is the best way for you to get them back: [Dr.Fone for Android (Windows)]
By: Selena Lee
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How to Recover Deleted Music from HTC DNA - Video
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How to Recover Deleted Photos from HTC DNA – Video
Posted: at 12:48 pm
How to Recover Deleted Photos from HTC DNA
Free download the powerful HTC Droid DNA Data Recovery - Dr.Fone for Android: [Dr.Fone for Android (Windows)]
By: Selena Lee
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How to Recover Deleted Photos from HTC DNA - Video
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Darkness, Deception, DNA – Video
Posted: at 12:48 pm
Darkness, Deception, DNA
Lisa Bradford had two beautiful children and a charming, doting husband, Dennis. She thought she had a happily ever after ahead of her. However, when Dennis ...
By: idfullepisodes
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Darkness, Deception, DNA - Video
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How to Recover Deleted Videos from HTC DNA – Video
Posted: at 12:48 pm
How to Recover Deleted Videos from HTC DNA
Download HTC DNA Droid Videos Recovery program for free to retrieve your lost videos: [Dr.Fone for Android (Windows)]
By: Selena Lee
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How to Recover Deleted Videos from HTC DNA - Video
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Wanessa DNA Tour – em Teresina. – Video
Posted: at 12:48 pm
Wanessa DNA Tour - em Teresina.
Wanessa DNA Tour - em Teresina-PI no Villa Rio.
By: ThiagoTify
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Wanessa DNA Tour - em Teresina. - Video
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Dizaster: DNA Made Chilla Jones Look Like an Ant – Video
Posted: at 12:48 pm
Dizaster: DNA Made Chilla Jones Look Like an Ant - Dizaster opened up on his history with battling in this clip from his exclusive interview with VladTV. Diz explained that he began r...
By: djvlad
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Posted: at 12:48 pm
Dinamismo, sin importar que edad, solo en DNA CONECTIONS...
By: Christian Dasilva
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'Highly programmable' DNA cubes could be used for drug delivery
Posted: at 12:48 pm
3D cages made from strands of DNA could be used as a nanotechnology solution for drug delivery.
Cubes of DNA, with molecular tentacles, or chains, attached on each corner, spontaneously create water-repellant carriages that could be used to carry drugs.
In research carried out at McGill University in Canada, lipid-tipped DNA chains attached to DNA cubes folded back inside, creating places for hydrophobic molecules to be carried. The research is detailed in a paper published in Nature Chemistry on 1 September.
Importantly, the drugs are released by snipping off the tentacles. By designing the cages with specific delivery sites in mind, the tentacles could fall off when the cages arrive at the proper location, delivering the drugs to where they are most effective.
The potential for DNA cages in drug delivery partly lies in their ability to form a variety of cell-like stable structures. As a 2013 paper from Universite Bordeaux Segalen noted, "the ability of DNA to form predicatble and complex nano-architectures is virtually unlimited."
"We are able to create DNA cages with any geometry, size or shape, and that's unique among drug delivery vehicles," says Hanadi Sleiman, who led the research. "They are extremely programmable."
Finding novel ways of inducing these cages to carry a cargo and then release it at the appropriate point is currently a very active area of research. This study is the first time molecules that don't actively attach to DNA have been transported inside a DNA cage.
"[Putting molecules] in a DNA cage is difficult as the pore size is very large," says Sleiman.
To solve this problem, the team added altered DNA chains -- dendritic DNA or "D-DNA" -- to each of the corners of a DNA cube. The chains are known as "amphipiles", meaning that that they are attracted to both water and lipids. As the chains themselves have lipids on the ends, they are therefore attracted to each other.
"When there are eight amphiphiles, they engage in an intramolecular "handshake" inside the cube [] this encapsulates small molecules and releases them by DNA recognition," the team note in the paper.
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'Highly programmable' DNA cubes could be used for drug delivery
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DNA 'cages' hope for drug delivery
Posted: at 12:48 pm
Tiny "cages" of DNA can be used to deliver drugs to diseased cells, new research has shown.
The discovery opens up new avenues for highly-precise targeted treatments.
Scientists are conducting cell and animal studies to see if the DNA "smart bombs" can be used to tackle leukaemia and prostate cancer.
Lead scientist Professor Hanadi Sleiman, from McGill University in Canada, said: "This research is important for drug delivery, but also for fundamental structural biology and nanotechnology."
DNA carries all the genetic information of living organisms, but can also be used to build microscopic structures.
Prof Sleiman's team first created cubes from short strands of DNA, then modified them with fatty lipid molecules.
The lipids created a sticky "core" within the cube that could hold cargo such as a drug.
Scientists from the same laboratory have previously shown that gold nanoparticles can be loaded and released from DNA tubes.
The "cages" can trap much smaller particles than gold, making them suitable for medical applications.
A major advantage is that they can be designed to release drugs in the presence of a specific genetic code sequence.
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DNA 'cages' hope for drug delivery
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IntegenX to Present Significant Advances in Rapid DNA Technology at the 25th World Congress of the International …
Posted: at 12:48 pm
IntegenX Inc., the leading developer of rapid human DNA identification technology, today announced that it has completed developmental validation for the RapidHIT System, the first fully automated, fully integrated rapid human DNA identification system. Data will be presented at the 25th World Congress of the International Society of Forensic Genetics in Melbourne, Australia, September 2-7, 2013.
Completion of SWGDAM (Scientific Working Group for DNA Analysis Methods) developmental validation is a key milestone necessary for the full commercialization of DNA technologies for the purposes of human identification in forensics, law enforcement, defense, homeland security, and intelligence community applications. In addition to developmental validation data including highly successful CODIS profile generation, IntegenX will present data on the use of the RapidHIT System to analyze samples routinely recovered from crime scenes, such as blood and saliva. These applications dramatically expand the utility of the RapidHIT System for use in crime scene investigation and rapid lead identification by law enforcement, defense, and the intelligence community. The ability to rapidly generate DNA profiles on a variety of biological samples fundamentally changes the way investigations are conducted by enabling forensics and law enforcement personnel to quickly link a suspects DNA to a crime scene, or eliminate suspicion, all while the suspect is still in custody.
The completion of a developmental validation study by the manufacturer is a critical important step toward establishing rapid DNA technology as reliable and robust. Rapid DNA technology will enable both forensic and law enforcement professionals to expand the use of DNA typing as a tool to solve crimes, said Dr. Bruce Budowle, Professor, Executive Director of the Institute of Applied Genetics at the University of North Texas Health Science Center.
Were thrilled at the full commercial launch of the RapidHIT System, and the significant validation dataset we have been able to generate. We look forward to helping communities and governments throughout the world implement such a game changing technology, commented Robert Schueren, President and Chief Executive Officer of IntegenX.
The IntegenX RapidHIT System fully automates and integrates all steps necessary to generate a DNA profile in approximately 90 minutes. With less than five minutes of hands-on time, a user can generate up to five complete DNA profiles, as well as a positive and negative control. DNA profiles generated by the RapidHIT System are compatible with standard databases that contain previously generated profiles from reference and crime scene sources. Combining ease of use and rapid turnaround time for DNA results will have a high impact toward ensuring the safety of our communities.
About IntegenX Inc.
IntegenX, headquartered in Pleasanton, California, is a leading developer of rapid human DNA identification technology. IntegenX technology platforms are the result of the integration of advanced fluidics, optics, and biochemistry capabilities to produce sample-to-answer products for DNA-based human identity testing, forensics, and biodefense applications. For more information, please visit
IntegenX, the IntegenX logo, and RapidHIT are trademarks of IntegenX Inc. All other names or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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