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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Ron Paul’s Inaugural Speech – Video
Posted: September 5, 2013 at 10:41 am
Posted in Ron Paul
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Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 9-2-2013 ~ Will Congress Endorse Obama’s War Plans? Does It Matter? – Video
Posted: at 10:41 am
Ron Paul #39;s Texas Straight Talk 9-2-2013 ~ Will Congress Endorse Obama #39;s War Plans? Does It Matter?
Please rate and subscribe!!! Ron Paul #39;Constitutionally Correct #39; 2012. Twitter: Facebook:
By: RonPaulCC2012
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Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 9-2-2013 ~ Will Congress Endorse Obama's War Plans? Does It Matter? - Video
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Ron Paul Syria Intervention ‘Beginning of the End’ of ‘American Empire’ Neil Cavuto 9 3 13 – Video
Posted: at 10:41 am
Ron Paul Syria Intervention #39;Beginning of the End #39; of #39;American Empire #39; Neil Cavuto 9 3 13
Please, Like..Subscribe and Share Ron Paul Syria Intervention #39;Beginning of the End #39; of #39;American Empire #39; Neil Cavuto 9 3 13.
By: Anastasiya Novikova
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Ron Paul Syria Intervention 'Beginning of the End' of 'American Empire' Neil Cavuto 9 3 13 - Video
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Ron Paul: ‘I smell Iraq all over again’ – Video
Posted: at 10:41 am
Ron Paul: #39;I smell Iraq all over again #39;
Former Rep. Ron Paul says he is against the Syria intervention. Rep. Mike Quigley believes the U.S. should get involved.
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Ron Paul: 'I smell Iraq all over again' - Video
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Inside the Beltway: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange meets Ron Paul
Posted: at 10:40 am
Yes, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange still has asylum inside the Embassy of Ecuador in London, where he has resided for more than a year. That hasnt stopped him from staging news conferences, issuing statements and making broadcast appearances so many that Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa reportedly has sent Mr. Assange a letter requesting that he stop using the embassy as a backdrop while making fun of politicians in Australia, the whistleblowing activists home turf. He has founded his own political party and is running for office in Australia himself.
There must be some asylum cachet at work here. Along with being named a juror in an international film festival this week, Mr. Assange also appeared with former Texas lawmaker and presidential hopeful Ron Paul on the, uh, Ron Paul Channel, an online subscription-based news network that went live a few weeks ago. Via split screen in a two-part series, the pair discusses freedom of information issues, investigative journalism, government accountability and officials who pursue whistleblowers while war criminals go unpunished.
This interview gives our subscribers an opportunity to see unfiltered and honest dialogue between two leaders in the freedom of information movement, a spokesman tells Inside the Beltway. They discuss ideas that are rarely brought up by the mainstream media. Ron Pauls interview with Julian Assange is the type of conversation that folks come to the Ron Paul Channel to hear.
The content including a petition to President Obama to Stay out of Syria that drew 50,000 signature in three days puts the channel out front, he says.
And landing Mr. Assange as a guest?
Ron Paul and Julian Assange were eager to speak with each other. We are very pleased with the how the interview came together, the spokesman concludes.
Obamas Half-Assad War
from American Spectator contributing editor George Neumayr, who declares President Obama has become the armchair weekend warrior he once decried.
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Inside the Beltway: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange meets Ron Paul
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1960s Hover Car, Retro-futurism, USA – Video
Posted: at 10:40 am
1960s Hover Car, Retro-futurism, USA
From the Kinolibrary archive film collections. To order the clip clean and high res or to find out more visit A593 00:17:00 Bizar...
By: thekinolibrary
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1960s Hover Car, Retro-futurism, USA - Video
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THE FUTURIST MANIFESTO demo Thomas Koner – Video
Posted: at 10:40 am
By: Thomas Köner
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THE FUTURIST MANIFESTO demo Thomas Koner - Video
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Mars Space Station? – Video
Posted: September 4, 2013 at 12:48 pm
Mars Space Station?
Man found unusually large, apparently man-made object on the surface of Mars using Google Earth #39;s Mars feature.
By: Ani Besano
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Mars Space Station? - Video
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Space Station Live: Aug. 29, 2013 – Video
Posted: at 12:48 pm
Space Station Live: Aug. 29, 2013
The Space Station Live recap video for Aug. 29, 2013. Watch the full Space Station Live broadcast weekdays on NASA TV at 10 a.m. CDT.
By: ReelNASA
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Space Station Live: Aug. 29, 2013 - Video
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Docking SSTO to Space Station! KSP #113 – Video
Posted: at 12:48 pm
Docking SSTO to Space Station! KSP #113
Today I dock an SSTO the the GoldFish Space Station for the first time ever! If you liked this video, a thumbs up would really be appreciated! Enjoy! My Soci...
By: xXLeGoldFishXx
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