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Say fromage! Agency denies censorship after withdrawing 'gormless' picture of Hollande
Posted: September 5, 2013 at 10:41 am
Agence France Presse (AFP), the French press agency, has been forced to deny charges of self-censorship after attempting to withdraw a picture of the French President, Francois Hollande, with a 'gormless' grin on his face.
The image, which shows the President gurning while sat beneath a blackboard on which is written "Today, it's back to school", was taken on Tuesday as Hollande visited a school in Denain, northern France, to coincide with the start of term.
AFP initially transmitted the unflattering picture, which was taken by a pool photographer, to clients on Tuesday, then quickly issued a Mandatory Kill order, sparking allegations of self-censorship when the image emerged on Twitter.
The picture prompted derision from users of the micro-blogging site with one writing that no amount of Photoshop editing software "can make the president look more intelligent".
AFP also faced a raft of questions from French media hinting that they may have come under pressure from Elyse Palace to withdraw the photo. The picture was also made available via Reuters on a pooled basis.
AFPs global news director, Philippe Massonnet, was forced to deny suggestions that the agency withdrew the picture because of pressure from the French government.
In a lengthy piece on the AFP 'Correspondent' blog Mr Massonnet explains that "AFP has a rule not to transmit images that gratuitously ridicule people," explaining that their photographers often catch public figures "at international conferences or waiting to give a speech, for instance in unflattering but entirely human poses, such as with a finger in a nostril."
Mr Massonnet says that the image was shot by a pool photographer because of the lack of space in the classroom. He explains that the photographer has a particular responsibility to avoid "unusual angles" in order to avoid the photograph being miscontrued.
Massonnet explains that this was the reason for the withdrawal of the image and that the decision was based on editorial guidelines.
He goes on, however, to conclude that the attempt to withdraw the picture "breathed new life" into the photograph writing: "In trying to kill the photo after it had already been transmitted, we actually drew more attention to it and fueled the suspicion that AFP had bowed to political pressure, thus causing some people to call into question the agencys credibility."
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Say fromage! Agency denies censorship after withdrawing 'gormless' picture of Hollande
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Say fromage! Agency denies censorship after withdrawing 'gormless' picture of Francois Hollande
Posted: at 10:41 am
Agence France Presse (AFP), the French press agency, has been forced to deny charges of self-censorship after attempting to withdraw a picture of the French President, Francois Hollande, with a 'gormless' grin on his face.
The image, which shows the President gurning while sat beneath a blackboard on which is written "Today, it's back to school", was taken on Tuesday as Hollande visited a school in Denain, northern France, to coincide with the start of term.
AFP initially transmitted the unflattering picture, which was taken by a pool photographer, to clients on Tuesday, then quickly issued a Mandatory Kill order, sparking allegations of self-censorship when the image emerged on Twitter.
The picture prompted derision from users of the micro-blogging site with one writing that no amount of Photoshop editing software "can make the president look more intelligent".
AFP also faced a raft of questions from French media hinting that they may have come under pressure from Elyse Palace to withdraw the photo. The picture was also made available via Reuters on a pooled basis.
AFPs global news director, Philippe Massonnet, was forced to deny suggestions that the agency withdrew the picture because of pressure from the French government.
In a lengthy piece on the AFP 'Correspondent' blog Mr Massonnet explains that "AFP has a rule not to transmit images that gratuitously ridicule people," explaining that their photographers often catch public figures "at international conferences or waiting to give a speech, for instance in unflattering but entirely human poses, such as with a finger in a nostril."
Mr Massonnet says that the image was shot by a pool photographer because of the lack of space in the classroom. He explains that the photographer has a particular responsibility to avoid "unusual angles" in order to avoid the photograph being miscontrued.
Massonnet explains that this was the reason for the withdrawal of the image and that the decision was based on editorial guidelines.
He goes on, however, to conclude that the attempt to withdraw the picture "breathed new life" into the photograph writing: "In trying to kill the photo after it had already been transmitted, we actually drew more attention to it and fueled the suspicion that AFP had bowed to political pressure, thus causing some people to call into question the agencys credibility."
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Say fromage! Agency denies censorship after withdrawing 'gormless' picture of Francois Hollande
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Financial_ Ron Paul A New Era Of Liberty 12 – Video
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Financial_ Ron Paul A New Era Of Liberty 12
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By: Financial Strategy
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Financial_ Ron Paul People Suffer And Die And Then You Wonder Why They Get Mad At Us – Video
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Financial_ Ron Paul People Suffer And Die And Then You Wonder Why They Get Mad At Us
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By: Financial Strategy
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Financial_ Ron Paul People Suffer And Die And Then You Wonder Why They Get Mad At Us - Video
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Financial_ Ron Paul On Gold No One Knows Value; I M Buying – Video
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Financial_ Ron Paul On Gold No One Knows Value; I M Buying
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By: Financial Strategy
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Financial_ Ron Paul Was Right, The Fed Is The Problem! Economic Crisis – Video
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Financial_ Ron Paul Was Right, The Fed Is The Problem! Economic Crisis
economic disaster. american dollar. dollar euro converter. dollar crisis. dollar exchange rate. change euro dollar. 2009 financial crisis. creditcard. break ...
By: Financial Strategy
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Financial_ Ron Paul Was Right, The Fed Is The Problem! Economic Crisis - Video
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Ron Paul on Syria: False Flag – Video
Posted: at 10:41 am
Ron Paul on Syria: False Flag
Ron Paul believes we should stay out of Syria. "We should look for whats best for America" Visit the Official Behind the Truth Website at: http://www.behindt...
By: xBehindthetruthx
Originally posted here:
Ron Paul on Syria: False Flag - Video
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SYRIA Ron Paul: False Flag Chemical Attack, US Backing Al-Qaeda Rebels, Risks Escalating To Russia – Video
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SYRIA Ron Paul: False Flag Chemical Attack, US Backing Al-Qaeda Rebels, Risks Escalating To Russia
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By: VexZeen
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SYRIA Ron Paul: False Flag Chemical Attack, US Backing Al-Qaeda Rebels, Risks Escalating To Russia - Video
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By: amazingnews3000
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Ron Paul Calls Syria a "False Flag" Event – Video
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Ron Paul Calls Syria a "False Flag" Event
PNN #192 Show Notes BITCOIN CHIPIN! Permit to Baptize
By: PeaceNewsNow
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Ron Paul Calls Syria a "False Flag" Event - Video
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