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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Largest MS Gator Ever Seen, Bigfoot Sighting Follow Up, Bigfoot DNA update from Dr. Sykes – FN#65 – Video

Posted: September 5, 2013 at 10:42 am

Largest MS Gator Ever Seen, Bigfoot Sighting Follow Up, Bigfoot DNA update from Dr. Sykes - FN#65
Join Rev. Jeff as he takes a look at the new Record Holding Gator from MS, a follow up video to Jeff Pattersons sighting,a Parabreakdown from Phil Poling and...

By: Jeffrey Kelley

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Largest MS Gator Ever Seen, Bigfoot Sighting Follow Up, Bigfoot DNA update from Dr. Sykes - FN#65 - Video

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Keeping Fit while Traveling | Dna Fitness in Africa! – Video

Posted: at 10:42 am

Keeping Fit while Traveling | Dna Fitness in Africa!
A glimpse of how Aziz stayed in shape while traveling this summer using Calisthenics. Remember that you cant workout anywhere, you only need the will to do s...

By: teamdnafitness

Keeping Fit while Traveling | Dna Fitness in Africa! - Video

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Snowden Docs: DNA Test Verified Bin Laden’s Identification – Video

Posted: at 10:42 am

Snowden Docs: DNA Test Verified Bin Laden #39;s Identification
Documents leaked by Edward Snowden reveal that the government analyzed DNA from the body of Osama Bin Laden to verify his identity --On the Bonus Show: The...

By: David Pakman Show

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Snowden Docs: DNA Test Verified Bin Laden's Identification - Video

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DNA DE ADORADOR – Gusttavo Lima – Video

Posted: at 10:42 am

DNA DE ADORADOR - Gusttavo Lima

By: Renata Almeida

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DNA DE ADORADOR - Gusttavo Lima - Video

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Dark Souls part 1 with DNA, DLCing it up… eventually – Video

Posted: at 10:42 am

Dark Souls part 1 with DNA, DLCing it up... eventually
I try to get into the DLC section of Dark Souls. I rant, as always.


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Dark Souls part 1 with DNA, DLCing it up... eventually - Video

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Maury DNA: I Hope You’re NOT the Father! – I Charge Him to See "His" Kid! – DNA Opposite Day 2006! – Video

Posted: at 10:42 am

Maury DNA: I Hope You #39;re NOT the Father! - I Charge Him to See "His" Kid! - DNA Opposite Day 2006!
Another request filled thanks to the Maury upload form! Description fro...

By: therazorsedge28

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Maury DNA: I Hope You're NOT the Father! - I Charge Him to See "His" Kid! - DNA Opposite Day 2006! - Video

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Researchers study value of DNA analysis in screening newborns

Posted: at 10:42 am

The National Institutes of Health is launching an initiative to determine whether sequencing an infant's DNA can improve on the well-established "heel stick" blood test to screen newborns for potentially life-threatening diseases.

The five-year, $25 million project reflects the declining costs of mapping an individual's genetic code and anticipates the day when, if enthusiasts' predictions are borne out, a baby's DNA could be routinely sequenced and stored in a medical record.

But the value of the technology in newborn screening isn't certain, and experts are eager to examine a host of ethical and other questions about the use of genetic information to improve infant care.

Currently, nearly all 4 million infants born in the U.S. each year are tested for up to 31 life-threatening or debilitating conditions through heel-stick programs, in which a drop of blood is taken via a pin-prick in the heel. The programs, administered in each state, detect potentially treatable problems in about 12,500 cases, enabling interventions that can save lives or prevent millions of dollars in lifetime health-care costs, said Alan Guttmacher, director of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, which along with the National Human Genome Research Institute is funding the initiative.

One of the big successes of such screening, Dr. Guttmacher said, is for a condition called phenylketonuria, or PKU, an enzyme disorder that leads to the buildup of an amino acid. If the condition is detected before symptoms arise, changes in diet can prevent it, but once symptoms emerge, the disease, marked by serious neurological problems, is irreversible.

But the 31 conditions make up a fraction of as many as 8,000 inheritable disorders that can affect children. States vary in the maladies they test.The hope is that the new effort can "shed light on other disorders and see how genomic data might inform care for newborns generally," Dr. Guttmacher said.

Under the program, the DNA of some 2,000 newborns will be sequenced at five institutions: Brigham and Women's Hospital and Boston Children's Hospital in Boston, which are working jointly; Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Mo.; University of California, San Francisco; and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Click for more from The Wall Street Journal.

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Researchers study value of DNA analysis in screening newborns

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Jay Menes as the DNA Doctor for "Walang Hanggan" May 2, 2012 – Video

Posted: at 10:42 am

Jay Menes as the DNA Doctor for "Walang Hanggan" May 2, 2012
Scene with Dawn Zulueta and Nonie Buencamino.

By: Jay Menes

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Jay Menes as the DNA Doctor for "Walang Hanggan" May 2, 2012 - Video

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Detective: DNA evidence was in its infancy in Fleming case

Posted: at 10:42 am


Vito Spano, a retired deputy inspector with the NYPD Cold Case Squad, says the Robert Fleming rape-murder case gave direction to advances in DNA technology.

When Selena Cooper and her 9-year-old daughter were murdered in 1988, it was probably the second or third year the NYPD was utilizing DNA.

But it wasnt understood. It was super Star Trek stuff.


We didnt know how you could get it or how you could extract it. At the time, DNA was something that you needed a significant quantity of and if it was degraded in any way, shape or form it wouldnt work.

To top it all off, we didnt have a statewide database so every suspect we had needed to be cotton swabbed and DNA typed a process that took months since we had to use one of the labs in Penn State University.


Back then no one really knew where the technology behind DNA was going. If I was to tell people back in the late 80s how far it advanced, they would never believe me.

But this case would make believers. Within the next 15 years, New York finally got a state DNA database. Thats how we finally identified Robert Fleming as a suspect.

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Detective: DNA evidence was in its infancy in Fleming case

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DNA changes during pregnancy persist into childhood

Posted: at 10:42 am

Public release date: 4-Sep-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Timothy S. Paul 212-305-2676 Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health

Even before they are born, babies accumulate changes in their DNA through a process called DNA methylation that may interfere with gene expression, and in turn, their health as they grow up. But until now it's been unclear just how long these changes during the prenatal period persist. In a new study, researchers at the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health at the Mailman School of Public Health establish that signs of DNA methylation persist through early childhood, suggesting the factors that influence these changes during or before pregnancy could have effects throughout a child's life.

The study, published in an online edition of PLOS ONE, is the first to look at DNA methylation changes over time in children.

"The current dogma is that DNA methylation marks are set during early development and are mainly persistent thereafter. However, there were no data in humans to either support or refute this hypothesis. We set out to fill this data gap," explains lead author Julie Herbstman, PhD, assistant professor of Environmental Health Sciences at the Mailman School.

Recent evidence points to environmental exposures like arsenic, lead, and air pollution as factors in epigenetic changesthe umbrella term for DNA methylation and other alterations to gene expression that don't come from DNA mutations. While the health impact of small changes in DNA methylation is not yet clear, there is concern that alterations caused by environmental exposures during important periods of development that could have effects across a lifetime. Generally, low levels of global DNA methylation have been linked to genomic instability, which can lead to DNA damage. (Global DNA methylation is defined as methylation levels measured in aggregate for all genetic material, not specific to one or more genes.)

Center researchers analyzed global DNA methylation levels in blood at two different time points. Cord blood was analyzed from 279 children who are part of the Center's Mothers & Newborns study in Northern Manhattan and the South Bronx. Of these children, 165 also had blood collected at age 3.

The authors found that cord blood methylation was correlated with and significantly predicted the level of methylation at 3 years old. This supports the hypothesis that DNA methylation changes occurring early in life may have lasting impacts.

Maternal BMI Affects Levels of DNA Methylation

The researchers examined one specific factor to see how it affected DNA methylation in childrenthe mother's body mass index prior to becoming pregnant. Children born to moms with high BMIs had low levels of global DNA methylation, an association that was seen again at age 3.

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DNA changes during pregnancy persist into childhood

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