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Empire Of The Sun – DNA – Video
Posted: September 6, 2013 at 11:41 am
Empire Of The Sun - DNA
Download #39;Ice on the Dune #39; on iTunes: Watch #39;Alive #39; video: ...
By: empireofthesunvevo
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Criminals will be forced to give DNA sample under new legislation
Posted: at 11:41 am
Minister for Justice Alan Shatter: the new Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database) Bill is set to be published by the Minister next Tuesday. Photograph: Bryan OBrien/The Irish Times
Criminals convicted of serious offences will be required to submit a sample of DNA which will be retained on a centralised database to aid the Garda in solving future crimes, under new legislation.
The new Criminal Justice (Forensic Evidence and DNA Database) Bill is set to be published by Minister for Justice Alan Shatter next Tuesday after it was approved at yesterdays Cabinet meeting. The move follows repeated broken promises by successive governments on the creation of a DNA database, which is in operation in a large number of countries in the EU and farther afield.
DNA evidence can currently be used to link suspects to crimes and has solved hundreds of cases. However, garda must first identify the suspect on strong grounds before they can demand a DNA sample to cross-check against the DNA collected at a crime scene. Currently, samples cannot be retained for checking in future crimes. If a database existed, a DNA sample gathered from a crime scene or, for example, a gun, could immediately be checked against those many samples stored.
Database The creation of the database follows more than 10 years of legislative reform aimed at strengthening the Gardas hand in dealing with criminals. These have included the use of hearsay evidence in some trials, the power to detain suspects for periods of up to a week without charge, and the ability to plant electronic bugs and use in court the evidence they gather.
One informed security source said while the use of DNA databases in other jurisdictions had been used to catch sex offenders who left samples at the scene of a crime, they are also useful in tackling gangland criminals: If they left a piece of clothing behind, if a balaclava is found in a getaway car they tried to burn out, then [the database] comes into its own, especially in cases where there is no idea who might have been involved. It can throw up a suspect and it might save time in ruling out another suspect.
It is likely that human rights groups will campaign against what they would see as any overly intrusive elements to the law. However, Garda sources said many cases have been frustrated because DNA samples collected at crime scenes could not be checked against a database.
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Criminals will be forced to give DNA sample under new legislation
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Fundación psoriasis , alimentación sugerida para personas con psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 11:41 am
Fundación psoriasis , alimentación sugerida para personas con psoriasis Contacte LADA SIN COSTO 01 800 099 0209 Tel. 01984 8799774 Tel. 01984 1701480 Nextel I.D. 62*14*23630.
By: Cynthia Treviño
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Fundación psoriasis , alimentación sugerida para personas con psoriasis - Video
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Politically Incorrect Show with Tom Christiano, SEPT 3, 2013 – Video
Posted: at 11:41 am
Politically Incorrect Show with Tom Christiano, SEPT 3, 2013
First P.I. Show of our 19th fall season, with: Lowell City Manager Bernie Lynch...and State Representatives Jim Arciero and Tom Golden. The show host is Tom ...
By: Tom Christiano
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Politically Incorrect Show with Tom Christiano, SEPT 3, 2013 - Video
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Ron Paul Predicts False Flag April 26,2012 – Video
Posted: at 11:40 am
Ron Paul Predicts False Flag April 26,2012
At a speech in Austin, Texas April 26, 2012, Ron Paul predicted the unleashing of a False Flag event to bring our country into the unfinished domination of t...
By: warforyourmindHD
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Ron Paul Predicts False Flag April 26,2012 - Video
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Ron Paul Discusses Possible Syrian War – September 3, 2013 – Video
Posted: at 11:40 am
Ron Paul Discusses Possible Syrian War - September 3, 2013
CNN. Aired 9/3/2013.
By: Conservative1001BG
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Ron Paul Discusses Possible Syrian War - September 3, 2013 - Video
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Financial_ Ron Paul On The Fed,War Mongering And Iran – Video
Posted: at 11:40 am
Financial_ Ron Paul On The Fed,War Mongering And Iran
global financial crisis causes. united states economy. credit help. economic report. investing in gold. money currency. causes of economic crisis. euro conve...
By: Financial Strategy
Financial_ Ron Paul On The Fed,War Mongering And Iran - Video
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Ron Paul: Defeat would be 'historic'
Posted: at 11:40 am
Ron Paul on Thursday said it would be historic if Congress is able to defeat President Barack Obamas plan to wage a military strike on Syria.
I think theres a historic event going on here and if this vote is won, that is defeat [of] the request to have more military approach to Syria, I think it will be historic because it would be a grand coalition of the Libertarian Republicans and the Democratic Progressives, the former Republican congressman said on MSNBCs NOW with Alex Wagner.
The 2012 Republican presidential candidate who is known for his libertarian bent and opposition to U.S. military involvements abroad said he would welcome a split between the two major parties over Syria in order for different factions to come together.
(See POLITICOs full Syria coverage)
Everybodys worried about the split in the Democrats, the split in the Republicans. Im delighted with that split because its pushing people together who are on opposite ends of the spectrum, one which I enjoy, Paul said.
The former congressman also got into an argument with Wagner after she pressed him on an appearance hes scheduled to make next week at a conference held by the Fatima Center, which she said has been criticized as anti-Semitic.
Sounds to me like you have me on here to bash Catholics, Paul said before calling the host a Catholic basher.
Wagner responded that shes Catholic and had no intention of bashing Catholics and cited newsletters in 2011 attributed to Pauls campaign that came under fire for being racially charged.
I think the American public is curious about how you endorse or do not endorse or deny involvement with any of that, she said.
Paul went further, recalling a magazine that put a Swastika on his face on a cover shortly after he was first elected in 1976.
Originally posted here:
Ron Paul: Defeat would be 'historic'
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Ron Paul Keynote Speaker at Anti-Semitic Conference – Video
Posted: at 11:40 am
Ron Paul Keynote Speaker at Anti-Semitic Conference
Ron Paul is to be the keynote speaker at an anti-Semitic conference sponsored by the Fatima Center --On the Bonus Show: The Air Force bans a certain flavor...
By: David Pakman Show
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Ron Paul Keynote Speaker at Anti-Semitic Conference - Video
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APRS reception of International Space Station – Video
Posted: September 5, 2013 at 10:43 am
APRS reception of International Space Station
Packet received from the International Space station on 2 meters FM.
By: OfficialSWLchannel
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