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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Scientists use DNA to assemble a transistor from graphene

Posted: September 7, 2013 at 4:41 am

Sep. 6, 2013 Graphene is a sheet of carbon atoms arrayed in a honeycomb pattern, just a single atom thick. It could be a better semiconductor than silicon -- if we could fashion it into ribbons 20 to 50 atoms wide. Could DNA help?

DNA is the blueprint for life. Could it also become the template for making a new generation of computer chips based not on silicon, but on an experimental material known as graphene?

That's the theory behind a process that Stanford chemical engineering professor Zhenan Bao reveals in Nature Communications.

Bao and her co-authors, former post-doctoral fellows Anatoliy Sokolov and Fung Ling Yap, hope to solve a problem clouding the future of electronics: consumers expect silicon chips to continue getting smaller, faster and cheaper, but engineers fear that this virtuous cycle could grind to a halt.

Why has to do with how silicon chips work.

Everything starts with the notion of the semiconductor, a type of material that can be induced to either conduct or stop the flow of electricity. Silicon has long been the most popular semiconductor material used to make chips.

The basic working unit on a chip is the transistor. Transistors are tiny gates that switch electricity on or off, creating the zeroes and ones that run software.

To build more powerful chips, designers have done two things at the same time: they've shrunk transistors in size and also swung those gates open and shut faster and faster.

The net result of these actions has been to concentrate more electricity in a diminishing space. So far that has produced small, faster, cheaper chips. But at a certain point, heat and other forms of interference could disrupt the inner workings of silicon chips.

"We need a material that will let us build smaller transistors that operate faster using less power," Bao said.

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Scientists use DNA to assemble a transistor from graphene

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DNA expert disputes source of blood

Posted: at 4:41 am

LEBANON, Ind. - A forensics expert says blood on the clothing of a former state trooper accused of killing his wife, son and daughter 13 years ago could not have gotten there when the trooper found the boy's body, as the trooper insists.

Sgt. Dean Marks told jurors Thursday that DNA analysis revealed that eight blood dots on David Camm's T-shirt belong to his 5-year-old daughter Jill, not his 7-year-old son Bradley. Camm's lawyers have maintained throughout Camm's two previous murder trials that the blood got onto his shirt when Camm attempted CPR on his son.

Camm has been convicted twice of killing his wife, Kimberly and their two children, whose bodies were found in the family's garage. But both convictions were overturned on appeal. Because of the heavy publicity surrounding the case in and around Georgetown, the southern Indiana suburb of Louisville where the family lived, Camm's third trial was about 125 miles north to Lebanon.

Marks told the jury he studied more than 140 photographs of the blood patterns and cutout sections from the shirt worn by Camm. Where the spatters of blood came from and how they got there are key to prosecutors' case.

"This is consistent with gunshot spatter," Marks testified.

Defense attorneys argue the initial blood tests were made by an inexperienced scientist who had never been trained in blood spatter analysis and never before worked at a crime scene. They also say police rushed to judgment and overlooked key evidence.

Jurors on Thursday also watched video of a two-hour interview in which Camm tells his state police colleagues that he had nothing to do with killing his family.

"What's going to happen, you guys are going to get so focused on me that the guy who did this is going to walk away," Camm said.

Under questioning by defense attorney Stacy Uliana, Detective Robert Neal acknowledged that police lied when they told Camm that investigators had found blood on his jacket and other pieces of evidence against him.

He said such lies are considered an acceptable strategy to "get at the truth" when interrogating a prime suspect.

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DNA expert disputes source of blood

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Startup Second Genome examines the body’s microbes to find ways to treat diseases

Posted: at 4:41 am

By studying the interactions between our bodies and our microbes, a startup hopes to find new ways of treating disease.

The trillions of microbes that live in our bodies play an important role in our health and disease, but researchers have found that understanding this diverse and complex stew of bugs is daunting.

One company, Second Genome, has turned to DNA analysis and biochemical studies of mixtures of microbes and human cells in culture to better explain things. The company ultimately wants to identify therapeutics that restore balance to an off-kilter community by changing its composition or its effects on the human body.

The diversity of the human collection of microbial residentsknown as the microbiomebecame more clear last year when the Human Microbiome Project described the diversity and abundance of microbes living in and on the human body (see Researchers Catalog Your Microbial Zoo). For every one human cell in the body, there are an estimated 10 microbial cells. Changes in this microbial zoo have been correlated with many health problems: from gastrointestinal disease to diabetes, obesity, and inflammation.

The microbes that live with us have a lot of impact on our health, positive as well as negative, says Gary Andersen, a microbiologist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and a cofounder of Second Genome. But its been hard figuring out within an individual person what is a positive microbiome or community of organisms, he says. Thats because from person to person, the structure of the communities varies greatly, he says.

One reason it has been difficult to profile an individuals microbiome is that most of these organisms cant grow in pure cultures of a single species. So Second Genome uses DNA sequencing along with another DNA analysis technology developed by Andersen to identify community members and to look at gene activity in both the bugs and the human body. We are really focused on the interaction between the microbiome and the host, says Second Genome CEO Peter DiLaura. The community of bacteria in our guts interacts with receptors and other targets in our body, he says: When we think about therapeutics, its about impacting the interaction that is beneficial for disease.

After DNA analysis, the company studies the interplay between microbe communities and human cells grown in culture. The next step would be to study the interactions in lab animal models of diseases. The hope is to develop a detailed understanding of how the microbiome affects human physiology, down to the molecular level.

The company is investigating the microbiomes effect on inflammatory and metabolic disorders, including type 2 diabetes. We have focused on places where there is reasonable evidence that the microbiome is playing a causal role, says DiLaura.

In June, pharmaceutical and consumer-product company Johnson & Johnson invested an undisclosed amount in Second Genome. In return, Second Genome will search for potential drug targets to treat ulcerative colitis. Robert Urban, the director of J&Js Boston Innovation Center, says his company is committed to the microbiome idea. Last week, Vedanta Biosciences, a microbiome startup also looking to microbial functions for drug discovery, announced a partnership with J&J.

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Startup Second Genome examines the body’s microbes to find ways to treat diseases

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Childhood Eczema Cure Jocelyn’s Story – Video

Posted: at 4:41 am

Childhood Eczema Cure Jocelyn #39;s Story
Visit or call Jason @ 646-620-6896 to learn more about our Affordable Financing Options Childhood Eczema Cure Jocelyn #39;s Story.

By: IonizedWaterBenefit1

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Childhood Eczema Cure Jocelyn's Story - Video

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Ayurvedic skincare in summer, prickly heat and eczema – Video

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Ayurvedic skincare in summer, prickly heat and eczema
This is a daily-life story of Sattvi Family, in which ayurvedic home remedies are introduced. Detailed information about ayurveda can be obtained at Jiva Jap...

By: jivajapan

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What Causes Psoriasis To Flare Up – Part 3 – Video

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What Causes Psoriasis To Flare Up - Part 3
Main causes of psoriasis flare-ups: What Causes Psoriasis To Flare Up - Part 3 This video forms pa...

By: the3stepcure

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What Causes Psoriasis To Flare Up - Part 3 - Video

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What Causes Psoriasis To Flare Up – Part 1 – Video

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What Causes Psoriasis To Flare Up - Part 1
Main causes of psoriasis flare-ups: What Causes Psoriasis To Flare Up - Part 1 This video forms pa...

By: the3stepcure

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What Causes Psoriasis To Flare Up - Part 1 - Video

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What Causes Psoriasis To Flare Up – Part 6 – Video

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What Causes Psoriasis To Flare Up - Part 6
Main causes of psoriasis flare-ups: What Causes Psoriasis To Flare Up - Part 6 This video forms pa...

By: the3stepcure

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PirateBrowser – No more censorship! – Video

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PirateBrowser - No more censorship!
PirateBrowser is a bundle package of the Tor client (Vidalia), FireFox Portable browser (with foxyproxy addon) and some custom configs that allows you to cir...

By: MiftahSoftware

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PirateBrowser - No more censorship! - Video

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YouTube Censorship Mutes ONLY Alex Jones videos – Video

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YouTube Censorship Mutes ONLY Alex Jones videos
Watch as I go through and prove how there is a systematic censoring... harassment of Alex Jones show and Docufilms my YouTube channel YouTube has terminated ...

By: impkaps

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