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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Transhumanist Explains His Invention – Video
Posted: September 7, 2013 at 11:40 pm
Transhumanist Explains His Invention Stay in the know - Follow Alex on Twitter: #39;Like #39; Alex on FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.c...
By: ntyranny1
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Transhumanist Explains His Invention - Video
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Unitedcypher Presents S4E22: Futurism Meets Toilet Humor – Video
Posted: at 11:40 pm
Unitedcypher Presents S4E22: Futurism Meets Toilet Humor
This week on Unitedcypher Presents, listen to Evan, Shane, and DeHart hypothesize on living in space, the possiblity of robotic extraterrestrial life, and ho...
By: Unitedcypher
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Unitedcypher Presents S4E22: Futurism Meets Toilet Humor - Video
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Prodir DS5 The Futurist Matt – Video
Posted: at 11:40 pm
Prodir DS5 The Futurist Matt
Bedrukte Prodir DS5 The Futurist Matt De bedrukte Prodir DS5 The Futurist is ontworpen naar aanleiding van hoge kwaliteitsstandaarden, waardoor deze pen besc...
By: PinkcubePromo
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International Space Station Live Sept 3, 2013 – Video
Posted: at 4:42 am
International Space Station Live Sept 3, 2013
The Space Station Live recap video for Sept. 3, 2013. Watch the full Space Station Live broadcast weekdays on NASA TV at 10 a.m. CDT.
By: AussieNews1
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International Space Station Live Sept 3, 2013 - Video
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Space Station Live: Flight Director Talks Spacesuit Troubleshooting – Video
Posted: at 4:42 am
Space Station Live: Flight Director Talks Spacesuit Troubleshooting
NASA Public Affairs Officer Kelly Humphries talks with Flight Director Dina Contella about the troubleshooting efforts on the spacesuit astronaut Luca Parmit...
By: ReelNASA
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Space Station Live: Flight Director Talks Spacesuit Troubleshooting - Video
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3 Big Discoveries Made by the International Space Station – Video
Posted: at 4:42 am
3 Big Discoveries Made by the International Space Station
We all know it #39;s awesome, and we could watch Chris Hadfield sing all day, but do you know about the awesome science that #39;s being done on the International Sp...
By: scishow
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3 Big Discoveries Made by the International Space Station - Video
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Astronaut Reveals 'Lucky Charm' Floating on Space Station
Posted: at 4:42 am
An astronaut working onboard the International Space Station (ISS) has revealed his "lucky charm" a miniature toy astronaut figurine in a video recently sent down to Earth.
"I was going through personal things [that] I have flown for people and came across my own personal item I'd like to share with everybody," NASA astronaut and Expedition 36 flight engineer Chris Cassidy said in the video, which was released online Wednesday (Sept. 4). "This little astronaut guy has seen better days but he has special meaning."
In the video, Cassidy holds up and lets float the 3-inch-tall (7.6 centimeters) toy, which was sculpted to appear to be wearing the same type of spacesuit that Cassidy has worn on spacewalks outside the space station.
"Before I was selected as an astronaut, I knew I wanted to become one and I somehow came across this guy in a toy set for my kids, or something like that," Cassidy recalled.
Flying to the space station is just the latest adventure for the plastic figure, Cassidy said.
As a Navy SEAL, Cassidy was deployed on four 6-month missions, including being sent to Afghanistan two weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
"I took him with me to Afghanistan every time and he was always in my pocket on every mission that I did," Cassidy said from aboard the space station.
Cassidy was chosen to join NASA's ranks in 2004 with the agency's 19th group of astronaut candidates.
"When I was selected to become an astronaut, I felt like [the figurine] was a good luck charm, so he has been with me every step of the way," Cassidy said. "He often flies in T-38 [training jets] with me and various other places. I just leave him in the pocket of my flight suit and I often kind of forget that he is there."
"It [also] flew on the space shuttle," Cassidy, who made his first visit to the space station on space shuttle Endeavour's STS-127 mission in 2009, added.
Astronaut Reveals 'Lucky Charm' Floating on Space Station
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Cosmonaut due to command space station resigns for 'better job'
Posted: at 4:42 am
Russian cosmonaut
Robert Z. Pearlman
16 hours ago
Cosmonaut Yuri Lonchakov, seen here on board the International Space Station in 2008, resigned from the Russian federal space agency, despite being assigned to a 2015 mission.
A veteran Russian cosmonaut who was assigned to command the International Space Station in 2015 has unexpectedly resigned.
Cosmonaut Yuri Lonchakov tendered his resignation to the Russian federal space agency, Roscosmos, on Thursday. Russian news agencies, quoting the head of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, reported Lonchakov will be "formally discharged" on Sept. 14.
"He came and told me that he had found a better job than working in space," Sergei Krikalev, the training center's chief and the current record holder for most time in space by any human, told the Interfax news service. "Frankly, we were counting on him because he was not just in the unit, (but) he was assigned to a crew." [Quiz: Do You Know the International Space Station?]
Lonchakov was scheduled to fly as the commander of the Russian spacecraft Soyuz TMA-16M, launching in March 2015 with Roscosmos cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko and NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, the space station's first two yearlong crew members.
Once on board the orbiting laboratory, Lonchakov was set to join the Expedition 43 crew as a flight engineer before taking over command of the space station as the leader of Expedition 44 in May 2015. He was then to return to Earth in October 2015.
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Cosmonaut due to command space station resigns for 'better job'
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Hunting for Dinosaur DNA – Video
Posted: at 4:41 am
Hunting for Dinosaur DNA
From the BBC Horizon documentary Dinosaurs: The Hunt for Life, how Dr Mary Schweitzer found organic matter in ancient fossils.
By: lesterfontayne
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Hunting for Dinosaur DNA - Video
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New NIH awards focus on nanopore technology for DNA sequencing
Posted: at 4:41 am
Public release date: 6-Sep-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Steven Benowitz 301-451-8325 NIH/National Human Genome Research Institute
The use of nanopore technology aimed at more accurate and efficient DNA sequencing is the main focus of grants awarded by the National Institutes of Health. The grants nearly $17 million to eight research teams are the latest awarded through the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)'s Advanced DNA Sequencing Technology program, which was launched in 2004. NHGRI is part of NIH.
"Nanopore technology shows great promise, but it is still a new area of science. We have much to learn about how nanopores can work effectively as a DNA sequencing technology, which is why five of the program's eight grants are exploring this approach," said Jeffery A. Schloss, Ph.D., program director for NHGRI's Advanced DNA Sequencing Technology program and director of the Division of Genome Sciences.
Nanopore-based DNA sequencing involves threading single DNA strands through tiny pores. Individual base pairs the chemical letters of DNA are then read one at a time as they pass through the nanopore. The bases are identified by measuring the difference in their effect on current flowing through the pore. For perspective, a human hair is 100,000 nanometers in diameter; a strand of DNA is only 2 nanometers in diameter. Nanopores used in DNA sequencing are 1 to 2 nanometers in diameter.
This technology offers many potential advantages over current DNA sequencing methods, said Dr. Schloss. Such advantages include real-time sequencing of single DNA molecules at low cost and the ability for the same molecule to be reassessed over and over again. Current systems involve isolating DNA and chemically labeling and copying it. DNA has to be broken up, and small segments are sequenced many times. Only the first step of isolating the DNA would be necessary with nanopore technology.
Innovation is crucial in these as well as the other (non-nanopore) studies being funded. For example, one research team eventually hopes to use light to sequence DNA on a cell phone camera chip for under $100.
The new grants are awarded to:
Dr. Aksimentiev and his colleagues plan to use nanopores as sensors. The researchers are studying the effects of combining synthetic nanopores with a light-based technique to control the flow of DNA molecules through the pores. They will use a type of spectroscopy to read the chemical sequence of the DNA.
Dr. Edwards and his colleagues plan to develop innovative molecular biology tools to improve whole-genome sequencing, which entails reading a person's entire genetic blueprint. The researchers hope that better methods of preparing the DNA molecules for sequencing will help scientists identify and link genetic variants to disease and, ultimately, lead to new treatments.
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New NIH awards focus on nanopore technology for DNA sequencing
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