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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Access to Blocked Sites at School: idcloak Questions School Censorship

Posted: September 10, 2013 at 7:41 pm

Dallas, Texas (PRWEB) September 09, 2013

This week in the Forum, parents, educators and high school students are invited to contribute their opinions to a special discussion on web censorship in secondary schools.

idcloak Technologies delivers web rerouting products (proxies) which can potentially be used by students to unblock sites that are prohibited on a school network. The firm is considering prohibiting this use of their services but doing so goes against the companys wider remit for internet freedom.

idcloaks Director of Marketing, Gill-Chris Welles, himself a former secondary school teacher, seeks to engage parents and educators for their views on proxy services and on censorship more widely, Our firm is against web censorship primarily because it represents the denial of choice. But this viewpoint is muddied when we come to its application in schools. Parents and educators are responsible for the safety of minors; and with that responsibility should follow the right to decide when to grant freedoms and when to hold them back.

However, speaking more as a teacher than a representative of a company specializing in internet freedom services, Welles suggests modern school censorship rarely follows sound educational strategies.

During my time as an educator, I learned that the best way to guide behaviour at the teenage level is through communication on a non-judgmental, equal footing. When students are invited to share their views in response to your own, understanding is heightened on both sides. Through dialogue, students gain assess to the logic of behaving one way over another. Ultimately, if they choose to heed your guidance rather than obey an edict, their behavior is much more strongly reinforced.

On censorship specifically, Welles continues this line of thinking, We need to rationalize with the student and persuade him or her that accessing Facebook at school is negative: that it is a distraction, that it puts the school network in danger of malware infection and it overburdens bandwidth so that educational use of the web grows slow. When students hear these points and agree that they are valid, then is the time to ask for their permission to use filters to block Facebook and YouTube. When censorship is established with mutual consent in this way, I am all for it. But when it is imposed with no dialogue whatever with the students, I am far less supportive.

idcloaks Forum is fielding public opinion with immediate effect and visitors are invited to share their views. Once discussion is concluded, idcloak will update its Terms of Service to reflect their new position.

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Access to Blocked Sites at School: idcloak Questions School Censorship

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NWU-Pukke paper closure: Cash constraints or censorship?

Posted: at 7:41 pm

NWU-Pukke's management says the closure of its campus newspaper was due to financial problems, but its journalism lecturers have cried foul.

Journalism lecturers at the North-West University's (NWU) Potchefstroom campus are up in arms over a bombshell decision by the university's management to halt publication of a campus newspaper, which they maintain amounts to censorship and trampling on media freedom.

Kevin du Plessis, editor of Wapad a paper whose first edition was published in 1946 received the news on Monday morning that the marketing department decided to suspend publication of the newspaper. The reason given was that the paper was in debt of nearly R80000, a bill that the department is not prepared to foot.

The timing to pull the plugon the paper also raises eyebrows as it comes during a week Du Plessis was to publish a story about his assault last weekend, allegedly by a second-year student. Du Plessis told the Mail & Guardianhis alleged assailant accused him of failing to endorse patriotism promoted at Veritas students' residence in the paper.

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NWU-Pukke paper closure: Cash constraints or censorship?

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Ron Paul: The Leadership of Both Parties Have Lined Up to Attack Syria – Video

Posted: at 7:40 pm

Ron Paul: The Leadership of Both Parties Have Lined Up to Attack Syria Like us on Facebook: Ron Paul is America #39;s leading voice for limited, constitutional government,...

By: RonPaul2008dotcom

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Ron Paul: The Leadership of Both Parties Have Lined Up to Attack Syria - Video

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Ron Paul: Why Does America Always Have to Solve the World’s Problems? – Video

Posted: at 7:40 pm

Ron Paul: Why Does America Always Have to Solve the World #39;s Problems? Like us on Facebook: Ron Paul is America #39;s leading voice for limited, constitutional government,...

By: RonPaul2008dotcom

The rest is here:
Ron Paul: Why Does America Always Have to Solve the World's Problems? - Video

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Ron Paul DESTROYS Lying Attacking MSNBC Media – Video

Posted: at 7:40 pm

Ron Paul DESTROYS Lying Attacking MSNBC Media
Ron Paul absolutely destroys MSNBC when they attack his character because of his intelligence.

By: R11110000

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Ron Paul DESTROYS Lying Attacking MSNBC Media - Video

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Ron Paul Warned 'Warmongers' A Year Ago: "Leave Syria Alone"

Posted: at 7:40 pm

In June 2012, Ron Paul warned the 'warmongers' in Congress of the "plans, rumors, and war propaganda for attacking Syria and deposing Assad." In an ironic twist, he also notes, "this past week however, it was reported that the Pentagon indeed has finalized plans to do just that. In my opinion, all the evidence to justify this attack is bogus. It is no more credible than the pretext given for the 2003 invasion of Iraq or the 2011 attack on Libya." The following speech may well be 15 months old, but is as relevant - if not more - than ever ahead of Obama's pleas tomorrow.


Plans, rumors, and war propaganda for attacking Syria and deposing Assad have been around for many months.

This past week however, it was reported that the Pentagon indeed has finalized plans to do just that. In my opinion, all the evidence to justify this attack is bogus. It is no more credible than the pretext given for the 2003 invasion of Iraq or the 2011 attack on Libya.

The total waste of those wars should cause us to pause before this all-out effort at occupation and regime change is initiated against Syria.

There are no national security concerns that require such a foolish escalation of violence in the Middle East. There should be no doubt that our security interests are best served by completely staying out of the internal strife now raging in Syria.

We are already too much involved in supporting the forces within Syria anxious to overthrow the current government. Without outside interference, the strifenow characterized as a civil warwould likely be non-existent.

Whether or not we attack yet another country, occupying it and setting up a new regime that we hope we can control poses a serious Constitutional question: From where does a president get such authority?

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Ron Paul Warned 'Warmongers' A Year Ago: "Leave Syria Alone"

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Ron Paul and DePauw: Guilty by association

Posted: at 7:40 pm

Published:Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Updated:Tuesday, September 10, 2013 03:09

Rep. Ron Paul is well known for his laissez-faire governmental stance as a Libertarian. He has served 11 terms in Congress dating back to 1976 and he has run for president three times. Supporters applaud his individualist views on the importance of liberty, low taxes and a limited constitutional government. However, Paul is known for more than just these beliefs.

Throughout his political career, Paul has long been affiliated with extremist, neoconservative and largely countercultural ideas. During the 2008 presidential elections, newsletters from Ron Paul Political Report, published in the 1990s, surfaced. The letters, although published to offer political news and investment advice, also contain passages that are homophobic, racist, anti-Semitic and anti-government.

An October 1990 newsletter slams black activists, saying that their next demonstration should be held at a food stamp bureau or a crack house. In June 1990 the Ron Paul Political Report said, I miss the closet. Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities. The newsletters statements range from making the claim that AIDS is a deliberately engineered hybrid to defending chess champion and Holocaust denier Bobby Fischer.

While Paul has denied responsibility for these articles, he was president of the company that published the newsletter and his name appeared in the masthead. The letters are words of the past, but Paul continues to associate with groups that hold these views.

The day after he speaks at DePauw, Paul will be giving a keynote address at the Fatima Centers Path to Peace conference. The group is notorious for its published writing suggesting that Jewish people should be stripped of certain civil rights and was recently called perhaps the single largest group of hardcore anti-Semites in North America by the publication Salon.

Paul will be speaking alongside Holocaust deniers, geocentrists, who reject the widely accepted heliocentric model of the solar system, as well as individuals who claim that global climate change is a hoax to justify a Jewish and Israeli-led genocide. Many invited guest speakers declined the offer, citing their discomfort and unhappiness with the groups radical, anti-humanitarian beliefs. Paul accepted.

This critique of Paul is neither a reflection of the editorial boards political views nor a refusal to be open minded about the freedom of speech and thought. This is not a political attack. Rather, this is a question of the boundaries of whom DePauw deems legitimate and appropriate to invite to campus and to endorse as a notable speaker.

As a liberal arts university, DePauw should be inviting a diverse group of speakers to the university to open a dialogue amongst students and broaden our minds to new ideas. However, in an educational environment, Pauls toxic anti-humanitarian associations should not be tolerated nor given a platform of legitimization.

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Rep. Ron Paul to speak tonight as part of Ubben lecture series

Posted: at 7:40 pm

Rep. Ron Paul, who is a three-time presidential candidate, will speak tonight in Kresge Auditorium.

Paul was also named one of Time magazines top 100 most influential people, and The Indianapolis Star named him first on the most interesting people to visit central Indiana this fall.

Doors open to students at 6:30 p.m. and the general public at 6:50 p.m. Students should bring their student ID.

Hes a well known spokesperson for the social ideological movement of libertarianism, said Brett OBannon, professor of political science.

OBannon believes that this is a good opportunity for students to better understand Libertarianism.

Its an opportunity to see someone widely associated with these doctrines defend them, OBannon said. Its an opportunity to pose a question or two to the standard bearer of contemporary Libertarianism, perhaps to get him to defend some of his controversial stuff or better explain some of his stuff. One particular controversial issue surrounding Paul is that he will be giving a keynote address at the Fatima Centers Path to Peace conference in Niagra Falls, Ontario, right after speaking at DePauw. The conference is known to host some radical views.

He has things to answer for, OBannon said. [The] conference widely hailed to anti-semitic and racist sponsored by the Fatima Center. He ought to perhaps be questioned on that. Ken Owen 82, executive director of media relations and coordinator for the Ubben Lecture Series, noted that initially, he was concerned by the news of his keynote speech.

Pauls speaker agency is run by a person of the Jewish faith, and several of the employees for the firm are Jewish, as well.

The first thing I did was call over there, and their response was basically, Theres no way. Hes not an anti-semite. We work with him everyday. We spend a lot of time around him. Hes a good man. Disregard it, Owen said.

Owen noted that the accusations generated through the blogosphere, and Owen has faced some pushback for many speakers that have come to campus.

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Rep. Ron Paul to speak tonight as part of Ubben lecture series

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Ron Paul, Syria and a visit to DePauw

Posted: at 7:40 pm

Published:Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Updated:Tuesday, September 10, 2013 04:09


Parker Schwartz

Are you ready for a dose of candid Libertarian spirit?

The martyr of this movement, Rep. Ron Paul, will be speaking on DePauws campus this evening. His pallet of platforms includes limited government, agency slashing and a rejection of revenue generation. Pauls third-party association has captured hold of Americas individualists.

I am not one of those people. Neither am I one of the political rejectionists that roam this campus. Personally, I find it easier to enter political discourse via the old-fashioned two-party tug-of-war. Using the GOP to purport his more radical views, I find Pauls Libertarian agenda idealistic. The Libertarian mindset of no taxes, no government and no necessary regulation policies translate loosely to no roads, no healthcare for veterans and no sanity. Sound familiar? Oh yes, the Tea Party. And its no coincidence his son, Senator Rand Paul, is the poster child for the Congressional Tea Party caucus.

OK, so Im one to establish Paul as a torch-bearer of an irrational political movement. But I do succumb to the notion that some of his views are pragmatic and bold.

Moreover, I find Pauls visit to DePauw to be timely. The National Security Agency leaks and the current situation plaguing Syria are both relevant issues in which I agree with Paul. With the NSA, Paul rightly cites the Constitution in blasting the current surveillance program. Paul has framed the discussion pertinently. Instead of debating whether leaker Edward Snowden is a traitor, Paul has brought up the larger issue of government versus citizen civil liberties.

In an interview with CNN journalist Piers Morgan, Paul asked, What is the penalty for people who deliberately destroy the Constitution and rationalize and say, Oh, we have to do it for security?

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Ron Paul, Syria and a visit to DePauw

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Christophe Pelletier présente The Food Futurist – Video

Posted: at 7:40 pm

Christophe Pelletier présente The Food Futurist
Pour de plus amples informations sur le Food Futurist, veuillez visiter

By: FoodFuturist

The rest is here:
Christophe Pelletier présente The Food Futurist - Video

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