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News Model Accuses Ron Paul Of Being Racist And Anti-Semitic – Video
Posted: September 11, 2013 at 8:40 pm
News Model Accuses Ron Paul Of Being Racist And Anti-Semitic
September 05, 2013 MSNBC News News Model Accuses Ron Paul Of Being Racist And Anti-Semitic.
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News Model Accuses Ron Paul Of Being Racist And Anti-Semitic - Video
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Ron Paul Dangers of Nuclear Energy Overblown – Video
Posted: at 8:40 pm
Ron Paul Dangers of Nuclear Energy Overblown
By: AmericanIdeology
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Ron Paul and the Homeschooling Revolution – Video
Posted: at 8:40 pm
Ron Paul and the Homeschooling Revolution Like us on Facebook: Ron Paul is America #39;s leading voice for limited, constitutional government,...
By: RonPaul2008dotcom
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Ron Paul vs. The Establishment – Video
Posted: at 8:40 pm
Ron Paul vs. The Establishment
Ron Paul Talks Syria, NSA, Wikileaks - MSNBC Still Says Racist White House lauds Senate panel for okaying use of force in Syria
By: Libertarian Realist
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Ron Paul to Speak to Antisemitic Catholic Group
Posted: at 8:40 pm
( Ron Paul, a former Texas congressman and Republican presidential candidate, has been condemned for plans to speak at a conference hosted by the Fatima Center, an antisemitic fringe Catholic group. For Ron Paul to associate himself with such a disreputable, hateful religious movement is simply beyond comprehension, American Jewish Committee (AJC) Executive Director David Harris said in a statement. According to AJC, the Fatima Center is a fringe Catholic group led by Father Nicholar Grunner, who was suspended by the Catholic Church in 1996. Grunner rejects Nostra Aetate, a Second Vatican Council ruling that disavowed antisemitism and ushered in a new era of positive Jewish-Catholic relations. The Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization, has also accused Grunner of antisemitism. Paul, who planned to deliver the keynote address at the Fatima Center gala dinner on Sept. 11, is known for his staunch libertarian and isolationist views, including reducing American military aid to Israel. Based on these views and other alleged remarks calling for Israel to be abolished, some have accused Paul of antisemitism. But Paul has flatly denied those allegations and says he is pro-Israel. His son, Rand Paul, is currently a Republican U.S. senator from Kentucky.
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Ron Paul to Speak to Antisemitic Catholic Group
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Ron Paul: U.S. triggered Sept. 11
Posted: at 8:40 pm
Ron Paul posted a message on Facebook on Wednesday calling the September 11 terrorist attacks blowback for decades of US intervention in the Middle East.
Were supposed to believe that the perpetrators of 9/11 hated us for our freedom and goodness, Paul wrote on the 12th anniversary of the attacks. In fact, that crime was blowback for decades of US intervention in the Middle East. And the last thing we needed was the governments response: more wars, a stepped-up police and surveillance state, and drones.
Attached to the post was a picture of an American flag at half mast with the words Never Forget. September 11, 2001. The post had more than 21,000 likes several hours after it went up.
(PHOTOS: Ground zero reborn)
Paul is well known for his libertarian ideology and opposition to U.S. military action abroad. He said last week that it would be historic if Congress voted against President Obamas plan for military strikes in Syria. His son, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, has been one of the most vocal opponents to U.S. action in Syria following the regimes alleged use of chemical weapons.
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Ron Paul: U.S. triggered Sept. 11
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Ron Paul, "Golden Rule" foreign policy and personal resposibility at home
Posted: at 8:40 pm
Published:Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Updated:Tuesday, September 10, 2013 23:09
Ron Paul, three-time presidential candidate and former congressman, discusses the NSA in Kresge Auditorium Tuesday evening. "We should never be frightened by the truth. The American people can handle the truth," said Paul.
Ron Paul checks his watch alongside Ken Owen, executive director of media relations, as the student pre-speech meet and greet event ends at The Inn. Paul delivered his speech to the Greencastle community in Kresge Auditorium Tuesday evening as part of the Ubben Lecture series. He was the eight presidential candidate to speak at DePauw.
Junior Jamie Powell snaps a photo of junior Lan Sansone and three-time presidential candidate Ron Paul at the Inn Tuesday evening. Paul visited with selected students for an hour before he delivered a speech in Kresge Auditorium.
Ron Paul, three-time presidential candidate and former congressman, discusses the NSA in Kresge Auditorium Tuesday evening. "We should never be frightened by the truth. The American people can handle the truth," said Paul.
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Ron Paul, "Golden Rule" foreign policy and personal resposibility at home
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11/12 The Devastating Implications of Futurism (A New Look at the Blessed Hope) Bohr – Video
Posted: at 8:40 pm
11/12 The Devastating Implications of Futurism (A New Look at the Blessed Hope) Bohr Titles 1. Prophecy #39;s Time Frame 2. The Little Horn that Changed God #39;s Times 3. Protestants Are No More 4. Israel and the Palestinians...
By: Mrand79
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11/12 The Devastating Implications of Futurism (A New Look at the Blessed Hope) Bohr - Video
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Kerbal Space Program We finish our stupid space station – Video
Posted: September 10, 2013 at 7:42 pm
Kerbal Space Program We finish our stupid space station
yep we add the last module, the sciency one, and at the same time we add our utility tug to help move fuel and ships around.
By: andrew laclair
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Kerbal Space Program We finish our stupid space station - Video
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Sammy Hagar- Space Station #5 w/ Dave Meniketti and Bill Church and Denny Carmassi…Too Awesome! – Video
Posted: at 7:42 pm
Sammy Hagar- Space Station #5 w/ Dave Meniketti and Bill Church and Denny Carmassi...Too Awesome!
via YouTube Capture.
By: James Gibron
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Sammy Hagar- Space Station #5 w/ Dave Meniketti and Bill Church and Denny Carmassi...Too Awesome! - Video
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