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Formal mathematics underpins new approach that standardizes analysis of genome information
Posted: September 11, 2013 at 8:41 pm
Javascript is currently disabled in your web browser. For full site functionality, it is necessary to enable Javascript. In order to enable it, please see these instructions. 13 hours ago Two new mathematically based algorithms for analyzing genomic data are not only more accurate and robust than their predecessors, but also allow integration of data from different sources. Credit: iStockphoto/Thinkstock
Researchers in Singapore have developed and tested mathematical tools, or algorithms, that are more accurate and robust than those currently used in analyzing high-throughput genetic sequencing data. The algorithms can determine the location and activity of specific nucleic acid sequences in a broad range of high-throughput techniques that detect geneprotein interactions. The research group, led by Shyam Prabhakar of the A*STAR Genome Institute of Singapore, also showed they could use the algorithms to generate meaningful results from degraded tissue and tissue constructed from several different cell types.
The rapid expansion in the application of high-throughput sequencing was possible because of a parallel growth in bioinformatics techniques to analyze the huge amount of data that the technique generated. High-throughput sequencing began as a technology for rapidly sequencing whole genomes; now it can detect gene activity, DNA methylation, microRNA binding and interactions between genes, transcription factors and regulatory elements. Each of these different sequencing techniques spawned its own specialized analytical methods, many of them based on heuristicspractical strategies that work but may require optimization.
Prabhakar and his colleagues recognized that almost all sequencing analyses are concerned with solving two major classes of problems, long studied in the fields of signal processingsignal detection and signal strength estimation. Standard mathematical techniques already existed for solving such problems. The researchers therefore adapted these techniques to sequencing analyses. They reasoned that the formal mathematical basis underlying the techniques would allow them to be optimized or tuned. They also realized that the same approaches could be used across a broad range of applications, thus enabling data integration.
The researchers developed two algorithms: DFilter for detecting and locating the binding of regulatory proteins to the genome; and EFilter for estimating gene activity through levels of messenger RNA, the genetic material used as a template for building proteins. Across several sequencing technologies, the researchers benchmarked both algorithms against existing analytical methods. They found that DFilter and EFilter outperformed the more specialized algorithms. The new algorithms also facilitated the analysis and comparison of multiple and diverse data sets.
Prabhakar and co-workers also used their new algorithms to analyze data from complex, heterogeneous tissue in the embryonic mouse forebrain. They searched for functioning transcription factors and gained useful insights, despite the fact that individual transcription factors could not be assigned to specific cell types.
"We intend to make DFilter and EFilter widely available," says Prabhakar, "perhaps via cloud genomics providers, if all goes according to plan."
Explore further: Scientists cut through data noise of high-throughput DNA sequencing with mathematical technique
More information: Kumar, V., et al. Uniform, optimal signal processing of mapped deep-sequencing data, Nature Biotechnology 31, 615622 (2013).
( Scientists at A*STAR's Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) have developed a revolutionary method to quickly cut through noise and generate a unified and simplified analysis of high-throughput biological data ...
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Formal mathematics underpins new approach that standardizes analysis of genome information
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Who gets psoriasis and why?
Posted: at 8:41 pm
Health Xchange's articles are meant for informational purposes only and cannot replace professional surgical, medical or health advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment.
Typical psoriasis symptoms wax and wane. (Thinkstock photo)
Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition characterised by thick red patches with flaky silvery scales that can be mistaken for dandruff when occurring on the scalp.
Psoriasis can affect any part of the skin, in particular the knees, elbows, hands, feet and lower back. In severe cases, the patches can be accompanied by painful joint swelling as well as joint disfigurement.
Psoriasis patches can range from minor dandruff-like scaling to major eruptions covering large areas of skin, says Dr Pang Shiu Ming, director and senior consultant, Dermatology Unit, Singapore General Hospital (SGH). In its severe form, psoriasis can be incapacitating, significantly affecting the patients quality of life. In rare occasions, very severe psoriasis can be life-threatening.
In Singapore, an estimated 40,000 people suffer from the disease, according to the Psoriasis Association of Singapore. Psoriasis can affect men, women and children at any age, though it has been found to be more common between the ages of 15 and 45.
Psoriasis symptoms
Most psoriasis patients have mild to moderate symptoms which are likely to wax and wane, appearing and disappearing in cycles. Psoriasis symptoms may flare up for a few weeks or months and then disappear for some time, even going into remission for some years. However, in most cases, the psoriasis symptoms do eventually recur.
A small number of patients suffer from the severe and persistent form of the skin disease.
Related article: Itching down there? How to know if its STD or not
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Who gets psoriasis and why?
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At Sina Weibo's censorship hub, China's Little Brothers cleanse online chatter
Posted: at 8:40 pm
By Li Hui and Megha Rajagopalan
TIANJIN, China (Reuters) - In a modern office building on the outskirts of the Chinese city of Tianjin, rows of censors stare at computer screens. Their mission: delete any post on Sina Weibo, China's version of Twitter, deemed offensive or politically unacceptable.
But the people behind the censorship of China's most popular microblogging site are not ageing Communist Party apparatchiks. Instead, they are new college graduates. Ambivalent about deleting posts, they grumble loudly about the workload and pay.
Managing the Internet is a major challenge for China. The ruling Communist Party sees censorship as key to maintaining its grip on power - indeed, new measures unveiled on Monday threaten jail time for spreading rumours online.
At the same time, China wants to give people a way to blow off steam when other forms of political protest are restricted.
Reuters interviewed four former censors at Sina Weibo, who all quit at various times this year. All declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the work they once did. Current censors declined to speak to Reuters.
"People are often torn when they start, but later they go numb and just do the job," said one former censor, who left because he felt the career prospects were poor. "One thing I can tell you is that we are worked very hard and paid very little."
Sina Corp, one of China's biggest Internet firms, runs the microblogging site, which has 500 million registered users. It also employs the censors.
The company did not respond to repeated requests for comment.
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At Sina Weibo's censorship hub, China's Little Brothers cleanse online chatter
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Julian Assange talks to Ron Paul part 2 – Video
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Julian Assange talks to Ron Paul part 2
By: TheWikiLeaksChannel
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Ron Paul: Rand and I Have ‘Very Similar’ Views – Video
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Ron Paul: Rand and I Have #39;Very Similar #39; Views
By: National Review
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Ron Paul: Rand and I Have 'Very Similar' Views - Video
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Julian Assange talks to Ron Paul part 3 – Video
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Julian Assange talks to Ron Paul part 3
By: TheWikiLeaksChannel
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Julian Assange talks to Ron Paul part 3 - Video
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Ron Paul on Mike Gallagher’s Radio Show 9/4/13 – Video
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Ron Paul on Mike Gallagher #39;s Radio Show 9/4/13
Syria, etc.
By: RonPaulInstitute
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Ron Paul on Mike Gallagher's Radio Show 9/4/13 - Video
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Ron Paul It’s Going to Get Much, Much Worse YouTube – Video
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Ron Paul It #39;s Going to Get Much, Much Worse YouTube
Gold was always considered as solid and save instrument. Many Countries currency was based on Gold reserves. People loved to make investment in Gold. But now...
By: DollarCrisis
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Ron Paul It's Going to Get Much, Much Worse YouTube - Video
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Must Watch: Ron Paul Squares Off Against MSNBC’s Alex Wagner in Explosive Interview – Video
Posted: at 8:40 pm
Must Watch: Ron Paul Squares Off Against MSNBC #39;s Alex Wagner in Explosive Interview
Former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) joined MSNBC #39;s Alex Wagner on Thursday for a wide-ranging and contentious interview focused on President Barack Obama #39;s push for ...
By: Liberty Crier
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Father of The FRINGE: Ron Paul on Syria — as He Launches The ‘Ron Paul Channel’ – Video
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Father of The FRINGE: Ron Paul on Syria -- as He Launches The #39;Ron Paul Channel #39;
10 Similarities Between Ultra-Conservative Republicans and Nazis:
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Father of The FRINGE: Ron Paul on Syria -- as He Launches The 'Ron Paul Channel' - Video
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