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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Has Ron Paul Gone Mainstream?
Posted: September 13, 2013 at 8:42 am
In a world some thought we would never see, most Americans and much of Congress seem to agree with Ron Paul's foreign policy advice - at least on the question of a military strike against Syria...
Submitted by F.F. Wiley of Cyniconomics blog,
Polling results
Syrian rebels
Quotes and excerpts
Savage: In what circumstances, if any, would the president have constitutional authority to bomb Iran without seeking a use-of-force authorization from Congress? (Specifically, what about the strategic bombing of suspected nuclear sites a situation that does not involve stopping an IMMINENT threat?)
Obama: The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.
The Powell doctrine stipulates that the US should use military force only when a vital national-security interest is at stake; the strategic objective is clear and attainable; the benefits are likely to outweigh the costs; adverse consequences can be limited; broad international and domestic support has been obtained; and a plausible exit strategy is in place.
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Has Ron Paul Gone Mainstream?
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Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 9/9/13: The Homeschooling Revolution: – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
Ron Paul #39;s Texas Straight Talk 9/9/13: The Homeschooling Revolution:
Buy Ron Paul #39;s new book "The School Revolution: A New Answer for Our Broken Education System" on Amazon:
By: minnesotachris
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Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 9/9/13: The Homeschooling Revolution: - Video
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The Danger of Collapse of America – Ron Paul – Part#8 – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
The Danger of Collapse of America - Ron Paul - Part#8
Ron Paul is an American physician, author, and former politician. Ron Paul was born in August 20, 1935 in United States of America. Ron Paul has a keen eye o...
By: Drew Barrymore
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The Danger of Collapse of America - Ron Paul - Part#8 - Video
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Ron Paul editorial claims unwarranted and unfounded
Posted: at 8:42 am
Published:Friday, September 13, 2013
Updated:Friday, September 13, 2013 02:09
As a recent graduate and former staff member of The DePauw, its with deep disappointment that I feel compelled to submit this letter in response to Tuesdays editorial, Ron Paul and DePauw: Guilty by association.
While The DePauws mention of the various controversies surrounding Ron Paul certainly warrant our attention and scrutiny, the implication that Paul is not a legitimate and appropriate speaker based on toxic anti-humanitarian associations is carelessly sensationalized and incredibly reductive of Pauls 23 years of service to our country as a United States congressman.
In a political climate where our elected officials tend to legislate at the behest of special interests and partisan groupthink, Paul remained the most ideologically consistent member of Congress for decades, defending the Constitution and the principles of individual liberty, personal responsibility and free markets. As Americans grow increasingly disenchanted with our countrys methods of mass surveillance, endless war and unsound monetary policy, these principles which The DePauw has mistakenly labeled as countercultural, neoconservative and, perhaps mostly offensively, extremist are not radical new concepts. Nor are they unpopular, fringe philosophies. To dismiss them as such is damaging to the open dialogue and broad consideration of ideas for which The DePauw should advocate.
Paul is not the first controversial politician to be invited to take part in the Ubben Lecture this campus has seen the likes of Bill Clinton, Mikhail Gorbachev, Tony Blair and Ralph Nader. Like Paul, they all have something to answer for, and it is indeed our obligation to challenge and dissect their past associations and ideas. But the suggestion that the DePauw community and the incredibly generous Ubben family are openly aligning themselves with anti-humanitarians accusations leveled against Paul that The DePauw reports are primarily rooted in blogosphere hearsay is unwarranted and frankly distasteful.
The DePauw has the responsibility to depict campus issues in all of their nuance and complexity. Its my hope that the editorial board will strive to be more reputably informed before they condemn our University, its donors and its esteemed visitors as guilty without doing their due diligence.
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Ron Paul editorial claims unwarranted and unfounded
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In criticism of editorial “Ron Paul: Guilty by association”
Posted: at 8:42 am
Published:Friday, September 13, 2013
Updated:Friday, September 13, 2013 02:09
As a co-founder of DePauws chapter of Young Americans for Liberty which grew out of Students for Ron Paul back in 2008 Ive stayed updated with the goings-on at DePauw and was excited to learn that Dr. Paul was coming to the university to speak, thanks to the Ubben family. However, I was terribly disappointed and, frankly, disgusted by the severe lack of consistency and concrete journalism in Tuesdays piece: Ron Paul and DePauw: Guilty by Association.
Not only are the accusations against 11-term congressman and 3-time presidential nominee weak at best, they also contain logic that The DePauws Editorial Board fails to apply to other public figures in America.
Lets say for the sake of argument that Dr. Paul can be considered a racist, using The Depauws guilty by association logic. (This weak allegation can easily be annulled by the fact that he has held a strong stance on freedom and minority rights for over a half-century.) But lets say he is guilty by association. Wed then have to apply the same syllogism to other prominent public figures, lets say, President Obama.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who included several controversial and racist remarks in his sermons, is the former pastor of President Obama and his family. Bill Ayers, the former leader of the militant group the Weather Underground that has bombed various governmental buildings, is also a good friend of the Obamas.
President Obama must then condone the behavior of those individuals and, by proxy, be guilty of their remarks and crimes since he has past and present - associations with them.
President Obama hasnt spoken at DePauw yet, nor are there plans for him to give a lecture in the future. But using the logic applied by The DePauws Editorial Board, he is equally guilty by association just the Board claims Ron Paul is.
If I were a DePauw Administrator or a member of the Ubben family, I would be extremely insulted by Tuesdays editorial and ashamed of its absurd distortion of the language of our nations First Amendment.
In criticism of editorial “Ron Paul: Guilty by association”
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Minecraft Space Station Map ! Escape Pod Exit ! Minecraft Area Depot Blueprint ! Decamp Shell Egress – Video
Posted: September 11, 2013 at 8:42 pm
Minecraft Space Station Map ! Escape Pod Exit ! Minecraft Area Depot Blueprint ! Decamp Shell Egress
Enjoy your natural footage from GameChap and Bertie inspect the splendid International Space Station map; a 1:1 scale recreation of the ...
By: Payton Colwyn
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Minecraft Space Station Map ! Escape Pod Exit ! Minecraft Area Depot Blueprint ! Decamp Shell Egress - Video
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Sammy Hagar LIVE Space Station #5 @ America’s Cup Pavilion Sep 7, 2013 – Video
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Sammy Hagar LIVE Space Station #5 @ America #39;s Cup Pavilion Sep 7, 2013
The last stop on Sammy Hagar #39;s 4 Decades of Rock Tour. SETLIST Space Station #5 Rock The Nation Rock Candy Bad Motor Scooter Make It Last Red I Can #39;t Drive 5...
By: Brad Parese
Sammy Hagar LIVE Space Station #5 @ America's Cup Pavilion Sep 7, 2013 - Video
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BF Space Station Ep 1 – Video
Posted: at 8:42 pm
BF Space Station Ep 1
The Next Series from Bennychaz The BCSP. This time, we make the Bluecoconut Family Space Station! ... What could possibly go wrong?
By: BluecoconutFamily
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BF Space Station Ep 1 - Video
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Space Station To Study Weird Thundercloud Emissions | Video – Video
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Space Station To Study Weird Thundercloud Emissions | Video
Red Sprites, Blue Elves and Blue Jets are energetic bursts that spring from the tops of thunderstorms. Researchers believe they are Terrestrial Gamma-Ray fla...
By: VideoFromSpace
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Space Station To Study Weird Thundercloud Emissions | Video - Video
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Expedition 36 Hands of the Space Station to Expedition 37 – Video
Posted: at 8:42 pm
Expedition 36 Hands of the Space Station to Expedition 37
The reins of the International Space Station were passed from Expedition 36 Commander Pavel Vinogradov to fellow Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) cos...
By: NASAtelevision
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