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New Psoriasis Treatment | How “Psoriasis Free For Life” Helps People Get Beautiful Skin – Vkoolelite
Posted: September 13, 2013 at 8:44 am
Seattle, WA (PRWEB) September 13, 2013
Psoriasis Free For Life was created by Katy Wilson a former sufferer who had been fighting against this terrible skin condition. Katy Wilson has spent a long time researching and testing to find out an effective method that helps people get rid of the condition that she used to have. This remedy is one of the most effective home remedies for psoriasis in the current market. It will not only remove the symptoms: the silvery scales, the red, itchy skin, and the bleeding, but also helps people treat the underlying cause of their issue. In fact, this brand new remedy requires no harmful ingredients or costly drugs so users should feel secure about it. After being launched, the product has helped a lot of customers worldwide treat their skin condition successfully. Thus, the site Vkoolelite tested and has revealed a complete overview of the e-book.
The comprehensive overview on the site Vkoolelite states that Psoriasis Free For Life really works for people who are suffering from this awful skin diseases. Within this treatment, people will learn how to treat psoriasis naturally while they still keep their lifestyle and eating habit. The program will help sufferers beat all kinds of the condition: plaque, nail, scalp, guttate, inverse, and pustular. Besides, this remedy provides customers with a wide range of simple yet effective techniques and methods that will help them prevent the condition from coming back. In brief, nothing combined in this remedy is difficult to learn so that users should not worry about it.
Elena from the website Vkoolelite said that: Psoriasis Free For Life works really effectively for my terrible condition. Just within a short time, my symptoms almost disappeared. Using this remedy, I feel really secure because it is different from other products in the current market that I have tried before. It does not encourage sufferers to use harmful ingredients or drugs to treat the problem. It is totally based on nature, and all of the ingredients it suggests people to buy are easily found in any store. Therefore, everyone who wants to learn how to control psoriasis and how to get beautiful skin can get this product as a useful assistant. Additionally, the author releases the 100% money refund guarantee within 2 months so that users should not concern about it.
If people want to get pros and cons of the product, they could visit the site:
If people want to get more knowledge about the overview of the product they should get a direct access to the official site.
______________ About the website: Vkoolelite is the site built by Tony Nguyen. The site supplies people with tips, ways, programs, methods and e-books about many topics including business, health, entertainment, and lifestyle. People could send their feedback to Tony Nguyen on any digital products via email.
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New Psoriasis Treatment | How “Psoriasis Free For Life” Helps People Get Beautiful Skin – Vkoolelite
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How to Control Psoriasis | “Fast Psoriasis Cure” Reveals Techniques to Get Rid of Psoriasis Naturally – V-kool
Posted: at 8:44 am
Seattle, Wa (PRWEB) September 13, 2013
Fast Psoriasis Cure created by Anthony Taylor is a brand new system that provides people with a step-by-step strategy on how to control psoriasis symptoms rapidly and natural methods on how to treat psoriasis effectively. The program is ideal for sufferers at all age such as infants, children, teenagers, adults, and seniors. Furthermore, this e-guide does not rely on harsh drugs, creams, or lotions. After Anthony Taylor launched Fast Psoriasis Cure, he received a lot of comments from customers regarding their success with this program. As a result, the site accomplished an entire overview about the effectiveness of the product.
A full overview of Fast Psoriasis Cure on the site indicates that this program supplies people with top 12 home remedies for psoriasis, a proven 7 step formula, and innovative techniques to fix the root causes of their condition and eliminate scales and plagues literally. In addition, people will discover top 10 best foods that can boost their immune system, and the top 3 worst foods that they should avoid eating when suffering from psoriasis. In the e-guide, learners will get to know the biggest mistake most sufferers make that prevents their body from being able to produce skin cells at a normal rate. Moreover, this system also teaches people how to avoid scratching the itchy of psoriasis patches, how to fight the itchy temptation, and how to deal with an infection naturally and safely.
Lien Nguyen from the site says that: This program is a fast and new psoriasis treatment solution that contains easy-to-understand and simple-to-implement instructions. Additionally, the program offers clients some valuable bonuses which are Fast Action Guide, The Complete Handbook Of Nature's Cures manual, Living A Healthy Lifestyle manual, and Eating Healthy manual. One more thing, people will instantly receive a full money refund if this new program does not work for them.
If people wish to get advantages and disadvantages from a complete Fast Psoriasis Cure overview, they could visit the website:
To know more information about Fast Psoriasis Cure, get a direct access to the official site.
______________ About the website: is the site built by Tony Nguyen. The site supplies people with ways, programs, methods and e-books about many topics including business, health, entertainment, and lifestyle. People could send their feedback to Tony Nguyen on any digital products via email.
See original here:
How to Control Psoriasis | “Fast Psoriasis Cure” Reveals Techniques to Get Rid of Psoriasis Naturally – V-kool
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Pakistan's internet censorship “has no impact” – DAWN.COM
Posted: at 8:43 am
LAHORE: In a small Internet cafe, Abdullah gets round the censors with one click and logs onto YouTube, officially banned for a year and at the heart of Pakistan's cyberwar for control of the web.
On September 17, 2012 Islamabad blocked access to the popular video-sharing website after it aired a trailer for a low-budget American film deemed offensive to Islam and the Prophet Mohammed.
Pakistan summoned the most senior diplomat of the United States present in the country to protest against Innocence of Muslims, demanding that the film be removed and severe action taken against its producers.
A year later, the film is barely mentioned but YouTube, whose parent company is US multinational Google Inc, is still banned in Pakistan, as it is in China and Iran.
Pakistan is no stranger to censorship. Foreign television programmes deemed offensive are blocked while scenes considered too daring are censored in films shown at cinemas.
But the YouTube ban is in name only.
Internet users like Abdullah Raheem, a university student in Pakistan's cultural capital Lahore, can easily access the site through a simple proxy or Virtual Private Network (VPN).
Most people who go to school or university know how to access YouTube, but not the rest of the population, says Abdullah.
Only 10 per cent of Pakistan's estimated 180 million people have access to the Internet, one of the lowest rates in the world.
This ban has no impact, Abdullah declares, who still feels guilty about logging onto YouTube. As a Muslim, I'm ashamed... because 'Innocence of Muslims' defiled Islam.
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Pakistan's internet censorship “has no impact” - DAWN.COM
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Censorship board told to be prudent with The New Village film evaluaton
Posted: at 8:43 am
PORT DICKSON: The Film Censorship Board (LPF) should be prudent in evaluating the 'The New Village' film as it has the final say on its screening, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. He said LPF should be cautious in making whatever decision as the film was said to have concealed an intrinsic message in glorifying communist terrorists and putting them in better light than members of the security forces during insurgency.
Although the film depicted a love story, the characters featured and the message hidden should be evaluated carefully, he said. "I am not supporting any security forces in the film, but the British army is portrayed as being arrogant, but was the communist better than the security forces?" he said after launching the Royal Malaysian Police's Governance Structure and Organisational Design workshop here.
He said LPF should be prepared and responsible for public reaction towards the film if it were to approve its screening.
"But if the audience give a good rating to the film, then credit should be given to LPF," he said. - Bernama
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Censorship Board Told To Be Prudent With The New Village Film
Posted: at 8:43 am
Thursday, 12 September 2013 09:02
Datuk Seri Zahid HamidiPORT DICKSON: The Film Censorship Board (LPF) should be prudent in evaluating the 'The New Village' film as it has the final say on its screening, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.
He said LPF should be cautious in making whatever decision as the film was said to have concealed an intrinsic message in glorifying communist terrorists and putting them in better light than members of the security forces during insurgency.
Although the film depicted a love story, the characters featured and the message hidden should be evaluated carefully, he said.
"I am not supporting any security forces in the film, but the British army is portrayed as being arrogant, but was the communist better than the security forces?" he said after launching the Royal Malaysian Police's Governance Structure and Organisational Design workshop here.
He said LPF should be prepared and responsible for public reaction towards the film if it were to approve its screening.
"But if the audience give a good rating to the film, then credit should be given to LPF," he said.
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Censorship Board Told To Be Prudent With The New Village Film
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Academics Launch Fake Site to Get Inside China Censorship
Posted: at 8:43 am
Tom Simonite for MIT Technology Review 2013-09-12 18:31:10 UTC
Nine years after Mark Zuckerberg quit Harvard University to build Facebook, one of the universitys political science professors, Gary King, decided this year it was time to launch his own social media site. But King didnt set up his Chinese social network to make money; instead, he wanted to get an insiders view of Chinese censorship, which relies on Internet providers censoring their own sites in line with government guidelines. King wont disclose his sites URL, to protect people involved with his project.
Previous studies of Chinese censorship have mostly involved monitoring Chinese social sites to see which updates censors remove (see Social Media Censorship Offers Clues to Chinas Plans). Some have relied on rare interviews with insiders willing to talk about their role in censorship. By contracting with a major Chinese provider of web software to help run his site, King could instead inspect the available censorship tools firsthand. He could also ask the companys representatives whatever he wanted about how those tools should be used. When we had questions, we just called customer service, King says. They were being paid to help us.
Along with some parallel experiments on established social sites, Kings dabble in Internet entrepreneurialism has shown that Chinese censorship relies more heavily than was known on automatic filtering that holds posts back for human review before they appear online. The researchers also uncovered evidence that Chinas vast censorship system is underpinned by a surprisingly vibrant, capitalistic market in which companies compete to offer better censorship technology and services.
Censorship of Chinese sites is sometimes inconsistent and is known to rely heavily on people screening posts manually. But the software the Harvard researchers bought to run their site came with an unexpectedly complex toolkit of automated censorship tools, King says, and the company that provided it was happy to give advice on how to use them. The options were really quite astounding.
Not only could new posts be automatically held back for manual review by a human censor based on specific keywords, but they could be treated differently based on their length, where on the site they appeared, and whether they started a conversation or contributed to an existing one. Specific people could be targeted for more aggressive censorship based on their IP address, how recently they had last posted, and their reputation in the community.
Making customer service calls to the software provider the team had contracted also revealed that it was possible to choose from a range of extra paid-for plug-ins offering more sophisticated filtering options. Those conversations also shed light on the perennial mystery of just how many censors there are screening online posts in China. King was told that, to keep the government happy, a site should employ two or three censors for every 50,000 users. Based on that, he estimates there are between 50,000 and 75,000 censors working at Internet companies inside China.
In a parallel experiment, Kings group recruited dozens of people inside China to help post 1,200 different updates to 100 different social sites to see what got censored. Just over 40% of all those posts were immediately held back by automated censorship tools. Those filtered posts either appeared within a day or two or never made it online. Watching the fate of different posts suggested sites used a wide variety of different censorship technologies and procedures.
Those findings and Kings experience running his own site suggest that China has created a kind of competitive market in censorship, he says. Companies are free to run their censorship operations mostly as they wish, as long as they dont allow the wrong kind of speech to flourish. That creates an incentive to find ways to censor more effectively so as to minimize the impact on profitability. Theres plenty of diversity and room for technical and business innovation in censorship, says King. Companies get to experiment and choose from firms trying to sell them censorship technology.
Jason Ng, a research fellow at the University of Toronto specializing in Chinese censorship, says that Kings look at the options available for censorship is unprecedented. The authorities seem to recognize that government isnt best suited for the performance of censorship, Ng says. Its better for private companies to do this not just for innovation but for resources.
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Academics Launch Fake Site to Get Inside China Censorship
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Academics Launch Fake Social Network to Get an Inside Look at Chinese Censorship
Posted: at 8:43 am
New research shows Chinas online censorship relies on a competitive market where companies vie to offer the best speech-suppressing technology and services.
Nine years after Mark Zuckerberg quit Harvard to build Facebook, one of the universitys political science professors, Gary King, decided this year it was time to launch his own social media site. But King didnt set up his Chinese social network to make money; instead, he wanted to get an insiders view of Chinese censorship, which relies on Internet providers censoring their own sites in line with government guidelines. King wont disclose his sites URL, to protect people involved with his project.
Previous studies of Chinese censorship have mostly involved monitoring Chinese social sites to see which updates censors remove (see Social Media Censorship Offers Clues to Chinas Plans). Some have relied on rare interviews with insiders willing to talk about their role in censorship. By contracting with a major Chinese provider of Web software to help run his site, King could instead inspect the available censorship tools firsthand. He could also ask the companys representatives whatever he wanted about how those tools should be used. When we had questions, we just called customer service, says King. They were being paid to help us.
Along with some parallel experiments on established social sites, Kings dabble in Internet entrepreneurialism has shown that Chinese censorship relies more heavily than was known on automatic filtering that holds posts back for human review before they appear online. The researchers also uncovered evidence that Chinas vast censorship system is underpinned by a surprisingly vibrant, capitalistic market where companies compete to offer better censorship technology and services.
Censorship of Chinese sites is sometimes inconsistent and is known to rely heavily on people screening posts manually. But the software the Harvard researchers bought to run their site came with an unexpectedly complex toolkit of automated censorship tools, says King, and the company that provided it was happy to give advice on how to use them. The options were really quite astounding.
Not only could new posts be automatically held back for manual review by a human censor based on specific keywords, but they could be treated differently based on their length, where on the site they appeared, and whether they started a conversation or contributed to an existing one. Specific people could be targeted for more aggressive censorship based on their IP address, how recently they had last posted, and their reputation in the community.
Making customer service calls to the software provider the team had contracted also revealed that it was possible to choose from a range of extra, paid-for plug-ins offering more sophisticated filtering options. Those conversations also shed light on the perennial mystery of just how many censors there are screening online posts in China. King was told that to keep the government happy a site should employ two or three censors for every 50,000 users. Based on that, he estimates that there are between 50,000 and 75,000 censors working at Internet companies inside China.
In a parallel experiment, Kings group recruited dozens of people inside China to help post 1,200 different updates to 100 different social sites to see what got censored. Just over 40 percent of all those posts were immediately held back by automated censorship tools. Those filtered posts either appeared within a day or two or never made it online. Watching the fate of different posts suggested sites used a wide variety of different censorship technologies and procedures.
Those findings and Kings experience running his own site suggest that China has created a kind of competitive market in censorship, he says. Companies are free to run their censorship operations mostly as they wish, as long as they dont allow the wrong kind of speech to flourish. That creates an incentive to find ways to censor more effectively so as to minimize the impact on profitability. Theres plenty of diversity and room for technical and business innovation in censorship, says King. Companies get to experiment and choose from firms trying to sell them censorship technology.
Jason Ng, a research fellow at the University of Toronto specializing in Chinese censorship, says that Kings look at the options available for censorship is unprecedented. The authorities seem to recognize that government isnt best suited for the performance of censorship, says Ng. Its better for private companies to do this not just for innovation but for resources.
The rest is here:
Academics Launch Fake Social Network to Get an Inside Look at Chinese Censorship
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Ron Paul Highlights Bloomberg Washington Post GOP Debate – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
Ron Paul Highlights Bloomberg Washington Post GOP Debate
By: AmericanIdeology
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Ron Paul Highlights Bloomberg Washington Post GOP Debate - Video
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The Danger of Collapse of America – Ron Paul – Part#7 – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
The Danger of Collapse of America - Ron Paul - Part#7
Ron Paul is an American physician, author, and former politician. Ron Paul was born in August 20, 1935 in United States of America. Ron Paul has a keen eye o...
By: Drew Barrymore
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The Danger of Collapse of America - Ron Paul - Part#7 - Video
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The Danger of Collapse of America – Ron Paul – Part#4 – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
The Danger of Collapse of America - Ron Paul - Part#4
Ron Paul is an American physician, author, and former politician. Ron Paul was born in August 20, 1935 in United States of America. Ron Paul has a keen eye o...
By: Drew Barrymore
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The Danger of Collapse of America - Ron Paul - Part#4 - Video
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