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Atlanta Women Offers Hope for Those With Psoriasis
Posted: September 17, 2013 at 5:41 am
By Serena Gordon HealthDay Reporter
FRIDAY, Sept. 13 (HealthDay News) -- Alisha Bridges spent most of her life covering up and hiding. She didn't want the world to see the scaly patches of psoriasis that cover a significant portion of her body.
She's tried almost every treatment that's out there, with varying degrees of success, she said. Topical corticosteroids tend to work best for her, but because they can be used for only limited periods of time, she tries to restrict their use to when she has a special occasion coming up and as warmer weather approaches.
As much as 90 percent of her body is often covered with psoriasis, Bridges said.
She was only 7 years old when she was diagnosed with the autoimmune skin disease after a bout of chickenpox. Bridges said she's spent most of her life worried that people would stare, or that they'd think she had something that was contagious.
"I was hiding and being ashamed -- I was my own worst enemy," admitted Bridges, who just turned 26.
But then she started blogging about what it's like to live with psoriasis, and people took notice. She was invited to the National Psoriasis Foundation meeting in Washington D.C., where she attended a number of workshops, including one on using social media to raise awareness and connect with others.
Since then, she's been busy raising awareness through Facebook and Twitter, and she's continued to blog about living with psoriasis. She's also become a National Psoriasis Foundation community ambassador.
"Finding support is imperative in the battle with psoriasis," Bridges said. "It's so important to know that you're not alone -- that other people are also dealing with this. And, don't be afraid to speak out. When you start talking about it, people are more understanding than you expect them to be. The majority of people don't know what psoriasis is, but many are open to hearing more about it."
Support groups, she said, are great places to learn about what works and what doesn't for psoriasis, and to pick up tips -- like learning to be persistent and patient with your medication.
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Treatment Options Expand for Psoriasis Patients
Posted: at 5:41 am
By Serena Gordon HealthDay Reporter
FRIDAY, Sept. 13 (HealthDay News) -- For the legions of Americans living with the red, scaly patches of psoriasis, doctors have good news.
"We are at a point where we can help almost anyone, and we can do it fairly safely," said Dr. Mark Lebwohl, who chairs the National Psoriasis Foundation's medical board. "If you have psoriasis, there's usually a treatment out there that will make you better."
Some 7.5 million people in the United States have the autoimmune disease, yet it's unknown to millions of others.
The telltale scaly patches often occur on the outside of the elbows, knees and scalp, but they can appear anywhere on the skin and may itch, sting or burn. Some people with psoriasis also develop psoriatic arthritis, which causes stiffness, pain, throbbing, swelling and tenderness in one or more joints.
Symptoms vary from person to person, as does severity of the disease. Some people are affected mildly, while others have signs of the disease over most of their body.
But Lebwohl said there are more treatment options available today than ever before, and more are on the way. "We have medicines that are pretty safe and incredibly effective for the large majority of patients," he said.
For most people, the first line of treatment is a topical medication. Topical corticosteroids are probably the most common first treatment, he said, and they often work very well but are prone to such side effects as thinning skin and stretch marks.
Dr. Janet Lin, a dermatologist at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, also noted that people can develop a resistance to topical corticosteroids, which means the medication won't work any longer.
Another topical treatment is a class of medications known as vitamin D analogues, which Lin said "help normalize the growth of the skin cells, and they don't have the side effects of corticosteroids." Examples are calcipotriol, calcitriol and tacalcitol.
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Treatment Options Expand for Psoriasis Patients
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Ron Paul’s policy ideas a step in the right direction
Posted: at 5:40 am
Published:Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Updated:Tuesday, September 17, 2013 02:09
Sarah Wilson
Never in my life have I left a room feeling so inspired.
Dr. Ron Paul is truly one of Americas most inspirational people, especially to young students like us here at DePauw. I truly believe that this country is realizing that the way to true freedom is not through government protection, but through individual decisions. I am a strong believer that Pauls noninterventionist policy is the best way to make this country more economically prosperous, globally stable, and socially free.
One of my favorite parts of Pauls speech was his response to the liberals argument for the redistribution of wealth. It is not acceptable to go steal one of your neighbors cars because they have three and you have none, but it seems to be okay when the government does it.
To quote Paul, the government can not do anything that we can not do.
We cannot steal from our neighbors, so we should expect the government to do the same. Governments only role in our financial situations and the economy should be to protect our property, not to take it away.
Government intervention does not increase the number in our middle class, but shrinks it. As Paul said, I believe the only way to strengthen our economy is to remove government intervention and remove the ridiculous amount of entitlement and welfare spending.
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Ron Paul’s policy ideas a step in the right direction
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Aaron Franz – Glasgow Truth Group Radio – Transhuman Agenda – Part 1 – Video
Posted: at 3:41 am
Aaron Franz - Glasgow Truth Group Radio - Transhuman Agenda - Part 1
This video was uploaded by Aaron Franz Originally Titled: Glasgow Truth Group Radio, the Transhuman Agenda, interview with Aaron Franz (part 1) I am uploadin...
By: jamiewhittaker1981
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Space Station Live: Preparing for Cygnus – Video
Posted: September 16, 2013 at 2:42 pm
Space Station Live: Preparing for Cygnus
NASA Public Affairs Officer Dan Huot talks with Ray Bigonesse, Visiting Vehicle Officer for the International Space Station #39;s flight control team, about the ...
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Posted: at 2:42 pm
check paustalservice channel GREEN SCREEN AND WATER.
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Astronaut Chris Cassidy Talks About Conducting Space Station Experiments – Video
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Astronaut Chris Cassidy Talks About Conducting Space Station Experiments
Flight Engineer Chris Cassidy, who lived and worked nearly six months during Expedition 36 aboard the International Space Station, discusses experiments he c...
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Space Station Live: Cygnus Robotics Operations – Video
Posted: at 2:42 pm
Space Station Live: Cygnus Robotics Operations
NASA Public Affairs Officer Dan Huot talks with Billy Jones, ROBO flight controller for the International Space Station #39;s flight control team, about the upco...
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Kerbal Space Program – Part 15 – Docking to Space Station – Video
Posted: at 2:42 pm
Kerbal Space Program - Part 15 - Docking to Space Station
An amazing game all about science and space! Let #39;s see if I can get the Kerbal astronauts to the edges of the universe!! Visit my channel:
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U.S. weighing future of international space station
Posted: at 2:42 pm
Originally published September 15, 2013 at 6:06 PM | Page modified September 15, 2013 at 6:15 PM
Long ago, in a dreamier era, space stations were imagined as portals to the heavens. In the 1968 movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, the huge structure twirled in orbit, aesthetically sublime, a relaxing way station for astronauts heading to the moon. It featured a Hilton and a Howard Johnsons.
The international space station of the 21st century isnt quite as beautiful as that movie version, and its not a gateway to anywhere else. Its a laboratory focused on scientific experiments. Usually there are six people aboard. When they leave, they go back home, down to Earth. Three came home Wednesday, landing in Kazakhstan.
The space station circles the planet at an altitude of about 250 miles. Faint traces of atmosphere exert a drag on it, so the station must be boosted regularly to stay in orbit. In the grand scheme of things, the space station simply isnt very far away. The station has a phone number with a Houston area code.
Advocates for human-space exploration insist that NASA must think bigger, developing missions beyond Low Earth Orbit, into deeper space perhaps back to the moon, or to an asteroid, and certainly to Mars eventually.
But NASA has been struggling for years to square ambitions with budgets. The space station is widely praised as an engineering marvel, but it didnt come cheap.
The United States has poured close to $100 billion into the program and is contributing about t $3 billion a year to the stations operation. Space-policy experts warn that, without a significant boost in budget, NASA will not be able to keep running the station and simultaneously carry out new, costly deep-space missions.
The United States and its partners need to make a tough call: Keep the station flying? Or bring it down?
Boeing, the prime contractor, is trying to prove that the stations components can hold up through at least 2028. Three years ago, Congress extended funding for the station through 2020, and NASAs international partners Russia, Japan, Canada and the European Space Agency have made a similar commitment.
But behind the scenes, NASA officials are working to persuade the White House to make a decision, pronto, to keep the orbital laboratory flying after 2020.
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U.S. weighing future of international space station
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