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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Aaron Franz – Glasgow Truth Group Radio – Transhuman Agenda – Part 2 – Video
Posted: September 18, 2013 at 2:40 pm
Aaron Franz - Glasgow Truth Group Radio - Transhuman Agenda - Part 2
This video was uploaded by Aaron Franz Originally Titled: Glasgow Truth Group Radio, the Transhuman Agenda, interview with Aaron Franz (part 2) I am uploadin...
By: jamiewhittaker1981
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Aaron Franz - Glasgow Truth Group Radio - Transhuman Agenda - Part 2 - Video
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futurist cmo 2013 – Video
Posted: at 2:40 pm
futurist cmo 2013
futurist cmo 2013.
By: Anish David
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Futurist – Hairy Heavy Metal Punks – Video
Posted: at 2:40 pm
Futurist - Hairy Heavy Metal Punks
By: amoromar
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Futurist - Hairy Heavy Metal Punks - Video
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Chocolate coming from Wallops to space station
Posted: September 17, 2013 at 5:42 am
A Virginia company makes its debut this week as a space station delivery service, and the lone American aboard the orbiting lab is counting on a fresh stash of chocolate.
In an interview Monday with The Associated Press, NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg said she can't wait for this weekend's arrival of a new cargo ship named Cygnus. It will be the first shipment by Orbital Sciences Corp. to the International Space Station.
"You know that there's something packed away in that vehicle, something special for you ... We're human beings and we get very excited about the packages from home and some of the treats that we might get," said Nyberg.
Orbital Sciences is scheduled to launch an unmanned Antares rocket containing Cygnus on Wednesday morning from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility on Virginia's eastern shore. It's where NASA launched a moon spacecraft 1 weeks ago.
NASA is paying Orbital Sciences and the California-based SpaceX company to keep the space station well stocked in the shuttle-less era.
Orbital Sciences conducted a practice Antares launch in April with a mock payload. This will be its first space station run, coming more than a year after the initial SpaceX delivery.
Because this is considered a test flight, the Cygnus will carry up mostly food and other nonessential items. That suits Nyberg and her two male crewmates an Italian and a Russian. They have been in orbit since the end of May, with two more months to go. Three more residents arrive later next week.
Nyberg's husband NASA astronaut Douglas Hurley put together the care package that's already stowed on the Cygnus capsule. They have one child, 3-year-old Jack.
"It would be really nice to have some fresh home-baked goods, but the fresh part doesn't work very well when it takes a couple days to get here," Nyberg said. "So anything chocolate usually does it for me."
Given a Wednesday launch, the Cygnus should arrive at the space station on Sunday. Unlike the SpaceX Earth-returning Dragon, it will be filled with trash and, once cut loose, burn up during descent.
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Chocolate coming from Wallops to space station
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Reproductive Human Plant Hybrid Genetic Engineering at Home – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Reproductive Human Plant Hybrid Genetic Engineering at Home
The End Of The World Reproductive Human Plant Hybrid Genetic Engineering at Home Visit The End Of The World on Youtube ...
By: Jm Lilapara
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DragonBall GT DNA (little mix) – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
DragonBall GT DNA (little mix)
like please !!! Musique : DNA de little mix !
By: Dragon Ball Z,GT
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DNA Corpo que Dança 6 – Video
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Whole DNA sequencing reveals mutations, new gene for blinding disease
Posted: at 5:41 am
Public release date: 16-Sep-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Mary Leach 617-573-4170 Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
BOSTON -- Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a genetic disease that causes progressive loss of vision and is caused by mutations in more than 50 genes. Conventional methods for identification of both RP mutations and novel RP genes involve the screening of DNA coding sequences.
In a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers from the Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Harvard Medical School, the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, and others tested DNA with the use of whole genome sequencing, a technique that takes into account all variants from both the coding and noncoding regions of the human genome. With this approach the authors report a number of unique RP mutations, a previously undescribed disease gene called NEK2 that involves the retinal photoreceptors, and structural DNA rearrangements originating in introns.
This paper supports the advantages of the use of whole genome sequencing to search for mutations in patients with RP.
The researchers performed whole genome sequencing in 16 unrelated patients with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (ARRP), a disease characterized by progressive retinal degeneration and caused by mutations in over 50 genes, in search of pathogenic DNA variants, the authors wrote. Eight patients were from North America, whereas eight were Japanese, a population for which ARRP seems to have different genetic drivers.
Using a specific work flow, they assessed both the coding and noncoding regions of the human genome, including the evaluation of highly polymorphic SNPs, structural and copy number variations, as well as 69 control genomes sequenced by the same procedures. They detected homozygous or compound het erozygous mutations in 7 genes associated with ARRP (USH2A, RDH12, CNGB1, EYS, PDE6B, DFNB31, and CERKL) in eight patients, three Japanese and five Americans. Fourteen of the 16 mutant alleles identified were previously unknown. Among these, there was a 2.3-kb deletion in USH2A and an inverted duplication of 446 kb in EYS, which would have likely escaped conventional screening techniques or exome sequencing. Moreover, in another Japanese patient, they identified a homozygous frameshift (p.L206fs), absent in more than 2,500 chromosomes from ethnically matched controls, in the ciliary gene NEK2, encoding a serine/threonine-protein kinase. Inactivation of this gene in zebrafish induced retinal photoreceptor defects that were rescued by human NEK2mRNA. In addition to identifying a previously undescribed ARRP gene, the study highlights the importance of rare structural DNA variations in Mendelian diseases and advocates the need for screening approaches that transcend the analysis of the coding sequences of the human genome.
This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant 310030_138346) and the Gebert Rf Foundation, Switzerland (Rare Diseases-New Technologies Grant); a Center Grant from the Foundation Fighting Blindness; National Institutes of Health Grants DK072301 and MH-084018; Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan Grant 23300101 and Grant 23300201; the Japan Science and Technology Agency, and the Strategic Research Program for Brain Sciences; and a Grant-in-Aid for Scientic Research on Innovative Areas from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan and Takeda Science Foundation. A full list of authors and their contributions to the research is available in the paper.
About Massachusetts Eye and Ear
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Whole DNA sequencing reveals mutations, new gene for blinding disease
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A BAND OF BURIERS – Filth @DNA, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – 07-30-2013 – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
By: ThatYouTooMaySee SomethingYouHaveNotSeenBefore
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A BAND OF BURIERS - Filth @DNA, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM - 07-30-2013 - Video
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A BAND OF BURIERS – Stuffing A Chest With Twigs @DNA, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – 07-30-2013 – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
A BAND OF BURIERS - Stuffing A Chest With Twigs @DNA, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM - 07-30-2013
By: ThatYouTooMaySee SomethingYouHaveNotSeenBefore
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A BAND OF BURIERS - Stuffing A Chest With Twigs @DNA, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM - 07-30-2013 - Video
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