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Scientists decode the genome of the world's big cats
Posted: September 18, 2013 at 2:41 pm
Published: Sept. 17, 2013 at 7:43 PM
SUWON, South Korea, Sept. 17 (UPI) -- International scientists say they've mapped the genomes of the tiger, lion and snow leopard, hoping to bolster efforts to protect the endangered species.
The team led by Yun Sung Cho at the Genome Research Foundation in Suwon, South Korea, sequenced the genome of a female Siberian tiger at the Everland Zoo in South Korea.
Writing in the journal Nature Communications, the researchers said the sequencing revealed tigers share 96 percent of their genes with domestic cats.
The team then went on to sequence the DNA of four other big cat species -- the African lion, snow leopard, white Bengal tiger and white African lion.
The genomes show how big cats gained their superior muscle strength, the ability to digest large amounts of meat and a keen sense of smell, and also yielded genetic clues to how the white lion gained its pale coat and how the snow leopard adapted to the snowy mountain ranges, the researchers said.
The tiger genome map will be an important resource for looking at genetic diversity, they said, as the preservation of diminishing wild tiger populations is a major concern of animal conservationists.
"Our tiger reference genome can be used as the basis for comparing all the tigers in the world, so that we know the genetic diversity of tigers," researcher Jong Bhak told the BBC.
"And we can actually have a plan of how we can breed tigers effectively [in zoos] to save the genetic diversity."
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Scientists decode the genome of the world's big cats
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New York Genome Center announces the New York Stem Cell Foundation as an Associate Member
Posted: at 2:41 pm
Public release date: 17-Sep-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: David McKeon 212-365-7440 New York Stem Cell Foundation
New York, NY (September 17, 2013) The New York Genome Center (NYGC) announced today that The New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) has become an Associate Member, joining NYGC's growing consortium of 16 research and clinical institutions, all working together in new ways to utilize genomic data for better detection, treatment, and prevention of disease.
"Biologists at the NYSCF working with the genomic scientists at NYGC will help address some of the critical roadblocks in stem cell research," said Dr. Robert B. Darnell, President and Scientific Director of NYGC. "Modern genomics has the potential to provide vital missing information to help us learn how to harness stem cells for use in clinical medicine. We've developed techniques and ideas here at NYGC that will greatly synergize with the beautiful and pioneering work ongoing at the NYSCF."
Stem cell biology and genomic analysis are both critical to the advancement of precision medicine. The collaboration between the Genome Center and NYSCF will merge cutting-edge capabilities in human biology with genomic research, creating an optimal environment for translating research into a better standard of care for patients.
"We are excited to work with NYGC as we continue to accelerate cures for the major diseases of our time. This will enable collaboration within the growing biotechnology community in New York," said Susan L. Solomon, CEO of The New York Stem Cell Foundation. "NYSCF has a number of current projects in which additional genomic analysis may play a critical role in better understanding disease susceptibility and risk factors. We hope to work with NYGC to integrate their genomic analysis into our research."
The New York Genome Center provides an "Integrated Genomics Solution", which includes (1) scientific consultation, (2) next-generation sequencing services for exomes, whole genomes, and RNA, (3) bioinformatic analysis of sequencing results using a high performance computing environment, and (4) data storage so that researchers and clinicians can readily access these results.
As an Associate Member, NYSCF will have priority access to these services. NYSCF will also become a member of the NYGC's Scientific and Clinical Steering Committee (SCSC), which provides guidance on research direction and oversees research collaborations and related funding.
NYSCF employs 45 full-time scientists and engineers in its laboratory who are engaged in the most advanced stem cell research and technology development, including creating NYSCF's Global Stem Cell Array, an automated technology platform that for the first time makes it possible to create identical stem cell lines from a large number of patients in a massively parallel process. This is a revolutionary tool that takes the vast amount of information we have learned from sequencing the human genome and puts it into a biological context to accelerate the development of safe and effective medicine. This robotic system creates induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell lines and cell derivatives in a standardized manner from genetically diverse patients and patients with disease. This program will create an array of stem cell lines representing the full range of human genetics and the diversity of the world's population.
"This collaboration will expand our resources to analyze our stem cell samples at the genetic level, as we continue to bring the latest discoveries in genome science to our work to understand, prevent, and eventually cure diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer's, and multiple sclerosis among many others," said Scott Noggle, Director of the NYSCF Laboratory and the Charles Evans Senior Research Fellow for Alzheimer's Disease.
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New York Genome Center announces the New York Stem Cell Foundation as an Associate Member
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Host genome controls skin microbiota and inflammation
Posted: at 2:41 pm
Sep. 17, 2013 Numerous recent studies linked gut microbiota with various diseases such as obesity or diabetes. Little is known, however, on how gut and skin microbiota composition is controlled. In a recent study published in the journal Nature Communications on 17 September, John Baines, Saleh Ibrahim and their colleagues of the Inflammation Research Excellence Cluster show that composition of skin microbiota is controlled by the host genome and that skin bacteria may have a greater influence on inflammatory diseases than previously thought. Their landmark findings will open the door to identify gene variants controlling skin microbiota and to define their link to various diseases such as skin inflammatory disorders.
The human body contains more bacteria than human cells. Most of these bacteria comprise the normal gut and skin microbiota. Susceptibility to chronic inflammatory diseases is determined by immunogenetic and environmental risk factors that include resident microbial communities. Whether these differences are of primary etiological importance or secondary to the altered inflammatory environment remains largely unknown.
The inflammation cluster research groups led by Saleh Ibrahim of the University of Lbeck, and John Baines of the MPI and CAU, correlated the genomic variations of hundreds of mice that partially develop skin inflammatory diseases with skin microbiota. They showed evidence for host gene-microbiota interactions contributing to disease risk in a mouse model of autoantibody-induced inflammatory skin disease. Furthermore they identified genetic loci contributing to skin microbiota variability, susceptibility to skin inflammation and their overlap. The majority of the identified microbiotal communities are characterized by reduced abundance being associated with increased disease risk, providing evidence of a primary role in protection from disease.
These findings offer a promising potential for using those probiotic species for preventative and therapeutic treatment development. John Baines: "It appears that the skin flora is a phenotype that is partially controlled by the host genome variations. This in turn predisposes to the development of disease. The more we learn about these interactions, the more possibilities there will be for a better and more individualized treatment and prevention of skin inflammatory diseases.
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The above story is based on materials provided by Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel.
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Host genome controls skin microbiota and inflammation
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Natural Eczema Cure | Get Rid of Eczema – Video
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Natural Eczema Cure | Get Rid of Eczema Natural Eczema Cure | Get Rid of Eczema.
By: Mike Talley
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Natural Eczema Cure | Get Rid of Eczema - Video
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30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) Day 2 – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) Day 2
My 2nd day of the fast aiming to loose those extra pounds and cure myself of eczema and chronic sinusitis. The itchiness from the eczema has gotten better. N...
By: Fasting Taurus
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30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) Day 2 - Video
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30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) Day 1 – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) Day 1
My 1st day of the fast aiming to loose those extra pounds and cure myself of eczema and chronic sinusitis. My first step towards ridding myself of eczema, si...
By: Fasting Taurus
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30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) Day 1 - Video
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30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) Day 3 – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) Day 3
My 3rd day of the fast aiming to loose those extra pounds and cure myself of eczema and chronic sinusitis. Again I drank 4 liters/1 gallon of water. I lost 8...
By: Fasting Taurus
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30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) Day 3 - Video
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American professor Noam Chomsky silenced in Europe (Censorship Part 1) – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
American professor Noam Chomsky silenced in Europe (Censorship Part 1)
Political activitist and highly intelligent and moral human being Noam Chomsky attempted to be silenced. Shocking how idiotic some people can be!
By: Apollonius Tyana
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Ron Paul: Gov't is addicted to spending
Posted: at 2:40 pm
Americans can't expect the government to police the world and provide an "endless welfare state," Paul said. Unless some major change happens, he added, the government will remain in a stalemate.
(Related: Obama to CEOs: Washington 'locked up' in a stalemate)
When asked whether he would have supported Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in an effort to defund Affordable Care Act, often referred to as Obamacare, Paul said, "Yes, I would think that you would have to what is necessary. If you continue the process, it just makes things worse. It delays the inevitable. if we don't do it, the consequences will be so much greater."
(Read more: House Republicans plan to defund Obamacare)
However, he said, Congress is unlikely to follow through and will use "scare tactics" to make the public to believe this level of spending is necessary.
Paul has also been a vocal critic of the Federal Reserve, which he believes should be abolished. Regarding the potential group of nominees for Fed chairman, Paul said "I'd pick none of the above, because I don't think it makes any difference. The all endorse the principle of manipulating interest rates and believing that they can decide how much money supply there should be."
(Read more: End the Fed, save the Dollar: Ron Paul)
"One individual might manage things slightly differently, but overall it would be the same thing. It's still the monetary system that we have to deal with, not the particular manager," he said. "A few individuals and one in particular behind the scenes in secret pretending they know what interest rates should be it's positively amazing that the economy tolerates it."
Paul said gold, which he acknowledged is a part of his personal portfolio, should be a long-term investment and an insurance policy against government actions. "We do know that governments will continue to spend, the deficit problem hasn't been solved. The employment statistics are not quite as rosy as some people believe," he added.
"We're in big trouble. ... There is a lot of inflation, a lot of unemployment. To say that gold went down in the last year, that doesn't tell you a whole lot. You've got to look more long term and you have to look at the basics," he said. "I think most people who study free market economics know that this is very, very fragile. The dollar is fragile. I think people should be more cautious than overly confident."
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Ron Paul: Gov't is addicted to spending
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Gov't can't control spending addiction: Ron Paul
Posted: at 2:40 pm
Americans can't expect the government to police the world and provide an "endless welfare state," Paul said. Unless some major change happens, he added, the government will remain in a stalemate.
(Related: Obama to CEOs: Washington 'locked up' in a stalemate)
When asked whether he would have supported Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in an effort to defund Affordable Care Act, often referred to as Obamacare, Paul said, "Yes, I would think that you would have to what is necessary. If you continue the process, it just makes things worse. It delays the inevitable. if we don't do it, the consequences will be so much greater."
(Read more: House Republicans plan to defund Obamacare)
However, he said, Congress is unlikely to follow through and will use "scare tactics" to make the public to believe this level of spending is necessary.
Paul has also been a vocal critic of the Federal Reserve, which he believes should be abolished. Regarding the potential group of nominees for Fed chairman, Paul said "I'd pick none of the above, because I don't think it makes any difference. The all endorse the principle of manipulating interest rates and believing that they can decide how much money supply there should be."
(Read more: End the Fed, save the Dollar: Ron Paul)
"One individual might manage things slightly differently, but overall it would be the same thing. It's still the monetary system that we have to deal with, not the particular manager," he said. "A few individuals and one in particular behind the scenes in secret pretending they know what interest rates should be it's positively amazing that the economy tolerates it."
Paul said gold, which he acknowledged is a part of his personal portfolio, should be a long-term investment and an insurance policy against government actions. "We do know that governments will continue to spend, the deficit problem hasn't been solved. The employment statistics are not quite as rosy as some people believe," he added.
"We're in big trouble. ... There is a lot of inflation, a lot of unemployment. To say that gold went down in the last year, that doesn't tell you a whole lot. You've got to look more long term and you have to look at the basics," he said. "I think most people who study free market economics know that this is very, very fragile. The dollar is fragile. I think people should be more cautious than overly confident."
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Gov't can't control spending addiction: Ron Paul
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