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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Internet Religious Censorship: Pakistani public suffers consequences of country’s YouTube ban – Video
Posted: September 19, 2013 at 7:40 am
Internet Religious Censorship: Pakistani public suffers consequences of country #39;s YouTube ban
Many of Pakistan #39;s companies, educators and students say they have been negatively impacted by the YouTube ban that was imposed almost a year ago to block vi...
By: JewishNewsOne
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Herberger Censorship Will Have Long-Term Impact
Posted: at 7:40 am
It's canceled.
Mike Ford
The Sodomite by Mike Ford
Ronnie Ray Mendez's Maria
That's what a box office clerk told artist Ronnie Ray Mendez on Friday, August 30, when he arrived at Herberger Theater Center to pick up promotional postcards for the exhibition "Prime Example," a group show curated by local gallery owner (and longtime New Times contributor) Robrt Pela and scheduled to open less than a week later, on September 5.
"An e-mail would've been nice," Mendez says.
Later that Friday, Herberger did send out an e-mail to its subscribers. The e-mail reiterated that "Prime Example" was canceled. Instead of the new exhibit featuring works from Mendez, Mike Ford, Suzanne Falk, and Geoffrey Gersten, "Show and Tell," curated by Phoenix artist Peter Bugg, would continue through early October.
The e-mail offered no further explanation, and the arts community cried foul.
"Welcome to Phoenix, where censorship is okay," Pela wrote on the show's Facebook event page. "And where corporate gallery owners apparently don't care that artists have spent months creating art for an upcoming exhibit."
Although it took a few days for all the details to come out, it's clear that "Prime Example" was canceled because Herberger objected to the content of some of the artwork Pela had chosen. Herberger officials have denied in multiple statements that this was an act of censorship, offering three different explanations as to why the show, which was on the books for two years, was abruptly called off.
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Ron Paul Smokes Bernanke – Video
Posted: at 7:40 am
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Crysis III EP2 – Post Human – Video
Posted: at 7:40 am
Crysis III EP2 - Post Human
Boas pessoal! Cá está o segundo episódio da nossa série de Crysis 3, desta vez com a primeira missão do jogo! Somos Prophet, soldado Nanosuit em busca da ver...
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The Futurist: iPhone 5s v.s. 5c – Video
Posted: at 7:40 am
The Futurist: iPhone 5s v.s. 5c
Like a super hyped Transformers movie smashing into a multiplex -- the new iPhone arrives on Friday!
By: TheListShowTV
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International Space Station to Explore the Tops of Thunderstorms – Video
Posted: September 18, 2013 at 2:42 pm
International Space Station to Explore the Tops of Thunderstorms
Sometimes, Earth mimics a supernova, producing a Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flash from the tops of thunderstorms. A new lightning sensor on the International Spac...
By: AussieNews1
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Space Station Live Orbital Sciences Cygnus Update – Video
Posted: at 2:42 pm
Space Station Live Orbital Sciences Cygnus Update
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Poundland Challenge – 10 minute Space Station – Video
Posted: at 2:42 pm
Poundland Challenge - 10 minute Space Station
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Orbital launches cargo ship on maiden flight to space station
Posted: at 2:42 pm
Updated at 01:35 PM EDT, 09/18/13
In a critical test flight for NASA's space station program, an Orbital Sciences Corp. Antares rocket making only its second flight blasted off from the Virginia coast Wednesday, lofting an unmanned cargo ship on its maiden flight to the international lab complex.
The demonstration mission is a critical test run for Orbital to prove the company's new rocket and Cygnus cargo ship can execute an autonomous rendezvous with the space station and, if necessary, carry out an abort if something goes wrong.
If the four-day trip to the station is successful, Orbital will be clear to begin routine cargo delivery missions later this year, joining Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX, in a commercial program intended to make up for the retirement of the space shuttle.
Using recycled engines originally built for Russia's moon program, the Antares first stage roared to life at 10:58 a.m. EDT (GMT-4), quickly pushing the 133-toot-tall rocket away from its launching stand at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport at NASA's Wallops Island, Va., flight facility.
The Orbital Sciences Corp. Antares rocket moments after launch, Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2013.
Burning kerosene and liquid oxygen, the refurbished Aerojet Rocketdyne AJ-26 engines fired for nearly four minutes, boosting the rocket out of the dense lower atmosphere and into the orbital plane of the space station.
Dramatic television views from a camera mounted on the rocket showed the Virginia coastline receding in the background and then the limb of the Earth as the spacecraft accelerated toward orbit. A few moments later, the spent first stage could be seen falling away.
The Antares second stage, powered by an Alliant Techsystems solid-fuel motor, then took over, igniting at an altitude of about 116 miles and firing for two-and-a-half minutes to put the spacecraft into an initial orbit with a high point, or apogee, of about 186 miles and a low point, or perigee, of around 151 miles.
A few moments later, the cargo ship was released from the spent second stage motor and its two solar panels unfolded as planned.
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23andMe and Udacity Launch Introductory Human Genetics Course
Posted: at 2:42 pm
23andMe, the leading personal genetics company, is working with Udacity, a Silicon Valley-based education start-up, to create a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on human genetics. Tales from the Genome will provide an accessible introduction to genetic concepts and technology for just about anyone. The course is designed to be particularly helpful for high school, college and medical students, as well as health care professionals and life-long learners. Course participants can choose to complete the entire course or just the individual lessons on the topics they find most interesting. Tales from the Genome also incorporates personal and engaging perspectives from people living with a variety of genetic traits, from color blindness to lactose intolerance.
Tales from the Genome covers the fundamental principles of inheritance, gene structure and expression, mutation and variation, development of simple and complex biological traits, human ancestry and evolution, and the acquisition and interpretation of personal genetic information. By the end of the course, students will have an enhanced understanding of both the science of genetics and the various ways genetics informs their personal health.
Genetics is so much more than what many students experience in a traditional classroom setting, said Dr. Matthew Cook, the main instructor for the course. It should really be about the stories our genomes can tell, all the biological secrets wound up and packaged into efficient information storage units called chromosomes.
Dr. Cook earned his Ph.D. at Duke University and completed training as a post-doctoral scholar at the University of California, San Francisco. Dr. Cook then joined the content development team at Udacity to share his passion for genetics with the world.
As individuals are becoming more actively involved in their health care and more physicians incorporate personalized medicine into their practice, genetic information is becoming a fundamental element of basic health care, said Dr. Uta Francke, senior medical director at 23andMe and co-instructor of Tales from the Genome. As a result, genetics education has never been more important, particularly for individuals seeking the best possible care for themselves and their families.
Dr. Francke is an emeritus professor of genetics and pediatrics at Stanford University, where she taught molecular and clinical genetics. Tales from the Genome is also co-instructed by 23andMe Senior Director of Research, Dr. Joanna Mountain. Dr. Mountain previously served as a faculty member at Stanford University in the anthropological sciences and genetics departments.
Tales from the Genome will be available to the public as of September 30, 2013 on Udacity.
About 23andMe
23andMe, Inc. is the leading personal genetics company dedicated to helping individuals understand their own genetic information through DNA analysis technologies and web-based interactive tools. The company's Personal Genome Service enables individuals to gain deeper insights into their ancestry and inherited traits. The vision for 23andMe is to personalize healthcare by making and supporting meaningful discoveries through genetic research. 23andMe, Inc., was founded in 2006, and the company is advised by a group of renowned experts in the fields of human genetics, bioinformatics and computer science. More information is available at
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