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Category Archives: Transhuman News
How Grace and Libertarianism Assume a Fair World – Video
Posted: September 20, 2013 at 3:40 pm
How Grace and Libertarianism Assume a Fair World
Libertarians and many religious Christians assume that intangible forces (market forces and god respectively) ensure that everybody is given their due--the w...
By: The Progressive Cynic
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How Grace and Libertarianism Assume a Fair World - Video
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Intel Futurist Research – Video
Posted: at 3:40 pm
Intel Futurist Research
It #39;s about people
By: Paul Mooney
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Intel Futurist Research - Video
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The Futurist- 10,000 Feet (The Leather Chair Sessions) – Video
Posted: at 3:40 pm
The Futurist- 10,000 Feet (The Leather Chair Sessions)
Original music from two piece band #39;The Futurist #39; hailing from Liverpool. @futuristlp (twitter page)
By: Jack Gilmore
The Futurist- 10,000 Feet (The Leather Chair Sessions) - Video
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The Futurist- Drive Me Away (The Leather Chair Sessions) – Video
Posted: at 3:40 pm
The Futurist- Drive Me Away (The Leather Chair Sessions)
Original music from two piece band #39;The Futurist #39; hailing from Liverpool. @futuristlp (twitter page)
By: Jack Gilmore
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The Futurist- Drive Me Away (The Leather Chair Sessions) - Video
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Save The Last Dance For Me, Futurist Theatre, Scarborough, September 23-27
Posted: at 3:40 pm
Save The Last Dance For Me, Futurist Theatre, Scarborough, September 23-27
1:16pm Thursday 19th September 2013 in Theatre
DREAMBOATS & Petticoats meets Dirty Dancing in Laurence Marks and Maurice Grans new rocknroll musical Save The Last Dance For Me at the Futurist Theatre, Scarborough, from Monday to Saturday.
Directed by impresario Bill Kenwright, the shows story of two teenage sisters on a seaside holiday is built around the music of Doc Pomus and Mort Shuman.
Away from their parents for the first time, the sisters are full of high spirits and a sense of freedom when they meet a handsome young American who invites them to a dance at the local US Air Force base. Young love and holiday romance is never as simple as it sounds, however.
Performances start at 7.30pm plus Wednesday and Saturday matinees at 2.30pm. Box office: 01723 365789/374500 or
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Save The Last Dance For Me, Futurist Theatre, Scarborough, September 23-27
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Space Station Live: Sept. 16, 2013 – Video
Posted: September 19, 2013 at 7:41 am
Space Station Live: Sept. 16, 2013
The Space Station Live recap video for Sept. 16, 2013. Watch the full Space Station Live broadcast weekdays on NASA TV at 10 a.m. CDT.
By: scitechflix
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Space Station Live: Sept. 16, 2013 - Video
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Astronaut Chris Cassidy Talks About Conducting Space Station – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Astronaut Chris Cassidy Talks About Conducting Space Station
Flight Engineer Chris Cassidy, who lived and worked nearly six months during Expedition 36 aboard the International Space Station, discusses experiments he c...
By: Waspie_Dwarf
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NASA looks to post-2020 International Space Station operations
Posted: at 7:41 am
Barring a catastrophic malfunction or damaging impacts from space debris, NASA should be able to keep the International Space Station (ISS) in operation at least through 2020 and, with steady funding, careful planning and a bit of luck, through 2028 -- the 30th anniversary of the first module's launch -- officials say.
But reduced power from degraded solar arrays and other crippling consequences of decades spent in the extreme environment of space will slowly but surely take their toll and the cost-benefit ratio eventually will tilt in favor of abandonment and a fiery controlled re-entry.
The International Space Station.
While the engineering and management challenges associated with keeping the station operational are daunting, ISS program manager Michael Suffredini says they should be doable, as long as NASA has the resources to build spare parts, pay for cargo launches and provide transportation for U.S. astronauts, either aboard U.S. commercial spacecraft or Russian Soyuz capsules.
"We have a space station that is designed in a modular fashion meant for repair," Suffredini told CBS News. "So as long as you have spares for all the things that can break, you can last as long as the structure will let you last. Within reason.
"The structure, it turns out, most of it was originally designed for 30 years. So all that margin has made it relatively easy for us to get to 2020. 2028 will be a little bit more challenging. ... We may have to sharpen our pencils to get to 2028."
Boeing, NASA's space station prime contractor, is currently conducting a detailed engineering analysis to verify that the U.S. segment of the complex can safely operate through the end of the decade. Russian engineers are assessing their own hardware, as are the other international partners.
The Boeing analysis is not yet complete and additional work will be needed to to show the lab can be safely operated beyond 2020. But Suffredini said no major surprises have cropped up so far and he's optimistic the station eventually can be cleared to fly through 2028 -- in theory, at least.
"When we get to 2028, the solar arrays are going to be struggling, I'm probably going to have a handful of radiator lines that have been isolated," he said. "2028 might be possible, but it also might be very challenging because then you're talking about the cost of replacing big things that may be prohibitive.
"All our analysis kind of says we think we can get to 2028 and that's the path we're headed on. As we start getting beyond 2028, if it makes sense, and things aren't failing at a rate that makes it difficult for us to keep up, and the country thinks it's the right thing to do, then we can look at going beyond that.
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NASA looks to post-2020 International Space Station operations
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Genetic Engineering Project Part 2/2 – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Genetic Engineering Project Part 2/2
By: Anabella113
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Genetic Engineering Project Part 2/2 - Video
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DNA – Summer Madness 3 Recap – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
DNA - Summer Madness 3 Recap
DNA tells the fans who he think won the battles and Summer Madness 3 and discusses future opponents on URL.
By: Eric St John
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DNA - Summer Madness 3 Recap - Video
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