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A Discussion With Ron Paul Regarding Present Currency and Dollar Crisis – Video
Posted: September 20, 2013 at 3:40 pm
A Discussion With Ron Paul Regarding Present Currency and Dollar Crisis
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A Discussion With Ron Paul Regarding Present Currency and Dollar Crisis - Video
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Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 9-16-2013 ~ Has The Tide Turned Against the Warmongers? – Video
Posted: at 3:40 pm
Ron Paul #39;s Texas Straight Talk 9-16-2013 ~ Has The Tide Turned Against the Warmongers?
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Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 9-16-2013 ~ Has The Tide Turned Against the Warmongers? - Video
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BBC Anchor Katty Kay Confronts Ron Paul For Encouraging Women to Quit Work And Home School Kids
Posted: at 3:40 pm
BBC World News America anchor Katty Kay confronted former Texas Rep. Ron Paul on his plan to have 20 percent of children home schooled and asking mothers to leave the work force to teach them.
Paul appeared on MSNBCs Morning Joe Thursday to promote his new book The School Revolution about his education alternative, which emphasizes the importance of the individual versus, you know, everybody coming together.
I want people to be able to home school their children, he remarked. Not everybody, this is designed to pick out the leaders who want to. And maybe 20 percent might be interested in doing this. But these would be leaders who would be talking about running for Congress and understand why the Federal Reserve is a problem.
Guest host Katty Kay said Pauls plan is going to mean a vast drop of number of women in the workforce because it is largely women who are doing the home schooling.
A lot of women cant afford to give up their jobs and home school their children, a lot of families cant afford that, and do we actually want to encourage women not take part in the workforce because we know how valuable that diversity is? Kay argued. Im concerned about advocating home schooling on this level, when women are having such a hard time already staying in the workforce.
Those are the problems created by what Im trying to correct, Paul insisted. Because they have to be in the workforce and they have to work and not take care of kids because of the system that we have because its survival for them.
Paul argued that people can make it work, saying if people really want to get it done, they can.
Theres going to be choices to be made and some people will go out of their way for their children, he added. I saw an article yesterday of a woman working two jobs and she was living in a shelter and she couldnt pay her bills because her cost of living goes up much faster than wages. Thats another characteristic of this monetary system. So, that is a consequence, why they have to work.
Kay criticized Paul during his presidential campaign in 2012, tweeting "Ron Paul - the pills (contraceptive) can't be blamed for ills of our society. (Part of me still stunned we're having this debate at all.)"
Sources: Raw Story, NBC News
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BBC Anchor Katty Kay Confronts Ron Paul For Encouraging Women to Quit Work And Home School Kids
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Ron Paul: Taper Fakeout Means Fed Is Worried – Video
Posted: at 3:40 pm
Ron Paul: Taper Fakeout Means Fed Is Worried
Former Presidential Candidate and former Texas Congressman Ron Paul joins the News Hub to explain why the Federal Reserve #39;s decision not to start tapering me...
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Ron Paul: GOP Being Disingenuous in Shutdown Fight – Video
Posted: at 3:40 pm
Ron Paul: GOP Being Disingenuous in Shutdown Fight
Former Presidential Candidate and former Texas Congressman Ron Paul joins the News Hub to discuss the upcoming fights over spending that could force a govern...
By: WSJDigitalNetwork
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Ron Paul: GOP Being Disingenuous in Shutdown Fight - Video
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Ron Paul on U.S. Fed QE: Prepare for the Destruction of the Dollar
Posted: at 3:40 pm
Todays AM fix was USD 1,355.25, EUR 1,002.18 and GBP 845.39 per ounce. Yesterdays AM fix was USD 1,363.50, EUR 1,005.90 and GBP 848.16 er ounce
Gold fell $1.10 or 0.08% yesterday, closing at $1,365.20/oz. Silver dropped $0.08 or 0.35%, closing at $23.01. At 3:41 EDT, Platinum fell $3.70 or 0.3% to $1,458.80/oz, while palladium rose $13.85 or 1.9% to $730.59/oz
Gold edged off since its rally after the U.S. Federal Reserve decided to maintain its current stimulus program. The yellow metal added nearly 3% for the week and is on track for its biggest gain in five weeks. Gold bullion rallied 4.1% on September 18th after the Fed cited it needed to see more examples of economic recovery before it reduces the $85 billion-a-month of bond buying.
Bernanke clearly stressed that the quantitative easing program was "not on a preset course". The "no tapering" was a surprise to the market as bullion fell almost 20% this year in anticipation of a wind down in bond buying, but it has now gained from technical buying and short covering since the news.
Gold In U.S. Dollars, 5 Days - (Bloomberg)
Dr. Ron Paul, a former republican member of U.S. Congress from Texas discussed the Fed decision on Fox Business News segment, After the Bell.
David Asman: What do you think about the Feds decision to continue money printing?
Dr Paul: I think its a very bad sign I think it means the Fed is really worried.
David Asman: Worried about what?
Dr Paul: About the economy. They are always bragging that things are really well, employment is up.
Ron Paul on U.S. Fed QE: Prepare for the Destruction of the Dollar
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Ron Paul: Fed move won't help 99%
Posted: at 3:40 pm
Former Rep. Ron Paul said Thursday that the Federal Reserves decision not to cut back on its economic stimulus is an admission that the economy is in bad shape.
He said the fact that the stock market shot up on the news is an example of how the markets are addicted to spending and shows a disconnect from what those struggling economically are experiencing.
[Chairman Ben Bernanke]s literally saying were in bad shape, and yet the markets didnt interpret it that way, because the markets are reflecting just that easy money going into stocks, Paul said on MSNBCs Morning Joe. It doesnt help those 99 percent, or at least the large middle class and the poor, wont help them one bit. I think it was a very, very bad, you know, announcement yesterday that the economy is a lot worse off.
(PHOTOS: Ron Pauls career)
Asked if the economy would be worse if the Fed didnt continue its stimulus, Paul said the Feds policies of printing money have made the situation as bad as it can get.
It cant get worse. To continue to destroy our currency is always bad. Always bad. It always destroys the middle class and the wealthy get wealthier, Paul said.
(WATCH: Ron Paul: Fed move won't help 99%)
Though the former Texas congressman admits going cold turkey off the Fed would be tough for America, its necessary.
There is no easy theres no political answer. Its addiction. The people are addicted to spending. The politicians are addicted. The markets are addicted. And theres no chance that theyre going to wean us off. And this is what Bernanke was saying yesterday, Paul said.
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Ron Paul Backs Home Schooling on MSNBC: We Don’t Teach Kids ‘Great Presidents’ Were ‘Warmongers’
Posted: at 3:40 pm
On Thursday, former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) joined the panel on MSNBCs Morning Joe to explain some of the proposals in his new book dealing with the reform of the education system. Paul advocated for a great expansion in home schooling and battled some of the panel guests about the curriculum he would prefer to see taught.
I want people to home school their children, Paul said. Not everybody. This is designed to pick out the leaders that want to and maybe 20 percent might be interested in doing this.
Paul said that the future leaders of America who emerged from home schooling would have a better understanding of sound monetary policy and be more skeptical of interventionism abroad.
Today, we have been conditioned in all our schools that its good have a very robust foreign policy, to be involved in all these countries, Paul said. Weve been taught the Federal Reserve is sacred, except for the last five years, people are questioning the Federal Reserve. Weve been taught deficits are good spend is good, but we have to reverse that.
RELATED: Ron Paul Responds to Heated Interview with MSNBCs Alex Wagner: I Didnt Like What Happened
He added that home schooled children would have a different perspective on history. He said that one of the great misconceptions of American history was that Woodrow Wilson is presented as a noble figure.
I would like to show that some of our presidents the only great president have between warmongers and people who argued for negotiations might be a better president, Paul said.
Katty Kay told Paul that she thought his proposed expansion of homeschooling would negatively impact women the most and could end up encouraging women not to take part in the workforce.
Paul said that one of the problems of the current economy is the fact that women are forced to take part in the workforce and it is no longer a voluntary decision. It is not going to be easy, Paul agreed.
Watch the clip below via MSNBC:
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Ron Paul Backs Home Schooling on MSNBC: We Don’t Teach Kids ‘Great Presidents’ Were ‘Warmongers’
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Ron Paul Encourages Families to Homeschool Children, Teach Libertarian Values
Posted: at 3:40 pm
September 19, 2013|4:29 pm
(Photo: Screenshot MSNBC)
Ron Paul appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe to promote his new book "New School Manifesto: A Libertarian Look at American Education."
Former presidential candidate and devout libertarian Ron Paul has encouraged American families to homeschool their children today on MSNBC's Morning Joe.
"I want people to homeschool their children. Not everybody. This is designed to pick out the leaders that want to and maybe 20 percent might be interested in doing this," said Paul, who appeared on the show to promote his new book, New School Manifesto: A Libertarian Look at American Education.
Paul explained that homeschooling a new generation of leaders and students "would be taught different economics; they would have a different perspective on history."
"I would like to show that some of our presidents the only great president have between warmongers and people who argued for negotiations might be a better president," said Paul.
Paul went on to suggest that while most American students had been taught that Woodrow Wilson was one of the greatest presidents, in reality "he violently abused our civil liberties, he was the one that told us we had to march around the world and he was the one that changed our foreign policy."
When one of the panelists asked if it was in the best interest of women to stay home to teach their kids and if most families' economic situation even allowed for that, Paul acknowledged that implementation was one of his proposal's harder sales.
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Ron Paul and Pat Robertson Attack Public Education (Video)
Posted: at 3:40 pm
Former U.S. Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) joined 700 Club host Pat Robertson today to blame public schools for society's ills, from "indoctrination" to "NSA spying."
Paul was on the program to plug his new "school" curriculum for homeschoolers, which Robertson praised for its "Biblical principles of self-government, noted (video below).
Robertson, who recently replaced the president at his Regent University who suddenly resigned for reasons unknown, attacked progressives for supposedly advancing "indoctrination in public schools.
Dont the so-called progressives and whatever, dont they really want education to indoctrinate children. Its not just a question of educating they want to indoctrinate them in their philosophy, dont they? asked Robertson.
I think thats the whole purpose, its indoctrination. Its compulsory. Its conformity. Destroy creativity. destroy individuality. They dont want kids to be curious, they have to conform and mold it and then they are obedient to the state," claimed Paul.
Ironically, its progressives that are usually protesting "the state" and corporations, as with the nationwide "Occupy America" movement and numerous protests against U.S. wars.
Paul added: "Then we allow our governments to grow and all of a sudden we have NSA, invasion of our privacy. We have runaway militarism around the world. We have runaway spending and runaway printing of money and they can condition the people to say, 'Oh, the government knows best theyll take care of it.'"
Paul failed to mention that Robertson was a huge supporter of the U.S. invading Iraq and Afghanistan.
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