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Category Archives: Transhuman News
DNA from rock, cigarette helps solve 1995 murder
Posted: September 21, 2013 at 5:41 am
By PAUL FOY Associated Press
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - A Utah sheriff who trailed a suspect across country for four days to grab a DNA sample from a cigarette butt says it solved the murder 18 years ago of a teenage prostitute.
Wasatch County Sheriff Todd Bonner was the original investigator in the bludgeoning death of Krystal Lynn Beslanowitch along the Provo River near Midway in 1995, and he kept at it over the years.
A Utah lab, Sorenson Forensics, recently vacuumed the suspect's full DNA from a rock used to crush the girl's skull. It matched a sample that Utah authorities already had from Joseph Michael Simpson.
But the sheriff had to obtain a fresh DNA sample. He got it from a cigarette Simpson discarded at a smoke shop in Sarasota, Fla., and the arrest was made.
Bonner says the case has haunted him for years and he was finally able to solve it with advances in DNA technology.
THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.
A Utah sheriff traveled to Florida and helped arrest a man in an 18-year-old murder case after authorities say they used DNA from a cigarette butt to link him to the crime.
Wasatch County Sheriff Todd Bonner flew to Sarasota County, Fla., and helped take Joseph Michael Simpson, 46, into custody Tuesday.
Simpson, formerly of Clearfield, was being held on suspicion of aggravated murder in the killing of 17-year-old Krystal Lynn Beslanowitch, whose bloodied and broken body was found Dec. 6, 1995, along the Provo River near Midway.
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DNA from rock, cigarette helps solve 1995 murder
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Tiger, lion and leopard genomes could aid in big cats' conservation
Posted: at 5:41 am
Published: Sept. 20, 2013 at 4:33 PM
BEIJING, Sept. 20 (UPI) -- Comparison of the genome of a Siberian tiger with those of other big cats provides a resource to study big cats' conservation, South Korean researchers said.
Researchers with South Korea's Personal Genomics Institute sequenced the whole genome of an Amur, or Siberian, tiger, assembled by using software tools, Chinese genomic-affiliated BGI said Friday in a release.
Among other things, the researchers learned the Siberian tiger displayed more than 95 percent similarity to the genome of the domestic cat.
Researchers also sequenced the genomes of a white Bengal tiger, an African lion, a white African lion and a snow leopard, using advanced sequencing technology, and aligned them using the tiger and domestic cat genome sequences, BGI said.
They found a number of Panthera lineage-specific and felid-specific amino acid changes that they said could affect the metabolism pathways of carnivores.
The researchers discovered evidence that genes related to muscle strength, energy metabolism and sensory nerves appeared to be undergoing rapid evolution in the tiger, which could help in conservation efforts, BGI said.
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Tiger, lion and leopard genomes could aid in big cats' conservation
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Bamboo for Eczema Relief – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Bamboo for Eczema Relief
Bamboo for Eczema is a crowdsourcing campaign. Please help us get these garments into production for the relief treatment of eczema other painful skin rashes. Please watch, pledge share...
By: BeautifulPozible
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The Best Eczema Skincare….Tips and advice – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
The Best Eczema Skincare....Tips and advice
The best after care for eczema...........after your skin has start to and products to help fade the scars or marks caused by the effects of e...
By: Goldie Delgaldo
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The Best Eczema Skincare....Tips and advice - Video
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Day 4 of 30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Day 4 of 30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat)
I lost 9.5lbs already! My 4th day of the fast aiming to loose those extra pounds and cure myself of eczema and chronic sinusitis. I had been feeling very hun...
By: Fasting Taurus
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Day 4 of 30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) - Video
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How To Cure Eczema Naturally | How “14 Days Eczema Cure” Helps People Get Healthy Skin – Healthreviewcenter
Posted: at 5:41 am
Seattle, WA (PRWEB) September 21, 2013
14 Days Eczema Cure is the newly updated treatment, introduced by Fay Spencer, who used to suffer from this skin problem. She has spent years researching and studying to find out a natural treatment that teaches users how to cure eczema naturally. 14 Days Eczema Cure is among the most effective herbal remedies for eczema. Using this treatment, people will be able to push their itching and embarrassment behind within a short time. In fact, many people desire to beat this condition and get healthy skin. However, if they do not know exactly what to do, they will never get desirable results. Meanwhile, this guide is a real solution that shows people step-by-step how to treat their problem quickly and effectively. Therefore, after the author revealed this brand new remedy, she received a lot of thanks and positive comments from the satisfied clients. Thus, the website tested and has published a complete overview of the product.
The full overview of 14 Days Eczema Cure on the site states that this treatment is amongst natural remedies for eczema that are really effective for sufferers. This guide helps people finds out the essence of this condition and how to heal it forever just by following healthy eating plans and applying unique skin care advice. It also teaches people how to boost the bodys immune system to clear the pain more easily. In fact, this remedy will help people say goodbye to all types of the condition without using expensive or harmful drugs, pills, and medications that can leave some unwanted effects on their body. Thus, there is actually no reason for people to worry about this natural treatment.
May from the site said that: 14 Days Eczema Cure is very useful for me as it is one of the most effective home remedies for eczema. I had suffered from this painful and terrible skin disease until I found this brand new remedy. After just a short time following the guide, I saw my symptoms almost cleared. Besides the main e-book, Fay Spencer also gives clients 5 attractive bonuses that will support their treating process. One more thing, this remedy comes with the 60-day cash refund commitment, so people should not worry about it."
If people want to get pros and cons of this product, they should visit the website:
If people want to get more knowledge about the overview of this product, they should get a direct access to the official site.
______________ About the website: is the site built by Tony Nguyen. The site supplies people with tips, ways, programs, methods and e-books about many health issues. People could send their feedback to Tony Nguyen on any digital products via email.
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How To Cure Eczema Naturally | How “14 Days Eczema Cure” Helps People Get Healthy Skin – Healthreviewcenter
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Day 5 of 30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Day 5 of 30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat)
I lost 11.5lbs already! My 5th day of the water fast aiming to loose those extra pounds and cure myself of eczema and chronic sinusitis. I`ve been feeling ve...
By: Fasting Taurus
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Day 5 of 30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) - Video
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Guttat Psoriasis – bli av med guttat Psoriasis idag! – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Guttat Psoriasis - bli av med guttat Psoriasis idag! att bli av med din guttat psoriasis vänligen besök min blogg som förklarar hur jag kunde förbättra mitt guttat psoriasis tillstånd och förbättra mitt självfört...
By: Soare Sorin
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Best Treatment for Psoriasis Review Posted by eHealth Max
Posted: at 5:41 am
Columbus, Ohio (PRWEB) September 21, 2013
Millions of American men and women suffer from skin conditions like psoriasis and frequently seek ways to reduce or eliminate the appearance of redness. The company has now published its best treatment for psoriasis review online at to assist consumers with finding the best treatment forms available.
The cause of many skin conditions can be genetic or due to an illness that can be discovered upon completion of a medical evaluation.
The redness, scaling and burning that is associated with psoriasis are some of the side effects that could be prevented, according to the posted review online. A listing of products in the medical industry are included in the review.
"Psoriasis can appear anywhere on the body and cause self-esteem issues for people concerned with their appearance when working in public places," said a reviewer for the eHealth Max company.
A man or woman seeking alternatives to laser skin therapy or other 21st century medical treatments could benefit from the reviews now published online.
Apart from the helpful information that is now offered, direct links to supplies online are provided along with discount codes. These cost saving solutions are added as a benefit to eHealth Max website visitors.
"The review portion of our website started in 2012 and has been upgraded this year with better access to top products that are introduced to men and women researching the health and wellness industry online," the reviewer added.
The psoriasis treatment products review published online is in addition to recent products reviewed by the company. A new team of researchers and writers now contributes to the available content that can be accessed and directed by consumers online.
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Best Treatment for Psoriasis Review Posted by eHealth Max
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Natural Remedy For Psoriasis Part 2 – Best Remedy For Psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 5:41 am
Natural Remedy For Psoriasis Part 2 - Best Remedy For Psoriasis
Get 3 PROVEN Psoriasis Cures here: Natural Remedy For Psoriasis Part 2 - Best Remedy For Psoriasis This video forms part of a full vid...
By: the3stepcure
Natural Remedy For Psoriasis Part 2 - Best Remedy For Psoriasis - Video
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