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Watch her create 3-D faces from your DNA – Video
Posted: September 21, 2013 at 10:41 pm
Watch her create 3-D faces from your DNA
An artist in New York creates three-dimensional faces from DNA she finds in public. CNN #39;s Brooke Baldwin reports.
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Watch her create 3-D faces from your DNA - Video
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The basic geometry and 9 bends of DNA – Video
Posted: at 10:41 pm
The basic geometry and 9 bends of DNA
The basic 3D DNA geometry including the 9 bend system of Tesla #39;s 3 6 9 is now well covered. The discovery that B-type uses common rungs from A-type and Z-typ...
By: ThePaulTM
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The basic geometry and 9 bends of DNA - Video
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Entire human genome gets broken down in SA – Video
Posted: at 10:41 pm
Entire human genome gets broken down in SA
For more on this and other stories please visit Johannesburg, September 18 -- In a first for Africa, the entire human genome has been br...
By: eNCAnews
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Entire human genome gets broken down in SA - Video
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"Genome Kid" – Video
Posted: at 10:41 pm
"Genome Kid"
song written performed by H Watnik @2013.
By: Harry Watnik
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"Genome Kid" - Video
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Wow of the Week: Scientists challenge the idea of the individual genome
Posted: at 10:41 pm
For decades, we as a culture have referred to a persons genome as a singular thing a set of DNA that exists in each cell and is unique to each person. You are a person and you have one genome.
But the New York Times this week brought to light mounting evidence that thats not necessarily true. It introduced to the masses two terms that have been gaining acceptance among scientists over the past several years: chimerism and mosaicism.
Both reflect the notion that an individual can have more than one genome. A twin, for example, might acquire some of the other twins blood cells in the womb, and end up with part of his genome. A woman can apparently gain genomes from fetal cells left behind after she gives birth to a baby. People who have bone marrow transplants, too, have been shown in studies to end up with some of their donors genomes.
What does this finding mean for medicine? The U.S. government undertook the $3 billion Human Genome Project more than two decades ago to improve DNA sequencing, which would help scientists better understand disease. Since then, a number of diagnostic tests and gene therapies have been developed for cancers and rare diseases based on the idea that a persons genome represents his genetic makeup.
Now, according to Carl Zimmer in the Times:
Scientists are finding links from multiple genomes to certain rare diseases, and now theyre beginning to investigate genetic variations to shed light on more common disorders.
Sciences changing view is also raising questions about how forensic scientists should use DNA evidence to identify people. Its also posing challenges for genetic counselors, who cant assume that the genetic information from one cell can tell them about the DNA throughout a persons body.
In other words, the complicated science of the human genome just got more complicated. Maybe, after all, a cheek swab wont reveal as much about a persons health as we once thought.
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Wow of the Week: Scientists challenge the idea of the individual genome
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What Triggers Psoriasis Part 2 – What Triggers Psoriasis Flare Ups – Video
Posted: at 10:41 pm
What Triggers Psoriasis Part 2 - What Triggers Psoriasis Flare Ups
Get 3 PROVEN Psoriasis Cures here: What Triggers Psoriasis Part 2 - What Triggers Psoriasis Flare Ups This video forms part of a full ...
By: the3stepcure
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What Triggers Psoriasis Part 2 - What Triggers Psoriasis Flare Ups - Video
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Stopping the Music: A Story of Censorship in Apartheid South Africa (Documentary) – Video
Posted: at 10:40 pm
Stopping the Music: A Story of Censorship in Apartheid South Africa (Documentary)
This is the story of a South African protest singer and the security branch policeman assigned to end his career. Stopping the Music (2002) is the story of s...
By: Roger Lucey
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Stopping the Music: A Story of Censorship in Apartheid South Africa (Documentary) - Video
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Netmums in censorship row as anti-Kellogg's comments 'disappear'
Posted: at 10:40 pm
Site signed a lucrative deal with the multinational three years ago Questions over support for cereal giant's breakfast club campaign Coco Pops contain one of the highest sugar levels of any breakfast cereal
By Nick Craven And Justin Stoneman
PUBLISHED: 16:08 EST, 21 September 2013 | UPDATED: 16:08 EST, 21 September 2013
Bad taste: Netmums was criticised for advertising sugary Kellogg's cereals
Influential parenting website Netmums has been accused of censorship after members criticised a controversial sponsorship deal with cereal giant Kelloggs.
The website, regarded as an independent voice for parents, signed a lucrative contract with the multinational three years ago but will not say how much it is worth.
Some Netmums pages are emblazoned with Kelloggs advertising and members are urged to review new cereals on the site.
But now some women say that messages questioning the websites support for Kelloggs Give A Child A Breakfast campaign, which aims to provide breakfast clubs for vulnerable youngsters, disappeared within hours of being posted.
Mother-of-two Sarah McKenzie claimed her comments were removed after she described Netmums as shameless.
She objected to the websites promotion of Kelloggs Coco Pops, which contain one of the highest sugar levels of any breakfast cereal at 3.5 teaspoons per serving.
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Netmums in censorship row as anti-Kellogg's comments 'disappear'
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Ron Paul: The Word That Best Defines Libertarianism Is Non-Intervention – Video
Posted: at 10:40 pm
Ron Paul: The Word That Best Defines Libertarianism Is Non-Intervention
Charlie Rose: "Define what libertarianism means to you" Ron Paul: "The word I best describe it is something not a lot of people use. I call it non-intervention." Charlie Rose: "Non-intervention...
By: Eduardo89rp
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Ron Paul: The Word That Best Defines Libertarianism Is Non-Intervention - Video
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International Space Station Live Sept 17, 2013 – Video
Posted: at 5:42 am
International Space Station Live Sept 17, 2013
The Space Station Live recap video for Sept. 17, 2013. Watch the full Space Station Live broadcast weekdays on NASA TV at 10 a.m. CDT.
By: AussieNews1
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International Space Station Live Sept 17, 2013 - Video
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