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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Modesto Junior College Censorship – Video 1 – Video
Posted: September 23, 2013 at 11:41 pm
Modesto Junior College Censorship - Video 1
First of three raw videos taken by Modesto Junior College students while trying to pass out U.S. Constitutions on campus on September 17, 2013.
By: TheFIREorg
Continue reading here:
Modesto Junior College Censorship - Video 1 - Video
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4000 years in prison to 666 mafia censorship snake eagle lion lamb god 666 – Video
Posted: at 11:41 pm
4000 years in prison to 666 mafia censorship snake eagle lion lamb god 666 Share download upload in your account. SENT TO ALL. Molecule DNA at Creator of existence, infinite future past. Molecule DNA at ...
By: Nmeilis Nmeinis
Originally posted here:
4000 years in prison to 666 mafia censorship snake eagle lion lamb god 666 - Video
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Candidate Censorship
Posted: at 11:41 pm
Monday, September 23, 2013
By Cruzito Herrera Cruz, candidate for Santa Barbara City Council
I request of the constituents to uphold their oath to run a clean electoral campaign without prejudice and public censorship in my candidacy for City Council. Time to stand in solidarity for free politicalspeech.
Its unfortunate, the Chamber of Commerce, Business Council public forum intentionally excluded my candidacy. What did it mean when Mr. Amerikaner said he hosts only viable candidates so adamantly over the phone this morning? His rejection and not revealing the forum location goes against all the principles for open and free democratic discussions and exchange of ideas in America. This intentional political censorship goes against the electoral process. I plan to report this censored political public act to the State FPPC [Fair Political PracticesCommission].
I have written local media and councilmember candidates to make them aware of the censorship. Thanks for the political act which makes me more determined than ever; it only adds to your unfairness and my political ganas! Estodo!
This is a political challenge: I propose a debate with anyone you propose in a healthy economic debate. My preparation and completion of my micro-economic analysis make me be able and capable of positively growing this municipalitys economy in theory and give financial measures that are monetarily practicable. Bring it on, and I will show how viable I am in all respects to economics and theories of our local economic indicators. Even with your rudeness, I continue to believe that our taxpayers currency can be the people and noteconomics.
See the original post:
Candidate Censorship
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Ron Paul Argues for Home Schooling! – "I Want People to Home School Their Children" – Video
Posted: at 11:40 pm
Ron Paul Argues for Home Schooling! - "I Want People to Home School Their Children"
Ron Paul (R-TX) joined the panel on MSNBC #39;s Morning Joe to explain some of the proposals in his new book dealing with the reform of the education system. Pau...
By: SaveOurLiberty
Original post:
Ron Paul Argues for Home Schooling! - "I Want People to Home School Their Children" - Video
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Ron Paul Bernanke Is Literally Saying Is WE’RE IN BAD SHAPE! – Video
Posted: at 11:40 pm
Ron Paul Bernanke Is Literally Saying Is WE #39;RE IN BAD SHAPE!
September 19, 2013 MSNBC News.
By: SaveOurLiberty
Originally posted here:
Ron Paul Bernanke Is Literally Saying Is WE'RE IN BAD SHAPE! - Video
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Ron Paul’s Pod Cast Nation #30 ~ School Revolution – Video
Posted: at 11:40 pm
Ron Paul #39;s Pod Cast Nation #30 ~ School Revolution
Please rate and subscribe!!! Please support: Ron Paul #39;s Podcast Nation programID=401 Ron Paul #39;Constitutiona...
By: RonPaulCC2012
Read the original here:
Ron Paul's Pod Cast Nation #30 ~ School Revolution - Video
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Ron Paul Interview with Charlie Rose – September 19, 2013 – Video
Posted: at 11:40 pm
Ron Paul Interview with Charlie Rose - September 19, 2013
Charlie Rose. Aired September 19, 2013.
By: Conservative1001BG
Continued here:
Ron Paul Interview with Charlie Rose - September 19, 2013 - Video
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Ron Paul Home School | Tiny Libertarians With Overworked Mothers – Video
Posted: at 11:40 pm
Ron Paul Home School | Tiny Libertarians With Overworked Mothers
"America needs more home-schoolers, ladies. Yeah, you probably have a day job and can #39;t afford to take the time off to properly educate your offspring at hom...
By: The Young Turks
The rest is here:
Ron Paul Home School | Tiny Libertarians With Overworked Mothers - Video
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Ron Paul CISPA is the New SOPA – Video
Posted: at 11:40 pm
Ron Paul CISPA is the New SOPA
you know about the gold price so please visit my channel and subscribed him.
By: Salina jatli
View original post here:
Ron Paul CISPA is the New SOPA - Video
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GOP civil war gobbles up Iowa and Ron Paul
Posted: at 11:40 pm
The civil war within the GOP has a new battleground: Iowa, where an open Senate seat, a fervent Ron Paul partisan, and a convoluted electoral process have converged to create a real mess.
The primary mover in the drama is one A.J. Spiker, a former co-chair of Ron Pauls presidential campaign in Iowa who is now running the states Republican headquarters. Whats got fellow GOPers so upset with Spiker is his recommendation to postpone the state partys nomination, which some fear will only help the states Democrats. Whats more, because the Republican primary is so wide open with 6 candidates jockeying to top the 35 percent threshold the delay raises the possibility that the ultimate decision will occur at the party convention, where many believe Spiker and allies will maneuver to crown a compromise Paulite winner.
From National Journal:
The suspicion is theyre trying to find a backdoor to get the nomination, said state Rep. Chip Baltimore, a Republican who represents a swing district that was carried by President Obama last year. Such a move would leave the party splintered and likely bitter, with a shorted calendar to come together ahead of November.
The possibility of a nominee emerging late from a brokered convention worries the national GOP leadership. In an ideal world, this would not go to convention, said Kevin McLaughlin, a senior strategist for the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
The GOP establishment isnt taking this lying down, however. There are already plans to take the party back from Spiker et al during the states 2014 caucuses. As one GOP old-hand put it:
I think youre going to see a pretty aggressive effort by a number of elements of the party, said David Kochel, a GOP strategist who was Romneys senior adviser in Iowa and strategist for three of Branstads past campaigns. Theres too much at stake in 2014 to leave the party to people who dont know what theyre doing.
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GOP civil war gobbles up Iowa and Ron Paul
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