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The Learning Show’s Latest Episode Features an Interview with Learning Futurist, Elliott Masie
Posted: September 24, 2013 at 2:40 pm
Burbank, California (PRWEB) September 24, 2013
Talk show host, Leigh Gregory is back with another episode of The Learning Show, the training industrys de facto internet talk show. And this time, hes riffing on gameful learning, sharing the latest statistics on manager meetings; and talking with learning futurist, Elliott Masie.
One of our goals is to champion workplace learning in all its forms. We do that by talking to the current and emerging thought leaders in the space. And, you cant say the phrase thought leader without Elliott Masie coming to mind. Were stoked to have him on the show, said Leigh.
It was over 20 years ago, that Elliott originated the word, eLearning. And that word became the name for a training method and an entire industry. And Elliott continues to stand at the forefront of the movement to deliver quality learning in as many innovative and engaging ways as possible. Along the way, hes brought his insights to the Department of Defense and to the White House during initiatives to expand learning opportunities to all people. To that end, he used the Learning Show to introduce the emerging concept of personalized learning.
Were expanding out the definition of what eLearning is. And its evaporating, I hope, in an ironic way. I hope we just talk about Learning. Im almost ready to make the assumption that well always use electronics, well always use face to face. Maybe at some point, the E will go away, said Elliott, while outlining how learning will be personalized.
Im excited about Elliotts concept of personalized learning. And I cant wait to see how our industry responds creatively and technologically to this bold philosophical pivot, said Marguerite Gregory, co-founder of Trainevision and executive producer of The Learning Show.
Elliott Masie will host Learning 2013, his annual learning conference, from November 3 6 in Orlando, Florida. George Takei is a special presenter and the featured keynote address will be delivered by former Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The Learning Show is brought to you by Trainevision, Inc. The Elliott Masie episode is available now on Trainevisions website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel. Stay tuned for upcoming episodes featuring the industrys thought leaders, disruptors and shape shifters.
About Trainevision Trainevision, Inc. is a performance improvement company located in Burbank, CA. Trainevision produces off-the-shelf video heavy eLearning, Streaming and DVD learning solutions for small, medium and large companies that are looking to improve the soft skills performance of their employees. For more information, visit Follow @Trainevision on Twitter, link up on LinkedIn, and like them on Facebook!
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The Learning Show’s Latest Episode Features an Interview with Learning Futurist, Elliott Masie
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Cygnus spacecraft's arrival at space station delayed by incoming crew
Posted: September 23, 2013 at 11:42 pm
10 hours ago
Orbital Sciences Corp.
An artist's rendering of the Cygnus spacecraft.
The first arrival of a brand-new commercial cargo ship at the International Space Station has been delayed until no earlier than Saturday to make way for a new crew launching to the orbiting lab this week, NASA officials say.
The unmanned Cygnus spacecraft built by Orbital Sciences Corp. which launched into orbit on Sept. 18 was initially expected to link up with the station on Sunday (Sept. 22), but a software glitch forced controllers to abort the arrival and wait at least 48 hours for the next attempt.
Today, NASA and Orbital officials said the supply ship will not arrive at the space station until Saturday, in part because a new station crew Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kotov and Sergey Ryazanskiy and NASA astronaut Michael Hopkins is launching to the orbiting lab Wednesday on a Russian Soyuz capsule. [See photos of Orbital Sciences' 1st Cygnus spacecraft flight]
"This new schedule will allow the Orbital operations team to carefully plan and be well-rested before restarting the critical final approach to the space station," Frank Culbertson, Orbital's executive vice president and general manager of its advanced programs group, said in a statement. "Meanwhile, Cygnus has all the resources needed to remain in orbit for an extended period of time."
Orbital's Cygnus spacecraft team has now tested software to fix the software glitch that prevented the attempted rendezvous with the space station on Sunday. Because of extra time needed for that troubleshooting, as well as the impending Soyuz launch and docking on Wednesday, the team opted to push the Cygnus arrival at the station until the weekend at earliest, company officials said.
Officials with NASA and Orbital Sciences do not have an exact timeframe for Cygnus' approach and rendezvous yet, but once Soyuz operations are complete the space agency and private firm will develop a schedule.
The now-Saturday rendezvous will mark the first time a Cygnus capsule has visited the space station. The spacecraft is designed to be captured by the astronauts using the station's robotic arm, and then attached to an open docking port. The current mission is a demonstration flight to show that Cygnus and its Antares rocket can safely haul supplies to the $100 billion outpost. Orbital Sciences holds a $1.9 billion contract with NASA to fly eight missions with Cygnus and Antares.
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Cygnus spacecraft's arrival at space station delayed by incoming crew
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Kerbal Space Program – My Freakin’ Space Station! – Video
Posted: at 11:42 pm
Kerbal Space Program - My Freakin #39; Space Station!
Hey guys, got my first space station in orbit. I had to launch four separate parts, rendezvous and dock in orbit. Now, Kerbin has their own Kerbal Space Stat...
By: NameUnbroken
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Kerbal Space Program - My Freakin' Space Station! - Video
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Amazing Transformation by Speaking Life to My Cells Dna and Atoms – Video
Posted: at 11:42 pm
Amazing Transformation by Speaking Life to My Cells Dna and Atoms
Amazing Transformation by Speaking Life to My Cells Dna and Atoms Eating The Sun Sungazing How It Works - with Buddy Huggins
By: Buddy Huggins
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DNA//Drawing EYE – Video
Posted: at 11:42 pm
DNA//Drawing EYE
i got bored cx thought this looked pretty cool c:
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DNA of five found on panties
Posted: at 11:42 pm
The Star/Asia News Network
Tuesday, Sep 24, 2013
BUTTERWORTH - The Sessions Court here heard that five different sets of semen stains were found on the panties of an Indonesian woman who claimed to have been raped by three policemen.
Padillah Yahya, 39, a chemist with the state Chemistry Department told the court that the semen stains were those of Kons Syahiran Romli, 22, Kpl Nik Sin Mat Lazin, 33 and Kons Remy Anak Dara, 26, and two other unidentified males.
"We also found DNA samples of Syahiran, a third and fourth unidentified male and an unidentified female on a bedsheet taken from the police barracks in the Prai police station," she said.
She added that a DNA sample of the third male was also found on a towel taken from the same barracks.
Padillah told Sessions judge Meor Sulaiman Ahmad Tarmizi that the samples were among the 19 items that were passed to her to be tested on Nov 14 last year.
The items included a blouse belonging to the 26-year-old victim, semen, blood samples and hair.
The three policemen are alleged to have raped the woman in Room 4 of the Prai police station barracks between 6.40am and 7.30am on Nov 9 last year.
They were charged under Section 376 of the Penal Code, which carries a jail term of up to 20 years and whipping.
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DNA of five found on panties
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Police await DNA destruction ruling
Posted: at 11:41 pm
23 September 2013 Last updated at 21:59 ET By Phil Mackie Reporter, BBC Radio 5 live
DNA samples taken from thousands of former prisoners could be destroyed if police lose a judicial review later.
An ex-prisoner, referred to in court as R, argues that a police force's request to collect his DNA threatens arrest and infringes his human rights.
Under Operation Nutmeg, DNA samples have been collected from prisoners who pre-date routine collection.
Judges will decide if the force's approach was unlawful and if DNA collected in such a way can be kept.
The police force at the centre of the case - which also cannot be named for legal reasons - was trying to collect the sample as part of Operation Nutmeg, a nationwide push to collect genetic material from people jailed for serious crimes before 1994.
After that date, people convicted of serious crimes had DNA swabs routinely taken to add to the national database.
The aim of the operation is to see if there is any match to unsolved crimes with DNA from the former prisoners.
By July of this year, 6,204 samples had been taken under the scheme, with 111 being matched to crime scenes.
R - who was jailed for manslaughter in the 1980s but after his release was only in trouble for a lesser, non-violent offence - argues that he has turned his life around since 2000.
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Police await DNA destruction ruling
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What Triggers Psoriasis Part 1 – What Triggers Psoriasis Flare Ups – Video
Posted: at 11:41 pm
What Triggers Psoriasis Part 1 - What Triggers Psoriasis Flare Ups
Get 3 PROVEN Psoriasis Cures here: What Triggers Psoriasis Part 1 - What Triggers Psoriasis Flare Ups This video forms part of a full ...
By: the3stepcure
What Triggers Psoriasis Part 1 - What Triggers Psoriasis Flare Ups - Video
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Cures For Psoriasis Of The Scalp Part 3 – Scalp Psoriasis Treatments That Work – Video
Posted: at 11:41 pm
Cures For Psoriasis Of The Scalp Part 3 - Scalp Psoriasis Treatments That Work
Get 3 PROVEN Psoriasis Cures here: Cures For Psoriasis Of The Scalp Part 3 - Scalp Psoriasis Treatments That Work This video forms par...
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Cures For Psoriasis Of The Scalp Part 3 - Scalp Psoriasis Treatments That Work - Video
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Healing Psoriasis – Don’t Sweat The Small Guttate Psoriasis Spots – Video
Posted: at 11:41 pm
Healing Psoriasis - Don #39;t Sweat The Small Guttate Psoriasis Spots
As you are adjusting your lifestyle and diet, and the microforms causing your Psoriasis start to die off, the body will be pumping out the excess toxins in o...
By: PsoriasisDiary
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