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Cures For Psoriasis Of The Scalp Part 1 – Scalp Psoriasis Treatments That Work – Video
Posted: September 24, 2013 at 2:41 pm
Cures For Psoriasis Of The Scalp Part 1 - Scalp Psoriasis Treatments That Work
Get 3 PROVEN Psoriasis Cures here: Cures For Psoriasis Of The Scalp Part 1 - Scalp Psoriasis Treatments That Work This video forms par...
By: the3stepcure
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Cures For Psoriasis Of The Scalp Part 1 - Scalp Psoriasis Treatments That Work - Video
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Amevive, Psoriasis Drug, Shows Promise For Treating Type 1 Diabetes
Posted: at 2:41 pm
By Amir Khan
A new treatment for type 1 diabetes may lie in an existing drug for other autoimmune diseases, according to a new study, published today in The Lancet. Researchers from the Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University found that the drug alefacept, used to treat psoriasis for more than a decade, can also help treat type 1 diabetes and reduce the need for insulin injections. But with the drug manufacturer ceasing production, the finding may serve more as a proof-of-concept than a promising new treatment.
Researchers tested alefacept, sold under the brand name Amevive, on 33 people over the course of a year, and compared them to 16 people who were given a placebo. After 12 months, insulin use was much higher in the placebo group than in the group that was given alefacept, according to the study. But the drug didnt reduce their need for insulin, researchers said, it simply stopped it from getting worse.
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"It is the first targeted biological drug assessed in patients with new-onset type 1 diabetes that significantly depleted the T cells which attack the pancreas in type 1 diabetes, while preserving other immune cells which are important for pancreatic function, study author Mark Rigby, MD, an assistant professor in the department of pediatrics at Indiana University, said in a statement.
But while the drug showed promise, its unclear just how effective it was, said Karin Hehenberger, MD, PhD, a diabetes specialist and executive vice president of scientific affairs for Coronado Biosciences.
Its great to see this mechanism, but just showing that insulin requirement is reduced is extremely difficult to prove, Dr. Hehenberger said. Theres so much that drives insulin use. One person might start exercising or eating better, so controlling for this in a study is very difficult.
Hehenberger said it would be more promising if the study showed consistent, reduced A1C levels, a biomarker that shows how well blood sugar is controlled.
In addition, while the drug showed promise, it was voluntarily taken off the market in December 2011, Hehenberger said.
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Amevive, Psoriasis Drug, Shows Promise For Treating Type 1 Diabetes
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Cures For Psoriasis Of The Scalp Part 4 – Scalp Psoriasis Treatments That Work – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
Cures For Psoriasis Of The Scalp Part 4 - Scalp Psoriasis Treatments That Work
Get 3 PROVEN Psoriasis Cures here: Cures For Psoriasis Of The Scalp Part 4 - Scalp Psoriasis Treatments That Work This video forms par...
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Politically Incorrect Malt Liquor Midnight – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
Politically Incorrect Malt Liquor Midnight
Shagdog Jammer are being Politically Incorrect while having a Malt Liquor at Midnight!
By: mytrurevu
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Politically Incorrect Malt Liquor Midnight - Video
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Garry Shandling on ‘Politically Incorrect’ with Bill Maher – Part 3/5 – 1995 – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
Garry Shandling on #39;Politically Incorrect #39; with Bill Maher - Part 3/5 - 1995
Original Video #39;s Description : Garry Shandling on #39;Politically Incorrect #39; - Part 3/5 - 1995. Shandling, Susan Estrich, Lavar Burton, and Kato Kaelin are the ...
By: robert davidson
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Garry Shandling on 'Politically Incorrect' with Bill Maher - Part 3/5 - 1995 - Video
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Censorship hides, but it does not eliminate
Posted: at 2:41 pm
Published:Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Updated:Tuesday, September 24, 2013 03:09
The Great Gatsby. The Catcher in the Rye. Where the Wild Things Are. To Kill a Mockingbird. These books have been institutionalized as American classics.
These titles top required reading lists and are regularly referenced in modern literature. But if the bans on these books had stuck, many of us never would have read them.
This week is National Banned Books Week, and this is a time when we are reminded of the threat of censorship and the potential loss of the First Amendment right to freedom of speech and ideas.
Bookstores and libraries celebrate the freedom to read by displaying the books that could have been lost to bans. This weeks reminder causes us to question why these books were banned and what the implications of these bans may be for us as students.
How can we learn if we are unexposed to the diversity of ideas and opinions that exist? Provocative content and the acknowledgement of historically marginalized groups and ideologies sparks public pushback. Homosexuality, explicit language, violence, mental illness, race and religion are controversial and often divisive topics in contested books. However, hiding these ideas does not make them go away.
Reading spurs knowledge and awareness. One would be hard-pressed to disagree that education is the foundation of a healthy, functioning democracy. By silencing the freedom of expression and opinion we are only doing a disservice to ourselves as a nation.
In other words, if new ideas are never considered, progress cannot be made. We acknowledge this potential for progress is likely the reason for much of the pushback and the urge for bans.
But, perhaps, the lack of acknowlegment and awareness is more dangerous than the existence of these provocative ideas themselves. These texts do not exist to promote or glamorize these ideas, but rather to shed light on them.
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Censorship hides, but it does not eliminate
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Ron Paul: To Continue To Destroy Our Currency Is Always Bad, It Destroys The Middle Class – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
Ron Paul: To Continue To Destroy Our Currency Is Always Bad, It Destroys The Middle Class
Former Representative Ron Paul joins MSNBC #39;s Morning Joe to discuss the Fed #39;s announcement that it will continue its stimulus for the time being, his son Ran...
By: Eduardo89rp
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Ron Paul: To Continue To Destroy Our Currency Is Always Bad, It Destroys The Middle Class - Video
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The Word That Best Defines Libertarianism Is Non Intervention Ron Paul1] – Video
Posted: at 2:40 pm
The Word That Best Defines Libertarianism Is Non Intervention Ron Paul1]
stock,market,the financial collapse,crisis,economic crisis,the economic crisis,us economic crisis,global economic crisis,european economic crisis,trade,econo...
By: streethdd newsd
The Word That Best Defines Libertarianism Is Non Intervention Ron Paul1] - Video
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CRYSIS 3 walkthrough – PART 1 [Veteran Difficulty]: MISSION 1: Post Human – Video
Posted: at 2:40 pm
CRYSIS 3 walkthrough - PART 1 [Veteran Difficulty]: MISSION 1: Post Human
Long and full game BLIND playthrough with Veteran(e.g. High) difficulty settings, including some deaths as well, with just a little of commentary only when w...
By: JacobSaysHowItIs
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CRYSIS 3 walkthrough - PART 1 [Veteran Difficulty]: MISSION 1: Post Human - Video
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Healthcare Futurist Jack Uldrich to Keynote Two Hospital Association Events in October
Posted: at 2:40 pm
Washington, D.C. (PRWEB) September 24, 2013
Popular keynote speaker, healthcare futurist, and best-selling author, Jack Uldrich has been selected to deliver three keynote sessions to hospital associations across the country. On October 10, 2013, Uldrich will keynoting the Arkansas Hospital Association's annual meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas where he'll be discussing "Why Future Trends in Healthcare Will Require Unlearning." Later in the month, Uldrich be discussing key technological trends in health care with members of the Arizona Hospital Association in Phoenix on October 23.
The presentations, based on Uldrichs two most recent books: "Foresight 20/20: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow" and "Higher Unlearning: 39 Post Requisite Lessons for Achieving a Successful Future" as well as his popular article, "Top Ten Trends in Healthcare," will begin by discussing how continued advances in information technologies, biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, genomics, regenerative medicine and social networking will radically transform healthcare in the decade ahead. (A video of Mr. Uldrich discussing future trends can be viewed here.)
Uldrich will then focus on why these trends will demand unlearning and discuss why participants must embrace the concept of unlearning in order to achieve future success. Uldrich, who has been hailed as Americas Chief Unlearning Officer, will conclude by reviewing specific habits, customs, beliefs and ideas that healthcare professionals canand mustunlearn. Throughout his talks, he will use vivid analogies and memorable stories, drawn from a wide spectrum of industries, to ensure his message of unlearning sticks with his audiences.
In the past year, Uldrich has addressed dozens of healthcare associations and hospitals, including the Alcetel-Lucent/Verizon Forum on Wireless Healthcare, IASIS Healthcare, Allina Hospitals, The Healthcare Trustees of New York, The Iowa Healthcare Collaborative, Care Providers of Minnesota, St. Jude Medical, Fairview Hospitals, University Hospitals & Health System of Ohio, and healthcare associations in Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Tennessee, Utah and Wisconsin. He has also addressed a number of major, non-health-care-related corporations on the topic of unlearning including United Healthcare, PepsiCo, Cisco, IBM, WiPro, Guardian Life Insurance and General Electric. Uldrich also frequently addresses Young Presidents Organization (YPO) and Chamber of Commerce events throughout the country.
Parties interested in learning more about Jack Uldrich, his books, his daily blog or his speaking availability are encouraged to visit his website at: Media wishing to know more about the event or interviewing Jack Uldrich can contact him directly at 612-267-1212 or jack(at)schoolofunlearning(dot)com.
Uldrich is a renowned global healthcare futurist, best-selling author; editor of the monthly newsletter, The Exponential Executive, and host of the award-winning websites, and He is currently represented by a number of professional speakers bureaus, including Leading Authorities, Executive Speakers Bureau and Convention Connection.
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Healthcare Futurist Jack Uldrich to Keynote Two Hospital Association Events in October
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