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Skin Care – Psoriasis Effective Treatment by Natural Ayurvedic Oil (ENGLISH) – Video
Posted: September 25, 2013 at 7:41 am
Skin Care - Psoriasis Effective Treatment by Natural Ayurvedic Oil (ENGLISH) Subscribe: Nisore Oil and Capsules for Psoriasis http://www.vopec...
By: vopecpharma
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Skin Care - Psoriasis Effective Treatment by Natural Ayurvedic Oil (ENGLISH) - Video
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Psoriasis Drug May Help Treat Type 1 Diabetes: Report
Posted: at 7:41 am
MONDAY, Sept. 23 (HealthDay News) -- A drug formerly used to treat the skin condition psoriasis shows promise in treating type 1 diabetes, according to a new study.
Both psoriasis and type 1 diabetes are autoimmune disorders. The drug alefacept (Amevive) is an immune-suppressing drug that was used to treat psoriasis but was withdrawn by its manufacturer in 2011. The drug maker, Astellas Pharma U.S., said at the time that "business needs" led to its decision to pull the drug from the market.
The new study included 49 type 1 diabetes patients at 14 medical centers in the United States. Thirty-three of the patients received weekly injections of alefacept for 12 weeks, followed by a break of 12 weeks and then another 12 weekly doses of the drug. Sixteen patients received a placebo on the same schedule.
The clinical trial's main outcome was a measure of how well the pancreas could secrete insulin in response to food, two hours after eating. Using this measure, the researchers found no significant differences between the two groups of patients.
They did, however, find a significant difference between the two groups of patients four hours after eating. The patients who received alefacept showed maintained insulin secretion, while insulin secretion in the placebo group decreased. (People with type 1 diabetes don't produce insulin, a hormone needed to convert food into energy.)
The researchers also found that patients who received alefacept showed no significant increase in insulin use during the course of the clinical trial, but patients in the placebo group did. And 12 months after starting treatment, insulin use by patients in the placebo group was significantly higher than in the alefacept group.
Patients who received alefacept also had few episodes of low blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia), which are a common and dangerous occurrence in patients requiring insulin shots, according to the study, which was published in the Sept. 23 issue of the journal The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology.
The findings suggest that alefacept preserved the body's ability to produce its own insulin, said study leader Mark Rigby, of the Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, and colleagues.
"Alefacept is the first targeted biological drug assessed in patients with new-onset type 1 diabetes that significantly depleted the T cells that attack the pancreas in type 1 diabetes, while preserving other immune cells that are important for pancreatic function," Rigby said in a journal news release.
One expert noted that researchers are slowly but surely finding a way to fight type 1 diabetes.
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Psoriasis Drug May Help Treat Type 1 Diabetes: Report
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YouTube Censorship is out of control with the Alex Jones show Sept.19th 2013 – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
YouTube Censorship is out of control with the Alex Jones show Sept.19th 2013
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a #39;fair use #39; of...
By: LiberatedGalaxy
YouTube Censorship is out of control with the Alex Jones show Sept.19th 2013 - Video
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LPAC 2013: Ron Paul Speech Highlights – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
LPAC 2013: Ron Paul Speech Highlights
In today #39;s video, AMTV covers highlights from Ron Paul #39;s speech at LPAC 2013. http://...
By: cgreene34
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Ron Paul Bernanke Is Literally Saying We re In Bad Shape – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Ron Paul Bernanke Is Literally Saying We re In Bad Shape
SUBSCRIBE - Win a Free Silver Coin Every Day More info about Wealth creation with Gold and Silver https://www.facebook...
By: Economic Collapse 2013
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Blue Republican hosts Ron Paul at CMU
Posted: at 7:41 am
On Tuesday, former Presidential candidate Ron Paul spoke to nearly 2,000 of people at Colorado Mesa University.
His speech was called "Liberty Defined: The Future of Freedom."
Paul was welcomed to speak at CMU by an organization called Blue Republican.
Its a group that said it was started by liberals who joined the GOP to support Ron Paul.
Blue Republican has a Colorado chapter based out of Aspen and is one of 9 states involved in this movement.
The group said it supports liberal principles like civil rights and peace and admires Ron Paul's conservative integrity.
Founder of Blue Republican,, Robin Koerner, said he is excited for the community to hear what Ron Paul has to say, "When you invite Ron Paul to speak, you know that you are going to hear about civil rights, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the founding principles of this amazing nation."
The event was expected to run from 4:30p.m. to 6:00p.m. and was free to the public.
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Blue Republican hosts Ron Paul at CMU
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Ron Paul Speaks to a Packed House at CMU
Posted: at 7:41 am
Story Created: Sep 24, 2013 at 8:31 PM MDT
Story Updated: Sep 24, 2013 at 8:31 PM MDT
Dr. Ron Paul spoke to a crowd of more than 1,200 people at Colorado Mesa University.
He addressed topics like the education system, and constitutional liberties.
He also spoke briefly on his thoughts on the Affordable Care Act and answered questions from spectators.
I thought it was fantastic, said Margaret Lurbey, CMU student. Ron Paul always stands for the constitution. He always promotes liberty, and he did an excellent job today.
I would have liked to hear more about his perspective on school and education, said Tiffiney Upscurch, El Paso County resident. Thats important to me. We have three kids and I have a kiddo who is in special needs.
I really like his point on weapons and, gun control in the U.S. said Julie Page, Grand Junction resident.
Officials who hosted the event told NewsChannel 5 that tickets were sold out, so they had to expand the ball room to accompany everyone.
This is expected to be the former congressman's only stop in Colorado this year.
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Ron Paul Speaks to a Packed House at CMU
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New Bouldering Instruction Video to be Released by Futurist Climbing Consultants and Veracity Insurance
Posted: at 7:40 am
Pleasant Grove, UT (PRWEB) September 25, 2013
The new video will be an educational resource distributed to over 200 commercial climbing facilities nationwide within the Veracity network with the intention of assisting facilities with indoor bouldering risk management issues. Through proposed modernized bouldering-specific Best Practices, this resource will serve staff, coaches and customers through promotion and demonstration of standardized methods of staff training, instruction and customer orientation of proper falling and landing techniques.
This initiative is taken in response to the growing popularity of gymnastic indoor bouldering, which is quickly becoming the dominant discipline within the sport of climbing amongst active users, youth teams and competitions.
The Art Of Falling video will be provided exclusively to commercial climbing facilities within the Veracity Insurance network in Fall 2013.
Futurist Climbing Consultants, Inc. is committed to providing leadership to enable the healthy growth of the sport of climbing by offering expertise in the area of sport-specific bouldering practices. Futurist provides consulting services and custom flooring products to the climbing industry.
Veracity Insurance Solutions, LLC is an insurance brokerage firm specializing in Product Liability, the placement of programs, and General Liability. With over 30 years of combined experience in the insurance industry, specifically including the climbing industry, Veracity has in-house underwriting authority and access to several key wholesale brokerage markets.
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The Jesuit Origins of Dispensationalism and the Futurist Antichrist belief – Video
Posted: at 7:40 am
The Jesuit Origins of Dispensationalism and the Futurist Antichrist belief 21/8/13.
By: Arann Reformed Baptist Church
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A day on Space Station 13 (VIDEO CONTAINS A SLIGHT AMOUNT OF IAN) – Video
Posted: September 24, 2013 at 2:43 pm
lies IANIANIANIANIANIANIANIANIANIAN Also thanks to Max for the sprites! I still hate you Siobus never forgets.
By: Siopear
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A day on Space Station 13 (VIDEO CONTAINS A SLIGHT AMOUNT OF IAN) - Video
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