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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Genetic Engineering 2 – Video
Posted: September 25, 2013 at 7:42 am
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OGM Sermon 7/14/13 (Blessed With The DNA Of God Part 2) – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
OGM Sermon 7/14/13 (Blessed With The DNA Of God Part 2)
Blessed With The DNA of God Pt.2 Pastor Victor Mbah Omega Gospel Ministries Sermon Series (7/14/13) Destined Kingdom children of God Carries the DNA of God. ...
By: OmegaGospelAVDept
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OGM Sermon 7/14/13 (Blessed With The DNA Of God Part 2) - Video
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OGM Sermon 7/14/13 (Blessed With The DNA Of God Part 1) – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
OGM Sermon 7/14/13 (Blessed With The DNA Of God Part 1)
Blessed With The DNA of God Pt.1 Pastor Victor Mbah Omega Gospel Ministries Sermon Series (7/14/13) Destined Kingdom children of God Carries the DNA of God. ...
By: OmegaGospelAVDept
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OGM Sermon 7/14/13 (Blessed With The DNA Of God Part 1) - Video
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OGM Sermon 7/14/13 (Blessed With The DNA Of God Part 3) – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
OGM Sermon 7/14/13 (Blessed With The DNA Of God Part 3)
Destined Kingdom children of God Carries the DNA of God. In creation God put his creative DNA Power in US.
By: OmegaGospelAVDept
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OGM Sermon 7/14/13 (Blessed With The DNA Of God Part 3) - Video
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11.30 am | The great Cologne Summit | The Future Media DNA – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
11.30 am | The great Cologne Summit | The Future Media DNA
dmexco:strategy Dr. Thomas Hesse I Member of the Executive Board, President Corporate Development and New Businesses Bertelsmann Philipp Justus I Managing Di...
By: dmexcovideo
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11.30 am | The great Cologne Summit | The Future Media DNA - Video
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Ex-prisoner loses DNA challenge
Posted: at 7:42 am
An ex-prisoner's legal challenge to a police force request for him to provide DNA samples has been rejected by the High Court.
Lawyers for the ex-prisoner, referred to as R, argued that the request infringed his human rights.
But Lord Justice Pitchford and Mr Justice Hickinbottom, sitting in London, dismissed his application for judicial review. Lord Justice Pitchford said the request was both "lawful and proportionate". R is now considering whether to appeal against the ruling.
The test case was triggered by Operation Nutmeg, under which DNA samples have been collected from prisoners whose crimes pre-date routine collection.
The police force at the centre of the case, which also must not be be named for legal reasons, wanted R's sample as part of the push across England and Wales to collect genetic material from people jailed for serious crimes before 1994. After that date, people convicted of serious crimes had DNA swabs routinely taken to add to the national database.
Peter Neyroud, former head of the National Policing Improvement Agency, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "Collecting this DNA is worthwhile. It helps solve serious, historic cases. Of the 6,000 samples taken so far there are around 100 matches. I'm sure the police will get something worthwhile in around 50 of these cases. We are talking about pretty serious crimes here."
Stephen Cragg QC, who led the legal challenge, said: "The claimant in this case accepts he committed a serious crime, but not since 1999.
"Now he has been asked to provide a sample he says his human rights have been breached as he has a right to a private life."
Mr Cragg also questioned whether statistics backed up the police case. He said: "If you take DNA from everybody you will solve more crimes.
"But will this improve the detection rate? It remains a very low rate. Often DNA evidence will throw up red herrings."
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PHL Genome Center opens new DNA sequencing facility to local researchers
Posted: at 7:42 am
The Philippine Genome Center (PGC) DNA Sequencing Core Facility (DSCF) has found a temporary home on the second floor of the National Institute of Molecular Biology in UP Diliman, but is already opening its doors to research projects that will directly impact the nation's economy.
The PGC will temporarily be housed here until the completion of the first PGC building in 2016, also located in the UP Science Complex.
The DSCF, which officially opened Tuesday, makes available sequencing and genotyping services to academic research groups in the country.
Don't copy other countries
This is where genomic studies on agriculture, health, biodiversity, forensics, and ethnicity will be done that cater specifically to the Filipino people.
We cannot copy Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, or even the US because the Philippines has its unique needs, said Dr. Carmencita Padilla, Executive Director of PGC.
The PGC now operates two core facilities DNA Sequencing and Bioinformatics. PGC has yet to find space for its third core facility, the Biobank a repository for DNA samples.
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) has granted PGC a total of P800 million, of which P520 million was released this year, according to Padilla.
The center already has a string of projects underway for the agricultural and medical sectors.
Separating bad from good sugarcane
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PHL Genome Center opens new DNA sequencing facility to local researchers
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Day 9 of 30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
Day 9 of 30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat)
I lost 17.4lbs already! My 9th day of the water fast aiming to loose those extra pounds and cure myself of eczema and chronic sinusitis. Experienced flu-like...
By: Fasting Taurus
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Day 9 of 30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) - Video
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Beat Eczema free download (and a legit review) – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
Beat Eczema free download (and a legit review)
CLICK LINK: I found a an easy way to download Beat Eczema system Beat Eczema Keywords: beat eczema an all natu...
By: Robbin Dastrup
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How I Cured My Psoriasis – Psoriasis Treatment That Works! – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
How I Cured My Psoriasis - Psoriasis Treatment That Works!
Here is the link: Psoriasis Treatment or, Psoriasis Cure. That #39;s what I was looking for the whole time. Living ...
By: Riley Petersen
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How I Cured My Psoriasis - Psoriasis Treatment That Works! - Video
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