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Space Station Live: Cygnus Rendezvous With Station Delayed – Video
Posted: September 26, 2013 at 7:42 am
Space Station Live: Cygnus Rendezvous With Station Delayed
NASA Public Affairs Officer Brandi Dean talks with NASA Commercial Orbital Transportation Services Project Executive Bruce Manners via telephone to discuss t...
By: ReelNASA
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Minecraft space station WITH DOWNLOAD – Video
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Minecraft space station WITH DOWNLOAD
By: rjjmurph
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Space Station 13 MP Versuch 1 – Video
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Space Station 13 MP Versuch 1
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Russian rocket speeds to space station
Posted: at 7:42 am
Three crew members arrived at the International Space Station, Wednesday evening. They join three others to bring the station's crew back to full-strength. During their time in space, one of the group's tasks will be to showcase the Olympic torch.
A Russian Soyuz rocket blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Wednesday to deliver three new crew members to the International SpaceStation.
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The Soyuz rocket and capsule lifted off at 4:58 p.m. EDT (2058 GMT) on an express route to the station, which orbits about 250 miles (400 km) above Earth.
Less than six hours after liftoff, veteran Russian commander Oleg Kotov and rookies Sergey Ryazanskiy of Russia and Michael Hopkins of the United States reached the outpost, a $100 billion project of 15 nations. Only two other crews have made the journey as quickly. Previous Soyuz capsules took two days of orbital maneuvers to reach the station.
The arrival of Kotov, Ryazanskiy and Hopkins returns the station to its full, six-member live-aboard crew. Commander Fyodor Yurchikhin, NASA astronaut Karen Nyberg and European SpaceAgency astronaut Luca Parmitano have been running the station on their own since Sept. 10.
The skeleton crew was to have overseen the arrival of a commercial cargo ship on a test flight to the station this week.
But a software problem left the unmanned Cygnus freighter unable to receive navigation data properly from the station, delaying its arrival until no earlier than Saturday to avoid conflicting with the Soyuz's berthing. Typically, at least 48 hours are needed between spacecraft dockings.
The cargo ship, built and launched by Orbital Sciences with backing from NASA, blasted off aboard an Antares rocket on Sept. 18 from a new launch pad on the Virginia coast.
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Russian rocket speeds to space station
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Spacecraft with American, 2 Russians blasts off and docks with space station
Posted: at 7:42 am
A Russian Soyuz rocket carrying two cosmonauts and a NASA astronaut blasted off from Kazakhstan Wednesday, climbed smoothly into orbit and docked with the International Space Station after an abbreviated six-hour rendezvous, boosting the lab's crew back to six.
The mission kicks off an exceptionally busy few months aboard the space station, with the arrival and departure of multiple cargo ships, a visit by the Olympic torch for a spacewalk photo op in early November and an unusual interlude with an expanded crew of nine astronauts and cosmonauts.
The station has been staffed by a reduced crew of three -- Expedition 37 commander Fyodor Yurchikhin, Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano and Karen Nyberg -- since mid September when two cosmonauts and a NASA astronaut departed after a five-and-a-half-month stay in orbit.
But the Soyuz TMA-10M launch Wednesday boosted the lab crew back to six just a few days before the delayed arrival of an Orbital Sciences Corp. Cygnus cargo ship making its maiden flight.
Soyuz TMA-10M commander Oleg Kotov, a space station veteran, rookie flight engineer Sergey Ryazanskiy and first-time NASA flier Michael Hopkins lifted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 4:58:50 p.m. EDT Wednesday (GMT-4; 2:58 a.m. Thursday local time).
Trailing a brilliant plume of flame from its liquid-fueled engines, the Soyuz booster climbed away to the northeast, launching almost directly into the plane of the space station's orbit.
Hopkins is the first of his 14-member 2009 astronaut class to win a flight assignment. Raised on a farm in Missouri, captain of his University of Illinois football team and an Air Force flight test engineer, Hopkins made the climb to space strapped into the right seat of the cramped Soyuz command module.
Kotov, the veteran commander, monitored cockpit displays from the center seat with Ryazanskiy strapped in to his left.
The ascent appeared to go smoothly and live television from inside the cramped Soyuz command module showed all three crew members calmly monitoring their instruments amid routine calls to and from mission control near Moscow.
"Vibration, oscillations, within norms," Kotov reported at one point. "Nominal operation of the systems."
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Spacecraft with American, 2 Russians blasts off and docks with space station
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Space Station Live: Sept. 23, 2013 – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
Space Station Live: Sept. 23, 2013
The Space Station Live recap video for Sept. 23, 2013. Watch the full Space Station Live broadcast weekdays on NASA TV at 10 a.m. CDT.
By: scitechflix
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Chapter 08 Microbial Genetics and Genetic Engineering – Cowan – Dr. Mark Jolley – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
Chapter 08 Microbial Genetics and Genetic Engineering - Cowan - Dr. Mark Jolley
Chapter 08 Microbial Genetics and Genetic Engineering - Cowan - Dr. Mark Jolley Dr. Mark Jolley, Cowan, Microbiology, Eagle Gate College, Provo College, Micr...
By: Mark Jolley
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Chapter 08 Microbial Genetics and Genetic Engineering - Cowan - Dr. Mark Jolley - Video
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The Shift – Genetic Engineering and Your Deadly Food Sources – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
The Shift - Genetic Engineering and Your Deadly Food Sources
Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Foods are part of your daily living. Do you know what that is doing to humankind? Do you know that humankind wil...
By: Marq Jeffrey
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Researchers mull genetic engineering for conservation
Posted: at 7:42 am
Published: Sept. 25, 2013 at 5:18 PM
POCATELLO, Idaho, Sept. 25 (UPI) -- The pros and cons of genetic engineering should be weighed to determine if tweaking should be included in the species-saving mix, a U.S. researcher said.
Conservationists are considering rescue remedies, such as moving animal populations to help them track hospitable habitats, to stave off the extinction, basically, of between 15 percent and 40 percent of species by 2050, Michael Thomas of Idaho State University and his colleagues said in the latest edition of Nature.
In a commentary, Thomas and his co-authors consider the pros and cons of adding genetic engineering into the mix.
The authors argue that with the attention agricultural genetic engineering has received and techniques used to transfer genetic material more sophisticated, it is just a matter of time before conservationists apply the approach to safeguard biodiversity.
The authors noted there are many practical challenges to find appropriate target genes to move between populations of the same species -- or even between different species -- to avert extinction of a threatened population.
The effects of moving material to a different environmental and genetic context also would be difficult to predict, the authors said.
However, the authors cautioned that the possibility of using genetic-engineering tools to save biodiversity could lead to inaction with regard to climate change.
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Researchers mull genetic engineering for conservation
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Tameka is the proud mother of 8 children, but is drowning in her parental responsibilities ever since the father Eliyah abandoned them. He claims that Tameka...
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