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DNA – Harry Styles – Video
Posted: September 28, 2013 at 8:42 am
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26/09/13 | BF3 | Synarchy vs DNA | Grand Bazaar | R1 | CroNic’s POV – Video
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26/09/13 | BF3 | Synarchy vs DNA | Grand Bazaar | R1 | CroNic #39;s POV
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26/09/13 | BF3 | Synarchy vs DNA | Grand Bazaar | R1 | CroNic's POV - Video
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Garrys Mod: TTT : they had DNA on me – Video
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Garrys Mod: TTT : they had DNA on me
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By: mo somegames
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BTO SRS 26 sept 2013 met VHP DNA Lid Asiskumar Gajadien – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
BTO SRS 26 sept 2013 met VHP DNA Lid Asiskumar Gajadien
VHP DNA lid, Drs.Asis Gajadien in BTO SRS met als presentator dhr Cliff Limburg.
By: Randjiv Sunderpersadlall
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23andMe Wants to Take Its DNA Tests Mass-Market
Posted: at 8:42 am
For 23andMe, convincing consumers to spit out their DNA has become a race against time. In 2007, when the Silicon Valley startup hit the market with a $999 genetic test offering, it seemed like an esoteric and largely disease-focused product. Now, as rivals hawk DNA tests as a tool for finding dates and detecting drug risks, 23andMe is trying to morph into a more mainstream lifestyle brand.
Courtesy 23andMeSaliva Collection Kit StacksDropping its price to $99 late last year, which doubled its database to about 400,000 customer profiles, was just the start. The company has former Gilt Groupe exec Andy Page in the new role of president and ran its first national ad campaign last month. On Sept. 30, it will launch a massive open online course on human genetics titled Tales from the Genome, with Udacity.
More important, perhaps, 23andMe is about to announce a private-sector partnership that could be a model for bringing millions more consumers on board. The most important thing right now is scale, says Page. Once we get that, then the business model will follow. Opportunities could range from new areas of research to services aimed at communities that form around particular traits or ancestry.
23andMe, named after the 23 pairs of chromosomes that each person carries, has some natural advantages in the race to establish the leading direct-to-consumer genomics firm. The firm pioneered the use of crowdsourced genetic data for research on diseases such as Parkinsons, myeloproliferative neoplasms, and sarcoma. Another is the high profile of its chief executive officer and co-founder, Anne Wojcicki. A biologist turned businesswoman, Wojcicki recently separated from her husband, Google (GOOG) co-founder Sergey Brin, whos invested millions in the company.
While Wojcicki says the breakup of her marriage wont affect Brins investment in the private company, she acknowledges other hurdles to hitting her goal of having a million customers in her database, and eventually tens of millions. People dont understand why they want their genome mapped, she says. They need to see the power it can give you in understanding your ancestry and personalizing health care. With a million people, we become disruptive.
Junes Supreme Court decision, which ruled that human genes cant be patented, also opened the door to a vast new array of players to enter the DNA testing space. Some may be silly. Others, like startup Genome Liberty, compete head-on with 23andMe. Its $99 test, according to co-founder Christopher Mason, will focus on looking at genetic factors that affect how your body responds to dozens of prescribed drugs. Thats something 23andMe includes in its ancestral and health report, though perhaps not with the same breadth.
In Wojcickis eyes, what matters now is getting the numbers. With a big enough database of genetic profiles, the company could look for disease patterns and areas of research that havent even been considered yetnot to mention new ancestral data and communities to serve. Curing diseases like Parkinsons, which runs in Brins family, is a priority, but so is getting a personalized road map to a healthier lifestyle, and a foundation for building a new type of health care. As Wojcicki puts it: My goal isnt to just minimize the chance of getting sick. I want to live a healthy life at 100.
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Dating with Your DNA – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
Dating with Your DNA
Ellen discussed a new dating site that gets very personal with its applicants.
By: TheEllenShow
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DNA leads to arrest in 1999 slaying
Posted: at 8:42 am
CHULA VISTA A Lancaster man was arrested on suspicion of murder Friday after DNA linked him to the 1999 slaying of a Chula Vista business owner.
U.S. Marshals Service deputies picked up Joe Mora, 32, in the Los Angeles area, police Lt. Lon Turner said.
Sergio Morales was shot to death in the doorway of his Chula Vista home on Paseo Burga near North Rancho Del Ray Parkway shortly before 7 p.m. on Nov. 28, 1999.
Morales, 54, had opened the door for a woman who told him her cat was in his backyard.
Morales was shot during a struggle as he tried to close the door on the woman and a man who had suddenly appeared. Investigators suspected it was botched a home-invasion robbery.
DNA evidence left at the scene was entered into a law enforcement database in 2002, Turner said. In 2009, investigators got a break when Moras DNA was entered into the database following a domestic violence conviction.
The DNA link to the cold case led to further investigation, including questioning acquaintances and potential witnesses, and eventually to Moras arrest.
Fortunately for the (Morales) family, there is another chapter to be written in this very sad incident, Turner said.
Morales had owned S & C Furniture and the adjoining Santa Fe Meats on Main Street. There is no evidence that Morales knew Mora, Turner said.
Authorities are still hoping to track down the woman who was with the killer during the attack. Anyone with information about the case was asked to call Turner at (619) 585-5670.
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DNA leads to arrest in 1999 slaying
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Cinnamon Bloss – Return of Genome Sequencing Results to Physicians and Patients – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
Cinnamon Bloss - Return of Genome Sequencing Results to Physicians and Patients
Watch on LabRoots at: There has been considerable debate in the scientific and clinical communities regarding...
By: LabRoots
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subaru forester 2.5T STI-Genome – Video
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subaru forester 2.5T STI-Genome
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Peter’s Abundance Espresso Shot #18: Genome Sequencing in Your Pocket – Video
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Peter #39;s Abundance Espresso Shot #18: Genome Sequencing in Your Pocket
For more Abundance Espresso Shots and Peter #39;s blogs, sign up at Peter #39;s Abundance Espresso Shot is a new video series with author, ...
By: Peter Diamandis
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