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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2001-11-15) – Video
Posted: September 30, 2013 at 8:41 pm
Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2001-11-15)
Air Date: November 15th, 2001 Panelists: Billy Connolly, Bill Press, Tammy Bruce Kellyanne Conway.
By: NoCowEyes
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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2001-11-15) - Video
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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2001-07-12) – Video
Posted: at 8:41 pm
Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2001-07-12)
Air Date: July 12th, 2001 Panelists: Arianna Huffington, David Cassidy, Tony Perkins Beth Lapides.
By: NoCowEyes
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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2001-07-12) - Video
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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2001-01-10) – Video
Posted: at 8:41 pm
Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2001-01-10)
Air Date: January 10th, 2001 Panelists: Eddie Izzard, Orlando Jones, Donovan Leitch Cyndi Mosteller.
By: NoCowEyes
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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2001-01-10) - Video
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Finnish Practice vs Richard Simcot: ? of Censorship: Christophe Clugston – Video
Posted: at 8:40 pm
Finnish Practice vs Richard Simcot: ? of Censorship: Christophe Clugston
The linguaphiles Richard Simcott and Nelson went to battle over ethics and it turned into a question of censorship. What do you think about poliglotts contro...
By: Christophe Clugston
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Finnish Practice vs Richard Simcot: ? of Censorship: Christophe Clugston - Video
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Perspectives on Intellectual Freedom and Censorship, Part 1 – Video
Posted: at 8:40 pm
Perspectives on Intellectual Freedom and Censorship, Part 1
Associate Professor Christine Jenkins and Assistant Professor Emily Knox share their perspectives on intellectual freedom and censorship in the context of th...
By: GSLISatIllinois
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Perspectives on Intellectual Freedom and Censorship, Part 1 - Video
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Jo'burg Art Fair censorship: Artists back each other up
Posted: at 8:40 pm
The redeeming factor of the Jo'burg Art Fair was seeing one artist stand up for another, writes Percy Zvomuya.
As the furore of the censorship of Ayanda Mabulu's artwork by the Jo'burg Art Fair dies down, the only redeeming factor isn't the latter backing down and restoring the work but that of one artist standing up for another.
At a press conference on FridayRoss Douglas, co-director of the art fair, said: "We felt that showing that work, particularly on opening night, might undo a lot of the work that we have done in building relationships with government."
When photographer David Goldblatt heard that the Joburg Art Fair had taken down the painting he threatened to take down his own work, The Frock and other Pictures. The threat by Goldblatt wasn't one to be ignored. For apart from being a universally acclaimed photographer, Goldblatt was the featured artist at this year's fair.
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Jo'burg Art Fair censorship: Artists back each other up
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Apple Purges Anti-Censorship Browser from China App Store
Posted: at 8:40 pm
The strict regime of Internet censorship and surveillance enforced by the Chinese authorities drives many Internet users to seek out tools they can use to get around the restrictions programs like OpenDoor, a browser that was available recently from the App Store in China.
Until Apple removed it.
The removal of OpenDoor follows a pattern of Apple bowing to pressure from Chinese authorities, removing content from the Chinese version of its App Store to conform to the regimes demands for censorship.
The removal took place in July of this year, according to the Chinese edition of Radio Netherlands Worldwide.
OpenDoor had 2,000 downloads every day from China, said RNW. After it was removed from the App Store, the number went straight to zero. Apple did not inform the developers prior to the deletion, nor respond adequately afterwards, OpenDoor developers say.
On Aug. 28, over a month later, RNWs promptings led Apple to write an email to the application developers notifying them that OpenDoor has content violating Chinas law, without elaboration.
We are not clear why a browser has illegal content. Its the users choice of what websites they want to visit. Following Apples logic, Safari and Google Chrome should also have illegal content? OpenDoor responded in a letter to Apple.
OpenDoor is not the only company that has been removed from the China App Store by Apple.
In July last year, Apple sent a note to New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television, a primarily Chinese-language broadcaster based in New York City, telling them that NTDs iPhone and iPad apps, called iNTD, would not appear in the China App Store. Apples email said that iNTDs content was illegal in China, though it again did not specify which Chinese law it had broken.
OpenDoor has 800,000 users on Apple devices; one third of them were or are from China, according to OpenDoor developers. Users from Iran and Pakistan, states that also practice Internet censorship, give the app high praise on its Facebook page.
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Apple Purges Anti-Censorship Browser from China App Store
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Sudan: All-Out Censorship in Response to Anti-Government Protests
Posted: at 8:40 pm
Photo: Radio Dabanga
Confrontation between police and protesters in Khartoum.
Reporters Without Borders condemns the news blackout imposed by the authorities since a wave of protests against President Omar Al-Bashir's government began on 22 September.
"The measures taken by the government, including disconnecting the Internet, seizing newspapers and harassing journalists, show the extremes to which it is ready to go to hold on to power," Reporters Without Borders said. "This censorship is both totally unacceptable and pointless, given that the protests are continuing.
"President Bashir's use of the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) to suppress media coverage is allowing the police to deploy deadly force against the protesters with complete impunity. It also shows his vulnerability in the face of the biggest demonstrations since he came to power 24 years ago."
Reporters Without Borders added: "We urge the Sudanese government to put an end to these censorship measures, to protect journalists and to guarantee access to independent sources of information in order to encourage dialogue."
Since 22 September, Khartoum has seen a series of demonstrations with more than 3,000 people taking to the streets any one time to protest against the withdrawal of government subsidies for petroleum products and to demand Omar-Al-Bashir's departure.
The government did not wait long before starting to censor news outlets. The latest unjustified suspension, on 28 September, of Al-Intibaha for an indefinite period of time has sparked the strongest reactions yet, prompting the Sudanese Journalist Network, an informal association of 400 members, to declare they would suspend their work. The day before, the Arabic news channels Al-Arabiya and Sky News had been closed.
These most recent events follow a week long of toughening measures by the Khartoum government.
On 19 September already, the issues of three newspapers, including Al-Intibaha had been seized as they came off the presses.
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Sudan: All-Out Censorship in Response to Anti-Government Protests
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Ron Paul: Feds impeding organ transplants – Video
Posted: at 8:40 pm
Ron Paul: Feds impeding organ transplants
Sponsor: http://KeeneVention.INFO - Ron Paul: Feds impeding organ transplants. Straight Talk from the *real* leader of the opposition (or is he now the *fath...
By: RidleyReport
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KSP Space Station Build part1 avi – Video
Posted: September 29, 2013 at 4:42 pm
KSP Space Station Build part1 avi
Building a twin-ring space station in Kerbal Space Program.
By: Chris Wells
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KSP Space Station Build part1 avi - Video
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