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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Ron Paul Defines Libertarianism (Full) – Video

Posted: October 3, 2013 at 3:40 am

Ron Paul Defines Libertarianism (Full)
Ron Paul Defines Libertarianism (Full)

By: Gold, Silver Economy News

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Ron Paul Defines Libertarianism (Full) - Video

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Xenon – Crysis 3 Gameplay Post Human #1 – Video

Posted: at 3:40 am

Xenon - Crysis 3 Gameplay Post Human #1

By: Xeon62

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Xenon - Crysis 3 Gameplay Post Human #1 - Video

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Crysis 3 Post Human trailer – Video

Posted: at 3:40 am

Crysis 3 Post Human trailer

By: Bijou Propht

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Crysis 3 Post Human trailer - Video

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Bengali Walkthrough: Crysis 3 Mission 1(Post Human) – Part 1 – Video

Posted: at 3:40 am

Bengali Walkthrough: Crysis 3 Mission 1(Post Human) - Part 1
??????? ????????, Walkthrough: Crysis 3 Mission 1 (Post Human) - Part 1.

By: bengaligame

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Bengali Walkthrough: Crysis 3 Mission 1(Post Human) - Part 1 - Video

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postal service pays futurist study stamps fate 8C11254564 – Video

Posted: at 3:40 am

postal service pays futurist study stamps fate 8C11254564

By: thjefloodgate

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postal service pays futurist study stamps fate 8C11254564 - Video

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Global Futurist and Business Forecaster Jack Uldrich to Keynote Sixteen Events in October

Posted: at 3:40 am

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) October 02, 2013

Following on the heels of successful keynote presentations at SingTel's CIO Days in Hong Kong, Optus Vision 2013 in Sydney and the European Association of International Educators in Istanbul, popular keynote speaker, renowned global futurist and best-selling author, Jack Uldrich has been selected to deliver sixteen customized keynote presentations in the month of October to the following organizations:

October 1: Industrial Asset Mgmt Council (Salt Lake City) October 3: BP (formerly British Petroleum) (Mpls, MN) October 3: United Healthcare (Minneapolis, MN) October 4: Council for Advancement and Support of Education (San Diego, CA) October 9: United Healthcare (Dallas, TX) October 9: Scottish Rite Hospital (Dallas, TX) October 10: Arkansas Hospital Assoc. (Little Rock, AK) October 14: IMEX America (Las Vegas, NV) October 15: Invensys (Dallas, TX) October 16: Applied Information Management Institute (Kearney, NE) October 23: Atmos Energy (Dallas, TX) October 24: Arizona Hospital Association (Phoenix, AZ) October 25: Board of Trustees of Arizona Hospital Association (Phoenix, AZ) October 27: The Electronic Component Industry Association (Chicago, IL) October 28: Franklin Templeton (San Francisco, CA) October 30: Eaton Corporation (Amelia Island, FL)

The titles of Uldrichs presentations range from Why Future Trends Demand Unlearning and The Big AHA: How to Future-Proof Your Business to Business as Unusual: 19 Ways Unconventional Ways to Succeed Tomorrow and The New Normal is Abnormal. Much of the material for Uldrichs keynote presentations will be drawn from his two latest books, "Foresight 2020: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow and Higher Unlearning: 39 Post-Requisite Lessons for Achieving a Successful Future, as well as his forthcoming book, Business as Unusual: 19 Unconventional Ways to Future-Proof Yourself and Your Company.

Uldrichs engaging, entertaining and educational presentations will cover trends in information and communication technologies, robotics, cloud computing, next generation mobile and social technologies, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and Big Data, and are designed to provide attendees a solid foundation upon which they can take action to create their own successful futures. A synopsis of some of Uldrichs ideas on information technologies can be found in this article, 10 Future Mobile Trends for CIOs to Consider Today.

In addition to covering future trends, Uldrich will also provide an overview of how technological change and enhanced mobility is rapidly changing customer expectations and behavior and, in the process, upending long-standing business models. Uldrich, who has been hailed as "America's Chief Unlearning Officer," will conclude his talks by reviewing the consequences of not embracing tomorrows changes. Throughout his presentations, Uldrich will use vivid analogies and memorable stories, drawn from a wide spectrum of industries, to ensure his message of change "sticks" with his audience. (A sample of his talk on unlearning can be viewed here: Futurist Jack Uldrich on Why Future Trends in Health Care Demand Unlearning.)

In the past year, Uldrich has addressed hundreds of business and trade groups from around the world, including delivering customized keynote presentations at ten McGladrey Emerging Technology Summits across the United States, Case IH, Emerson, the Womens Food Forum, PepsiCo, United Healthcare, Boston Scientific, Southern Company, Cisco, IBM, WiPro, Parsons Brinckerhoff, and various YPO and WPO groups.

Parties interested in learning more about Jack Uldrich, his books, his daily blog or his speaking availability are encouraged to visit his website at: Media wishing to know more about the events or interviewing Jack Uldrich can contact him directly at 612-267-1212 or jack(at)schoolofunlearning(dot)com.

Uldrich is a renowned global futurist, technology forecaster, best-selling author, editor of the quarterly newsletter, The Exponential Executive, and host of the award-winning website, He is currently represented by a number of professional speakers' bureaus, including Leading Authorities, Convention Connection, Gold Star Speakers Bureau and Executive Speakers Bureau.

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Global Futurist and Business Forecaster Jack Uldrich to Keynote Sixteen Events in October

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Autodesk Futurist Redesigns the Hyperloop Using New Materials, Construction Methods

Posted: at 3:40 am

PHOTO courtesy of white clouds

Autodesk's redesign of Hyperloop requires specialized equipment to weave transit tubes out of carbon-fiber composite materials while maintaining the tubes' original 7-ft, 4-in. diameter.

PHOTO courtesy of white clouds

The proposed new design for Hyperloop's transit tubes weaves them out of one ring of carbon fiber and then pinches it into a figure 8, forming two independent tubes.

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A design software leader is rethinking the construction methods and materials for Hyperloop Alpha, the high-speed mass-transit proposal that shoots passenger-filled capsules suspended on air cushions through low-pressure tubes. The new design pushes for yet-to-be-realized advances in construction and composites technology.

"We're almost obliged to check it out," says Jordan Brandt, Autodesk technology futurist, about the company's responsibility as an industry leader to weigh in on the Hyperloop proposal. "I'm a mad scientist," adds Brandt, who created the 3D cloud collaboration technology Glue that got the attention of Autodesk, which acquired both his former company, Horizontal Systems, and Brandt himself.

To get the ball rolling within Autodesk, Brandt did a rough redesign of serial entrepreneur Elon Musk's original proposal. He changed the two parallel, horizontally placed steel transit tubes to a single carbon-fiber-weave circle that is pinched into a figure eight to form two vertically stacked tubes. Brandt shared his idea with Autodesk's design experts to improve upon in Autodesk Fusion, a 3D CAD program that allows for design collaboration.

The idea of using composites such as carbon fiber for the tubes is tempting because it would extend the distance between the tube's support piers to 130 ft from 100 ft and reduce the probability of pressure loss inside the tube, says Brandt. Musk's original proposal called for steel sections to be trucked into place and joined with welds, creating hundreds of thousands of opportunities for leakage along a proposed 350-mile-long route from San Francisco to Los Angeles.

Brandt's construction method would use a rolling braiding machine to weave the tubes in place from spools of fiber material and fuse them with resin as they pass out of the braider. He says Musk's original concept was spot on with the physics but thinks some of the construction methods can be improved upon. He adds that Musk's openness at giving the idea to the public to improve is exactly what Autodesk is trying to encourage. Beyond the groundbreaking innovation required for Hyperloop, Brandt's own suggestion needs a lot of innovation to move from digital design to reality.

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Autodesk Futurist Redesigns the Hyperloop Using New Materials, Construction Methods

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Expedition 37 38 Launches to the International Space Station – Video

Posted: October 1, 2013 at 7:42 pm

Expedition 37 38 Launches to the International Space Station
Expedition 37/38 Soyuz Commander Oleg Kotov and Flight Engineer Sergey Ryazanskiy of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) and NASA Flight Engineer Mi...

By: NASAexplore

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Expedition 37 38 Launches to the International Space Station - Video

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SEE – Soyuz sends astronauts to International Space Station – Video

Posted: at 7:42 pm

SEE - Soyuz sends astronauts to International Space Station
Notícias sobre BBC News Soyuz sends astronauts to ... Soyuz sends astronauts to International Space Station BBC News ?- 2 horas atrás Two Russians and an Ame...

By: Brunna Souza

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SEE - Soyuz sends astronauts to International Space Station - Video

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Cygnus Spacecraft Captured By Space Station | Video – Video

Posted: at 7:41 pm

Cygnus Spacecraft Captured By Space Station | Video
The Orbital Sciences #39; vehicle was captured by the International Space Station #39;s robotic arm on September 29th, 2013.

By: VideoFromSpace

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