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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Ron Paul – Gulf Of Tonkin Ron Paul – Separation Of Tonkin – Video
Posted: October 3, 2013 at 3:40 am
Ron Paul - Gulf Of Tonkin Ron Paul - Separation Of Tonkin
Congressman Ron Paul warns of a contrived incident to provoke war with Irana a Gulf of Tonkin type incidenta January 11a 2006. Congressman Ron Paul cautions ...
By: Hadleigh Kint
Originally posted here:
Ron Paul - Gulf Of Tonkin Ron Paul - Separation Of Tonkin - Video
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Macro Finance_ Ron Paul On Federal Reserve Monetary Policy – Video
Posted: at 3:40 am
Macro Finance_ Ron Paul On Federal Reserve Monetary Policy
Economic. dollar us. government debt relief. banker. gold spot. debts consolidation. dollar to euro. forex tutorial. fields of gold. thomas cook foreign exch...
By: Financial
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Macro Finance_ Ron Paul On Federal Reserve Monetary Policy - Video
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US Will Be Helping Al Qaeda In Syria If They Start A War! Ron Paul NEW – Video
Posted: at 3:40 am
US Will Be Helping Al Qaeda In Syria If They Start A War! Ron Paul NEW
By: izlevido
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US Will Be Helping Al Qaeda In Syria If They Start A War! Ron Paul NEW - Video
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Ron Paul Farewell Speech 5 Greatest Dangers Facing America Today – Video
Posted: at 3:40 am
Ron Paul Farewell Speech 5 Greatest Dangers Facing America Today
By: izlevido
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Ron Paul Farewell Speech 5 Greatest Dangers Facing America Today - Video
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Ron Paul on Iraq War, Gay Marriage, Rand’s Filibuster, and Guns The Alan Colmes Show 3 25 2013 – Video
Posted: at 3:40 am
Ron Paul on Iraq War, Gay Marriage, Rand #39;s Filibuster, and Guns The Alan Colmes Show 3 25 2013
Subscribe this channel for watch the more related video of gold.
By: Gold SilverScandle
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Ron Paul on Iraq War, Gay Marriage, Rand's Filibuster, and Guns The Alan Colmes Show 3 25 2013 - Video
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Ron Paul Safe To Say I’m Not A Christie Fan, He’s A Big Government Person – Video
Posted: at 3:40 am
Ron Paul Safe To Say I #39;m Not A Christie Fan, He #39;s A Big Government Person
Subscribe this channel for watch the more related video of gold.
By: Gold SilverScandle
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Ron Paul Safe To Say I'm Not A Christie Fan, He's A Big Government Person - Video
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Ron Paul: "The Country Is Bankrupt… The People Are Being Bamboozled"
Posted: at 3:40 am
"The American people are being bamboozled into believing that you have to keep spending for ever," Ron Paul exclaims, as "neither side is truly looking for spending cuts." As he explains they all know that increasing spending is all that can maintain the status quo. In this brief CNBC clip, Paul says playing the blame game is ignorant of the reality that both sides are "rigid with bad ideas," dismissing Obama's 'faction' comments. For a glimpse at the chaos underlying the status quo (that is being exposed this week), Paul blasts that "it is a philosophy of government that is to blame; Keynesianism, Militarism, and Interventionism, and the funny-money system that we use. All that has come together and the country is bankrupt and nobody wants to amid it."
"Why in the world can't the people have an option to opt-out?" is the middle ground possibility that Paul suggests...
"While more are waking up to it (especially in light of the non-essential services furloughs currently), there is still an appetite for big government - people are afraid to give up on it."
The Democrats are just as "rigid" as the Republicans.. "They are rigid with bad ideas too in that "deficits don't matter, the government has to spend, and the government has to take care of us, and you should print money when you need it."
Paul goes on to discuss Gold "all central banks work together - they collude"
... Moral convictions, "right or wrong", and "the only thing that really counts is what the American people believe the role of government should be... and if deficits don't matter, it will not be a shutdown of government but a breakdown of government that occurs"
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Ron Paul: "The Country Is Bankrupt... The People Are Being Bamboozled"
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Ron Paul Has 'No Idea' Who's Running for President in 2016
Posted: at 3:40 am
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., whispers to his father Ron Paul during a news conference June 22, 2011, in Washington, D.C.
Former Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, says he has no idea if his son will seek the presidency in 2016, or if he will be asked to hit the campaign trail.
"That discussion or subject hasn't come up," Paul told U.S. News in a Tuesday interview. "2016 is a long way off, so I have no idea who's going to be running or what I'll be doing."
The 78-year-old libertarian's son, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., has openly admitted his interest in running for president.
In a Sept. 23interviewwith WOOD-TV, the younger Paul said he won't firmly decide if he's running until next year. Recent polls show Paul near the top of prospective primary candidate lists.
[ALSO: Ron Paul Says Shutdown 'a Distraction']
"It's still a little bit early, some of my supporters are still wanting to count the votes from last year," the elder Paul told U.S. News with a laugh.
The retired congressman keeps busy advocating for home-school rights when he's not sermonizing against Federal Reserve policies, a possible strike on Syria, National Security Agency surveillance programs and the approaching individual health insurance mandate.
Although they are apparently not discussing the issue, Ron Paul has significant experience running for president. He sought the GOP nomination in 2008 and 2012, and was the Libertarian Party's presidential nominee in 1988.
This isn't the first time Paul denied consulting with his son about a presidential run. During a Sept. 26 appearance on "The Tonight Show," Paulsaidhis denial was "the truth." But he also offered on-air advice for his son: "be very cautious, you could get elected."
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Ron Paul Has 'No Idea' Who's Running for President in 2016
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Ron Paul fans can bid on his car
Posted: at 3:40 am
Former Republican Congressman Ron Paul is auctioning off a piece of little-known congressional history: his 1979 Chevrolet Chevette, the proceeds of which will benefit the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.
The former presidential candidate framed the auction in a post to his institutes website Monday, saying his classic car was a key part of a personal story between Paul and former House Speaker Tip ONeil. During the height of the 1979 gas shortage, ONeils behemoth vehicle towered over Pauls much smaller Chevette a comparison immortalized in cheeky photo, which upset ONeil, Paul wrote in his post.
Well, you would have thought I was Ed Snowden, Paul wrote. There was a huge blow-up.
Paul said despite having it for so long and repainting it after his youngest daughter took it to college the vehicle only has 69,000 miles on it.
(PHOTOS: Ron Pauls career)
But it starts and runs, and is as cute as when Tip wanted to bomb it, Paul wrote.
The car will go to whomever makes the largest donation to the Institute for Peace and Prosperity, and will come with Congressional license plate. Donations must be submitted by Oct. 15.
So drive history forward, and make your pledge, Paul wrote.
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Ron Paul fans can bid on his car
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Ron Paul Defines Libertarianism – Video
Posted: at 3:40 am
Ron Paul Defines Libertarianism
Ron Paul Defines Libertarianism.
By: Gold And Silver
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Ron Paul Defines Libertarianism - Video
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