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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Penn State Researchers discover ‘dark matter’ in human genome

Posted: October 3, 2013 at 3:42 am

Dark matter makes up most of the universe and astronomers dont know what it is. Much like the universe, the human genome is mostly dark matter too, except scientists now know where this dark matter originates.

A Penn State research duo discovered where that dark matter non-coding RNA in the human genome originates from.

B. Franklin Pugh , the Penn State Willaman Chair in Molecular Biology and one of the two researchers, said this dark matter makes up more than 95 percent of the human genome.

The research, which was also conducted by Penn State postdoctoral scholar Bryan Venters , was published on Sept. 18 as an Advance Online Publication in Nature, according to a Penn State News release .

With dark matter making up a significant portion of the human genome, Venters, who is now an assistant professor at Vanderbilt University, said the researchers considered the question: Are the RNA transcripts regulated or randomly generated?

The origin of non-coding RNA is not that different from the origin of protein coding genes, Venters said.

[The researchers] discovered hundreds of thousands of sites in the human genome where molecular machinery is engaging with DNA to produce RNA, Shaun Mahony , assistant professor in the department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , said via email.

RNA, whether it codes for proteins or not, originates from initiation sites, sometimes called promoter sites, Pugh said.

In order to find these sites, the team narrowed their search space by developing a high-resolution method to figure out where a protein binds in the genomes and then applied it, Pugh said. Trying to just find these promoter sites would be like searching for a needle in a haystack, he added.

The technique allowed the team to see with a higher clarity and level of detail so they could see initiation sites that existed in dark matter, Venters said.

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Penn State Researchers discover ‘dark matter’ in human genome

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Sasquatch Genome Project Reveals Bigfoot Photos In Dallas

Posted: at 3:42 am

DALLAS (CBS 11 NEWS) Bigfoot is realjust ask the researchers who have logged countless hours to prove their beliefs.

New photos and videos filled with never before seen images were released Tuesday by a group known as the Sasquatch Genome Project. They were in Dallas Tuesday to unveil its findings.

Dr. Melba Ketchum, a genetics scientist led the project. We want people to understand this is a serious study, said Ketchum.

The five-year study costs more than$500,000. It was funded by businessman Adrian Erickson.

Erikson says he has had numerous encounters with Sasquatch creaturesand says he has the images and science to back their existence. But he says he also understands the stigma and disbelief that comes with BigFoot.

People have chosen not to believe it. They cant find it in their minds to think these things exist.

So the group of researchers and scientists set out to track what they call the furry people.

The group says it followed a mother and daughter in Kentucky collecting thermal imagery, daytime and nighttime video, along with, photos of massive hand and footprints.

The group says there are thousands of these creatures in the United States including right here in North Texas.

But the strongest evidence the group says its has is DNA evidence. They say it is like nothing that has been seen before in mammals or humans.

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Sasquatch Genome Project Reveals Bigfoot Photos In Dallas

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Bigfoot Existence Confirmed? Sasquatch Genome Project Releases DNA Evidence, New Footage [PHOTOS]

Posted: at 3:42 am

Bigfoot believers say there is scientific proof that Sasquatch exists.

A five-year DNA study conducted by the Sasquatch Genome Project along with new photos and videos of the alleged animal confirms Bigfoot is real. The group, which revealed its findings in Dallas on Tuesday, says Bigfoot is a human relative that has existed for 15,000 years, ABC News reports.

We want people to understand this is a serious study, Dr. Melba Ketchum, a genetics scientist led the project, told CBS Dallas. People have chosen not to believe it. They cant find it in their minds to think these things exist.

The five-year study funded by businessman Adrian Erickson cost more than $500,000. Ketchum led a team of experts in genetics, forensics, imaging and pathology sequenced three complete Sasquatch nuclear genomes and found that it is a human hybrid.

Our study has sequenced 20 whole mitochondrial genomes and utilized next generation sequencing to obtain 3 whole nuclear genomes from purported Sasquatch samples. The genome sequencing shows that Sasquatch mtDNA is identical to modern Homo sapiens, but Sasquatch nuDNA is a novel, unknown hominin related to Homo sapiens and other primate species, the group wrote in a press release.

A five-year DNA study conducted by the Sasquatch Genome Project along with new photos and videos of the alleged animal confirms Bigfoot is real. Sasquatch Genome Project

A five-year DNA study conducted by the Sasquatch Genome Project along with new photos and videos of the alleged animal confirms Bigfoot is real. Sasquatch Genome Project

The team used 111 specimens taken from alleged Sasquatches hair, blood, skin and other tissue type that came from 34 different hominin research sites in 14 U.S. states and two Canadian provinces.

Ketchum, a veterinarian by profession, was initially a skeptic. When she began testing DNA samples five years ago, she set strict protocols when extracting collected samples. "This creature does not follow general rule. What it does do is very different. We think it is human hybrid. That is our theory," she said.

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Bigfoot Existence Confirmed? Sasquatch Genome Project Releases DNA Evidence, New Footage [PHOTOS]

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Oral Apremilast Significantly Improved Nail and Scalp Psoriasis and Health-Related Quality-of-Life Measures in Phase …

Posted: at 3:41 am

BOUDRY, Switzerland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--

Celgene International Srl, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Celgene Corporation (CELG), today announced results of pre-specified sub-analyses from ESTEEM 1 on nail and scalp psoriasis, as well as health-related quality-of-life outcomes, from the Companys first phase III study in psoriasis, at the 22nd Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology annual meeting in Istanbul, Turkey.

ESTEEM 1 is the largest of two registrational, randomized, placebo-controlled studies evaluating apremilast, an oral small-molecule specific inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4), in more than 1,200 patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis. Previously reported findings from ESTEEM 1 showed that apremilast significantly improved general signs and symptoms of psoriasis across a wide-range of patient types.

Up to 55 percent of patients with psoriasis at any given time have nail involvement, and more than half have scalp psoriasis, which can be particularly debilitating for individuals dealing with this difficult-to-treat disease, said Professor Kristian Reich, M.D., SCIderm Research Institute and Dermatologikum, Hamburg, Germany. These analyses demonstrate that apremilast may improve these conditions and may offer a much-needed new oral treatment option for psoriasis patients. Moreover, the encouraging health-related quality-of-life findings suggest that long-term treatment with oral apremilast may improve the mental and physical well-being of these patients.

New analyses (abstract #2033) assessed the effects of apremilast on 558 patients in ESTEEM 1 with nail psoriasis and on 563 patients with at least moderate scalp psoriasis.

After 16 weeks of treatment, patients in the apremilast 30 mg twice daily (BID) group had significantly greater improvements in the Nail Psoriasis Severity Index (NAPSI) scores than the patients treated with placebo, showing an improvement of 22.5% vs. a worsening of 6.5%, respectively; P

Psoriasis of the scalp, another difficult-to-treat area, was also improved by treatment with apremilast 30 mg BID. After 16 weeks of therapy, significantly more patients treated with apremilast 30 mg achieved a ScPGA score of 0-1 (clear or almost clear) compared with those in the placebo group (46.5% vs. 17.5%, respectively; P

As shown in a separate analysis (abstract #0237), the treatment of 844 patients in ESTEEM 1 with apremilast also significantly improved health-related quality-of-life, as assessed by a variety of standardized measurements, including the Dermatology Quality of Life Index (DLQI), the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8), the European Quality of Life 5 Dimensions Questionnaire (EQ-5D), and the 36-item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) mental component summary (MCS).

Significant improvements in these measurement tools were seen after 16 weeks of treatment with apremilast; improvements were maintained through 32 weeks of treatment. Patients initially treated with placebo for 16 weeks who were then treated with apremilast for a subsequent 16 weeks also showed improvements in these measures.

In these analyses, the overall safety and tolerability profile of apremilast in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis was consistent with previously reported findings. The most commonly observed adverse events included diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, nasopharyngitis, tension headache, and headache. Adverse events were generally mild to moderate in severity. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea tended to occur most frequently during the first week of dosing and subsequently decreased. The discontinuation rate due to these AEs was low.

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Oral Apremilast Significantly Improved Nail and Scalp Psoriasis and Health-Related Quality-of-Life Measures in Phase ...

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Scalp Psoriasis Shampoo – Do They Really Work? – Video

Posted: at 3:41 am

Scalp Psoriasis Shampoo - Do They Really Work? - If you have been diagnosed with scalp psoriasis most likely your scalp psoriasis treatment will involve a psoriasis shampoo....

By: Scalp Psoriasis

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Scalp Psoriasis Shampoo - Do They Really Work? - Video

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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (1995-03-29) – Video

Posted: at 3:41 am

Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (1995-03-29)
Air Date: March 29th, 1995 Panelists: Garry Shandling, Kato Kaelin, LeVar Burton Susan Estrich.

By: NoCowEyes

The rest is here:
Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (1995-03-29) - Video

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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2001-05-16) – Video

Posted: at 3:41 am

Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2001-05-16)
Air Date: May 16th, 2001 Panelists: George Carlin, Horace Cooper, Julie Warner Robert Shapiro.

By: NoCowEyes

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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2001-05-16) - Video

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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2001-08-13) – Video

Posted: at 3:41 am

Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2001-08-13)
Air Date: August 13th, 2001 Panelists: Rufus Wainwright, Robert Conrad, Lisa Ann Walter Lou Sheldon.

By: NoCowEyes

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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2001-08-13) - Video

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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2000-11-28) – Video

Posted: at 3:41 am

Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2000-11-28)
Air Date: November 28th, 2000 Panelists: Al Franken, Adam West, Sheryl Lee Ralph Al Rantel.

By: NoCowEyes

See the article here:
Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2000-11-28) - Video

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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2000-08-15) – Video

Posted: at 3:40 am

Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2000-08-15)
Air Date: August 15th, 2000 Panelists: Alec Baldwin, Joan Rivers, Billy Bush Barbara Boxer.

By: NoCowEyes

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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (2000-08-15) - Video

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