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Ron Paul On Video Demon Possessed – Video
Posted: October 4, 2013 at 7:40 am
Ron Paul On Video Demon Possessed
Ron Paul Reptilian Shapehifter See my chan for truth.
By: SuperLuminous1
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Ron Paul On Video Demon Possessed - Video
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Report: Ron Paul camp gave Iowa senator $25K check
Posted: at 7:40 am
Originally published October 3, 2013 at 3:22 PM | Page modified October 3, 2013 at 3:36 PM
Iowa state Sen. Kent Sorenson received a $25,000 check from a high-ranking official in Ron Paul's presidential campaign days before ditching Michele Bachmann to back Paul, and eventually got $73,000 in suspicious payments that may be linked to Paul's campaign, an investigator has found.
Sorenson resigned from office Wednesday after investigator Mark Weinhardt concluded Sorenson likely broke ethics rules in receiving $7,500 in monthly income from Bachmann's political action committee and presidential campaign in exchange for being Bachmann's state chair in 2011.
Weinhardt's 566-page report also suggests Sorenson defected from the Minnesota congresswoman's campaign days before the January 2012 caucuses after receiving promises of compensation from Paul's campaign, raising questions about whether criminal or campaign finance laws were violated.
A federal investigation is under way, Sorenson's attorney said Thursday. In Des Moines, Polk County Attorney John Sarcone said Thursday his office would review the report to determine whether there is a basis to pursue criminal charges.
In response to a subpoena, Sorenson turned over an uncashed $25,000 check he said his wife received from Dimitri Kesari, who was Paul's deputy national campaign manager. The check, from the checkbook of a Virginia jewelry business owned by Kesari's wife, was dated Dec. 26, 2012, two days before Sorenson joined Paul's campaign.
Paul, then a Texas congressman, received publicity from Sorenson's late endorsement before finishing a close third in the first-in-the-nation caucuses.
Kesari gave the check to Sorenson's wife during a dinner meeting while Sorenson was in the bathroom, Sorenson's lawyer, Theodore Sporer, said. It was made out to Grassroots Strategy, Inc., a firm owned by Sorenson that was the vehicle for his compensation from Bachmann's committees. The check was never cashed.
Sorenson, elected to the House in 2008 and the Senate in 2010 to represent districts south of Des Moines, was sought after by Republican presidential campaigns because he was seen as a popular social conservative who would soon run for higher office. Bachmann consultant Guy Short told campaign aides in 2011 Sorenson was "the real deal" and should be hired quickly because, "People are getting bought off," emails show.
Sorenson's firm soon started receiving $7,500 monthly from Short's Colorado firm with funds from Bachmann's PAC and later her campaign, the report said. Sorenson was the first state elected official to endorse Bachmann and introduced her at Iowa events.
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Report: Ron Paul camp gave Iowa senator $25K check
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Ron Paul aide gave Iowa senator $25K check
Posted: at 7:40 am
October 3, 2013
By RYAN J. FOLEY Associated Press
IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) -- Iowa state Sen. Kent Sorenson received a $25,000 check from a high-ranking official in Ron Paul's presidential campaign days before ditching Michele Bachmann to back Paul, and eventually got $73,000 in suspicious payments that may be linked to Paul's campaign, an investigator has found.
Sorenson resigned from office Wednesday after investigator Mark Weinhardt concluded Sorenson likely broke ethics rules in receiving $7,500 in monthly income from Bachmann's political action committee and presidential campaign in exchange for being Bachmann's state chair in 2011. Weinhardt's 566-page report also suggests Sorenson defected from the Minnesota congresswoman's campaign days before the January 2012 caucuses after receiving promises of compensation from Paul's campaign, raising questions about whether criminal or campaign finance laws were violated.
A federal investigation is underway, Sorenson's attorney said Thursday. In Des Moines, Polk County Attorney John Sarcone said Thursday his office would review the report to determine whether there is a basis to pursue criminal charges.
In response to a subpoena, Sorenson turned over an uncashed $25,000 check he said his wife received from Dimitri Kesari, who was Paul's deputy national campaign manager. The check, from the checkbook of a Virginia jewelry business owned by Kesari's wife, was dated Dec. 26, 2012, two days before Sorenson joined Paul's campaign.
Paul, then a Texas congressman, received publicity from Sorenson's late endorsement before finishing a close third in the first-in-the-nation caucuses.
Kesari gave the check to Sorenson's wife during a dinner meeting while Sorenson was in the bathroom, Sorenson's lawyer, Theodore Sporer, said. It was made out to Grassroots Strategy, Inc., a firm owned by Sorenson that was the vehicle for his compensation from Bachmann's committees. The check was never cashed.
Sorenson, elected to the House in 2008 and the Senate in 2010 to represent districts south of Des Moines, was sought after by Republican presidential campaigns because he was seen as a popular social conservative who would soon run for higher office. Bachmann consultant Guy Short told campaign aides in 2011 Sorenson was "the real deal" and should be hired quickly because, "People are getting bought off," emails show.
Sorenson's firm soon started receiving $7,500 monthly from Short's Colorado firm with funds from Bachmann's PAC and later her campaign, the report said. Sorenson was the first state elected official to endorse Bachmann and introduced her at Iowa events.
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Cygnus Spacecraft Arrives at the Space Station | NASA Science HD Video – Video
Posted: October 3, 2013 at 3:43 am
Cygnus Spacecraft Arrives at the Space Station | NASA Science HD Video
Visit my website at - the Orbital Sciences Cygnus spacecraft arrived at the International Space Station Sunday, Sept. 29, 2013. Cyg...
By: CoconutScienceLab
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Private spacecraft docks with space station – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Private spacecraft docks with space station
By: Mr.worldnews
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Private spacecraft docks with space station - Video
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Ratchet and Clank A Crack in Time 147 Nefarious Space Station revisited], pt 1 – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Ratchet and Clank A Crack in Time 147 Nefarious Space Station revisited], pt 1
By: Danica Vanstee
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Ratchet and Clank A Crack in Time 147 Nefarious Space Station revisited], pt 1 - Video
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International Space Station astronauts use robotic arm – video – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
International Space Station astronauts use robotic arm - video
Astronauts on the International Space Station use a robotic arm to grab an unmanned capsule out of space. It was the first flight for the commercial cargo sh...
By: Reuters English
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Angels Visit Russian Space Station 2013 – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Angels Visit Russian Space Station 2013
In 1985, six crewmembers on board the Soviet Salyut-7 space station witnessed something incredible. Read More Here:
By: defne sensu
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Angels Visit Russian Space Station 2013 - Video
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Space Station Live: Sept. 30, 2013 – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
Space Station Live: Sept. 30, 2013
The Space Station Live recap video for Sept. 30, 2013. Watch the full Space Station Live broadcast weekdays on NASA TV at 10 a.m. CDT.
By: scitechflix
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Space Station Live: Sept. 30, 2013 - Video
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UFO Entity hovers over Space Station astronauts during Space Walk – Video
Posted: at 3:43 am
UFO Entity hovers over Space Station astronauts during Space Walk
news bloopers news autotune the news fox news onion news funny news bloopers cnn news news anchor fail bloopers news fail the onion news breaking news bed intruder song abc news funny antoine...
By: selim arsoygil
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UFO Entity hovers over Space Station astronauts during Space Walk - Video
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