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Psoriasis and street life – Video
Posted: October 4, 2013 at 7:41 am
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How To Cure Psoriasis Fast — Fast Psoriasis Cure Review – Video
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How To Cure Psoriasis Fast — Fast Psoriasis Cure Review
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By: ProductReviewsCB
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How To Cure Psoriasis Fast — Fast Psoriasis Cure Review - Video
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How to Cure Psoriasis Naturally – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
How to Cure Psoriasis Naturally
I made this to help people cure their psoriasis. If you have psoriasis or you know anyone who does, you probably understand it is not a fun thing to deal wit...
By: Nicholas Lamborghini
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Psoriasis – Rife Frequencies – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Psoriasis - Rife Frequencies
Per your request! Drink more water than you feel you need to derive the most from these frequencies.
By: newtimer5
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Psoriasis - Rife Frequencies - Video
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Psoriasis Hell part 1 – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Psoriasis Hell part 1
Healing Psoriasis Naturally.
By: Wellness4family
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Scaly Skin as Deadly as Cancer Spurs Psoriasis Treatment
Posted: at 7:41 am
Psoriasis, with its patches of itchy, flaky skin, is often nothing more than a benign cosmetic problem. Yet for many people its as disabling and threatening as rheumatoid arthritis or cancer.
These patients often dont tolerate existing medicines, or see them lose their power over time. Pharmaceutical companies, helped by a new understanding of the biology behind the disease, have developed a new class of drug candidates that may be faster and more effective for the more serious forms of psoriasis. The front runner, Novartis AG, said yesterday that its experimental treatment met the main goals of a late-stage study.
Psoriasis is linked to higher rates of heart disease and diabetes, and a third of patients also develop a form of arthritis, which causes pain and swelling in and around the joints, said Kristian Reich, a dermatologist in Hamburg who also teaches at the University of Goettingen.
This is a really serious inflammatory illness, like rheumatoid arthritis, except that it doesnt affect the joints, it affects the skin, Reich, who has tested the Novartis drug and two others in clinical trials, said in a telephone interview.
Its impossible to gauge the full toll of psoriasis on peoples lives. In addition to the physical pain and danger of complications are the psychological wounds.
These people dont get the jobs they should be getting, Reich said. They dont marry the partners they should be marrying.
About 125 million people worldwide have the skin condition, including 7.5 million Americans, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation. About 20 percent to 30 percent of them have a moderate to serious form of the disease, of which half are taking some kind of medicine, John Hohneker, who heads drug development for autoimmune diseases at Basel, Switzerland-based Novartis, said in an interview.
We know that 40 to 50 percent are dissatisfied with their current therapy, Hohneker said.
Novartiss therapy, secukinumab, worked significantly better than Amgen Inc.s Enbrel, the $3.7 billion-a-year drug that is considered the standard of care, in clearing the skin in a late-stage study, the company said yesterday in a statement. The research is being presented at the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology meeting in Istanbul, which began Oct. 2.
Novartis shares fell 0.8 percent to 67.75 Swiss francs at 10:07 a.m. in Zurich trading today. The shares have gained about 18 percent this year, compared with a 15 percent gain on the Bloomberg European Pharmaceutical Index of 19 companies.
Scaly Skin as Deadly as Cancer Spurs Psoriasis Treatment
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Skin of patients with psoriasis protects itself from virus infections
Posted: at 7:41 am
Oct. 2, 2013 Universittsmedizin Berlin have discovered why patients with psoriasis are less susceptible to viral infections than patients suffering from atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema). The reason for this is the larger quantity of special proteins present in psoriatic skin, which inhibit viral replication. The interdisciplinary team under the direction of Dr. Robert Sabat from the Department of Dermatology and the Institute of Medical Immunology, in collaboration with the Institute of Virology and the Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT), has additionally discovered a new function of the immune system. The study is published in the current issue of the journal Science Translational Medicine.
Psoriasis and atopic dermatitis are the two most common chronic diseases of the skin, from which over 40 million people suffer in the US and in EU alone. They cause persistent visible changes of the skin that severely impact the quality of life of the patients. In addition, the damaged skin barrier enables pathogens, such as viruses, to penetrate the skin and multiply. Surprisingly, only atopic dermatitis patients show a high incidence of cutaneous viral infections, which exacerbate the course of atopic dermatitis and if not treated promptly, might be life-threatening. The authors of the just-published study show that compared to the skin of patients with psoriasis, the skin of atopic dermatitis patients produces smaller quantities of what are known as antiviral proteins, which inhibit viral replication. In the search for the trigger responsible for these differences in protein production in the two skin diseases, the research team came upon the immune messenger interleukin-29.
"Of the thirty messengers produced by the immune cells that we examined in psoriatic skin, we only found a correlation with the quantities of antiviral proteins for interleukin-29," explains Dr. Kerstin Wolk from the Institute of Medical Immunology at the Charit, one of the study's two first authors. "In fact, interleukin-29 is present in psoriatic skin, but not in affected skin of atopic dermatitis patients." Removing this immune protein from skin samples taken from patients with psoriasis diminishes the quantity of antiviral proteins in these samples. Using experiments with healthy skin, skin models and isolated cells from the upper layer of the skin, the team additionally showed that interleukin-29 is able to stimulate the production of antiviral proteins, and thereby to protect the skin cells from viral infection.
Moreover, the researchers showed that interleukin-29 is produced by a specific population of immune cells known as Th17 cells. "These cells promote the production of antiviral proteins and thus, anti-viral defences in the skin cells," explains Dr. Katrin Witte from the Institute of Medical Immunology at the Charit, also a first author of the study. Thus, they simultaneously uncovered a new function of the immune system.
"It is conceivable that the therapeutic administration of interleukin-29 or substances that mimic its effects could increase patients' local defences against viruses. This would be applicable not only for atopic dermatitis, but also for other chronic inflammatory diseases that take place in epithelia, such as certain lung conditions in which viral infections represent a cofactor. This treatment could alleviate the course of such illnesses," states Dr. Robert Sabat, Head of the Psoriasis Research and Treatment Center at the Charit.
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Skin of patients with psoriasis protects itself from virus infections
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Ron Paul You Can’t Deal With Immigration Unless You Deal With Welfare State Bloomberg 4 23 2013 – Video
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Ron Paul You Can #39;t Deal With Immigration Unless You Deal With Welfare State Bloomberg 4 23 2013
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Ron Paul Foreign Aid Is Immoral and Impractical Cavuto 3 14 2013 – Video
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Ron Paul Foreign Aid Is Immoral and Impractical Cavuto 3 14 2013
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Ron Paul On Foreign Aid We Should Stop Funding These Nations, You Can’t Buy Friendship – Video
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Ron Paul On Foreign Aid We Should Stop Funding These Nations, You Can #39;t Buy Friendship
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