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Same DNA – Dreams (Audio) – Video
Posted: October 4, 2013 at 7:42 am
Same DNA - Dreams (Audio)
(Hip Hop TXL Premiere Artist) Same DNA "Dreams" Produced By FlashBeats Follow on Instragram @SameDNAFamilyGang @AceSameDNA @LachDogg @WakiemSD @DJReddyRell #...
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New advances in the study of human mitochondrial DNA
Posted: at 7:42 am
Oct. 3, 2013 A study concerning the evolution of mitochondrial DNA, performed by researchers from the Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona (UAB), has allowed to determine the frequency and pattern of heteroplasmy in the complete mitochondrial genome using a representative sample of the European population. This phenomenon, which indicates the presence of different mitochondrial DNA types in a cell or an individual, can be found in more than half of the population. The data obtained indicates that many of the newly arising mutations found never reach fixation at the population level due to the effect of evolutionary mechanisms such as genetic drift or selection. The study, published in PLOS ONE, may open a new perspective on medical, evolutionary and forensic research.
The mitochondrial DNA copies of an individual are not necessarily identical. The presence of different types of mitochondrial DNA is known as heteroplasmy. This is an obligatory phase in the evolution of the mitochondrial DNA, an intermediate stage between the mutation origin and its fixation at cellular and individual level. The study of heteroplasmy is proving to be useful in the study of mutation patterns, the role of selection and the mitochondrial DNA recombination in mammals.
In this study, researchers Amanda Ramos, Cristina Santos and Maria Pilar Aluja, from the Unit of Biological Anthropology of the UAB, determined the frequency and pattern of heteroplasmy in the complete mitochondrial genome of 101 unrelated healthy individuals, which are representative of the European population. The results demonstrate a high frequency of mitochondrial heteroplasmy, being heteroplasmic a 61% of the individuals analysed.
"This is an important data. Until now no one had established these frequencies, probably due to methodological reasons -- we detected, with a sensitivity of 100%, mitochondrial DNA mixtures in which minority variants were present with a frequency of only 10% -- but also because for a long time the research carried out on heteroplasmy was associated with the study of mitochondrial diseases. Given the high frequency of heteroplasmy at population level, the research demonstrates that the presence of heteroplasmy is not necessarily associated with specific diseases; in fact, it is likely that most of us are heteroplasmic without affecting our health negatively," states Amanda Ramos, lead author of the article and the PhD thesis on which the research was based on.
Researchers determined how many heteroplasmic positions presented each analysed individual and in which positions of their mitochondrial genome were located. as well as the percentage of each of the genetic variants. With this information, they detected that several of these mutations in heteroplasmy had not been previously described at population level.
"Many of these mutations will probably not be fixed at population level. We detected the presence of heteroplasmy at highly stable positions of the mitochondrial genome. This suggest that some evolutionary forces may be acting to lower them at population level. Especially, those stable heteroplasmic positions that could have a negative effect on the individual, which suggest that purifying selection could be operating to prevent their fixation within individuals," says Cristina Santos, co-author of the article.
The present study represents an important advance in the research of the mitochondrial DNA. "By taking into account the large amount of data presented and the scarce information available up to date, we are convinced that it will open a new perspective in the research of mitochondrial DNA-related diseases, as well as in population studies, and evolutionary and forensic field," concludes research director Maria Pilar Aluja.
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New advances in the study of human mitochondrial DNA
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DNA Brands Continues Southeast Expansion
Posted: at 7:42 am
DNA Brands, Inc.(OTCQB:DNAX), makers of DNA Energy Drink, the winner of the 2010 and 2012 Worlds Best Tasting Energy Drink title announced this week New Age Distributing, Inc. (New Age) located in Little Rock Arkansas has become the latest distributor to join the companys rapidly expanding list of prominent distributors.
"We are very excited to have been able to come to terms with such a respected distributor as New Age and having them add DNA energy drinks to their prestigious portfolio of products, said Eric Fowler, DNA's Vice President of Sales and Marketing. Having such a premier distributor offering our products to the thousands of locations they service throughout the state of Arkansas provides us with an excellent growth opportunity. The addition of New Age Distributing gives us full statewide coverage and fills a critical role in our expansion. We have shipped their initial order and anticipate product launch will begin on October 21, 2013 with their customer base, concluded Fowler.
Rick Davis, General Manager of New Age said, "We are extremely pleased to be adding DNA Energy Drink to our portfolio of quality beverages. In this new age of performance drinks, we feel DNA sets itself apart with award winning taste and appealing new can designs, the brand (DNA) has the consumer appeal necessary to compete in the energy drink category." Mr. Davis also went on to say "We are excited to present DNA's newly rebranded line of energy drinks to the thousands of retailers that we service."
About New Age Distributing, Inc. New Age Distributing in Little Rock, AR is a private company established in 2001 and is owned by the Frantz family. New Age is categorized as a non-alcoholic distributor employing in excess of 50 people. Its product portfolio consist of the complete 7up, Snapple and RC Cola lines along with numerous other beverages.
About Eric Fowler Eric Fowler has 30 years' experience in the beverage industry, serving in executive sales and marketing positions with several of the nation's beverage leaders including A&W Brands, Snapple, Cadbury Schweppes and Southeast Atlantic Beverage. Mr. Fowler assumed his position as Vice President of Sales and Marketing for DNA Brands in the beginning of the year. His responsibilities include managing our rebranding efforts and expanding sales and marketing.
About DNA Brands, Inc. DNA BRANDS, make DNA Energy Drink, the 2010 and 2012 winner of the best-tasting energy drink at the World Beverage Competition. DNA Energy Drink is a proprietary blend of quality ingredients in several delicious flavors. DNA is a proud sponsor of many action sport teams consisting of top athletes from Motorcross, Surf, Wakeboard and Skateboard, and has received tremendous TV and media coverage.
"Awarded the World's Best Tasting Energy Drink 2010 & 2012 respectively at the World Beverage Competition"
For more information about DNA Energy Drink, its athletes and sponsorships, please visit or contact Darren Marks, President (954) 970-3826
Forward-Looking Statements
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Research and Markets: Global DNA Vaccine Pipeline Analysis
Posted: at 7:42 am
Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Global DNA Vaccine Pipeline Analysis" report to their offering.
The global market for DNA vaccines is currently recording significant growth rates owing to the lesser side effects, ease of development, lesser cost and continued development in biotechnology arena. At present, not even a single DNA vaccine has been approved for human beings. However, around 100 products are under clinical trial for treating diseases like HIV infection, cancer and other infectious diseases. With regards to animal health, there are three DNA vaccines which have been approved. The first vaccine against West Nile Virus to be used in horses was approved in 2005.
Global DNA Vaccine Pipeline Analysis gives a comprehensive insight on the various DNA Vaccines being developed for the treatment of multiple diseases. Research report covers all the DNA Vaccines being developed in various development phases. Each DNA Vaccine profiles include detailed information like: Originator, Owner, Collaborator, Technology Provider, Licensee, Development Phase, Development Indications, Mechanism of Action, Country of Development and detailed analysis on the development process.
This report enables pharmaceutical companies, collaborators and other associated stake holders to identify and analyze the available investment opportunity in the DNA vaccine market based upon development process. Following parameters for each DNA Vaccine profile in development phase are covered in Global DNA Vaccine Pipeline Analysis research report:
Breakup of DNA Vaccine Pipeline by Clinical Phase:
Key Topics Covered:
1. Global DNA Vaccine Market Overview
2. DNA Vaccine Development Phase: Research
3. DNA Vaccine Development Phase: Preclinical
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Research and Markets: Global DNA Vaccine Pipeline Analysis
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BroadE: Introduction to Genome STRiP for discovery and genotyping of deletions – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
BroadE: Introduction to Genome STRiP for discovery and genotyping of deletions
Copyright Broad Institute, 2013. All rights reserved. The presentations below were filmed during the 2013 GATK Workshop, part of the BroadE Workshop series. ...
By: broadinstitute
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Code For Life The Human Genome MultiScienceChannel – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Code For Life The Human Genome MultiScienceChannel
By: MultiScienceChannel
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Code For Life The Human Genome MultiScienceChannel - Video
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Sasquatch Genome Project’s Dr. Melba Ketchum on ABC 8 – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Sasquatch Genome Project #39;s Dr. Melba Ketchum on ABC 8
By: SasquatchDNAVids
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Sasquatch Genome Project's Dr. Melba Ketchum on ABC 8 - Video
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Sasquatch Genome Project Finds Bigfoot
Posted: at 7:41 am
The researchers of Sasquatch Genome Project led by Dr. Melba Ketchum has presented evidences of Bigfoot existence in Texas during a press conference. Some DNA samples and an HD video footage of the...
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The researchers of Sasquatch Genome Project led by Dr. Melba Ketchum has presented evidences of Bigfoot existence in Texas during a press conference. Some DNA samples and an HD video footage of the alleged Bigfoot sleeping in the Kentucky woods has been shown to media.
Sasquatch Genome Project team claims that these evidences proves that the Bigfoot is a human hybrid. Their $500,000 study now shows that the legendary Sasquatch creature "Bigfoot" exists in North America. This alleged creature was once human. Bigfoot was evolved from humans approximately 13,000 years ago.
The group of Sasquatch Genome Project researchers also claims that they have "111 specimens of Sasquatch hair, blood, skin and other tissue types," according to NYDailyNews. These specimens confirms that Bigfoot is real.
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Sasquatch Genome Project Finds Bigfoot
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Sasquatch Genome Project Presents Evidence
Posted: at 7:41 am
When it comes to believing in Bigfoot or Sasquatch, it seems like you are either a die hard believer or a complete skeptic. If you happened to be torn between believer and skeptic, you may want to consider the evidence brought force by the Sasquatch Genome Project researchers. This group of scientists recently released footage and DNA evidence that they said would prove the existence of Sasquatch.
The evidence was presented at a news conference held in Dallas on Tuesday. The researchers claim that they have been sequencing DNA from 3 different sasquatch genomes and have spent over 5 years on the project. The results of the study show that sasquatch is a human relative that arose approximately 13,000 years ago and is a hybrid cross between a primate and Homo sapiens.
While the three Sasquatch nuclear genomes aligned well with one another and showed significant homology to human chromosome 11, the Sasquatch genomes were novel and fell well outside of known ancient hominin as well as ape sequences, explains Melba Ketchum. Because some of the mtDNA haplogroups found in our Sasquatch samples originated as late as 13,000 years ago, we are hypothesizing that the Sasquatch are human hybrids, the result of males of an unknown hominin species crossing with female Homo sapiens.
While many people say their presentation is bologna, many other were excited to see the film evidence and believe it to be authentic. The team says they are not finished with their work and are still collecting evidence and working on DNA evidence. They plan to use the evidence to film a documentary in the near future.
Image from Wikimedia Commons.
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Day 14 of 30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Day 14 of 30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat)
Since yesterday I lost another 0.6lbs, so I lost 22.2lbs already! My 14th day of the water fast aiming to loose those extra pounds and cure myself of eczema ...
By: Fasting Taurus
Day 14 of 30 Day Water Fasting Documentary, (Cure Sinusitis, Eczema and Belly Fat) - Video
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