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Dr. Magliocco on the Challenges of Analyzing the Genome of a Melanoma Tumor – Video
Posted: October 5, 2013 at 12:42 pm
Dr. Magliocco on the Challenges of Analyzing the Genome of a Melanoma Tumor
Anthony M. Magliocco, MD, chair of pathology, executive director of esoteric labs at Moffitt Cancer Center, discusses the difficulties of analyzing the genom...
By: Targeted Oncology
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Welcome to Genome Canada on YouTube – Video
Posted: at 12:42 pm
Welcome to Genome Canada on YouTube
Genome Canada is a not-for-profit organization that invests in genomics research to generate economic and social benefits for Canadians. Genome Canada builds...
By: genome canada
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Sasquatch Genome Project on ABC 8 – Video
Posted: at 12:42 pm
Sasquatch Genome Project on ABC 8
By: SasquatchDNAVids
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Welcome to Genome Canada on YouTube / Bienvenue à Génome Canada sur YouTube – Video
Posted: at 12:42 pm
Welcome to Genome Canada on YouTube / Bienvenue à Génome Canada sur YouTube
Genome Canada is a not-for-profit organization that invests in genomics research to generate economic and social benefits for Canadians. For more information...
By: genome canada
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Welcome to Genome Canada on YouTube / Bienvenue à Génome Canada sur YouTube - Video
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More From The Sasquatch Genome Project Press Conference – Video
Posted: at 12:42 pm
More From The Sasquatch Genome Project Press Conference
The DNA results are now available online,
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Dr. Melba Ketchum on ABC 9 discussing Sasquatch Genome Project – Video
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Dr. Melba Ketchum on ABC 9 discussing Sasquatch Genome Project
By: SasquatchDNAVids
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Cancer variants found in 'neglected' region of genome
Posted: at 12:42 pm
Parts of human DNA that do not contain genes but instead turn them on and off may be just as vulnerable to cancer-causing mutations as protein-producing genes are, a new study finds.
Using computer programs to comb through the DNA of 88 cancer patients, researchers identified 98 mutations in gene-regulating parts of the genome that may be causing the patients breast, prostate or brain tumors, the team reports in the Oct. 4 Science.
The findings may help researchers better understand which genetic alterations lead to disease and which are harmless. It helps to clarify a confusing question in human variation: What variants are important? says Douglas Levine, a surgeon at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City who was not involved with the work.
Finding one or a handful of variants that lead to disease is a daunting task because it requires sorting through more than 3 billion bases the information-carrying chemicals that make up DNA in each person. As a result, many scientists have narrowed their search to the 1 to 2 percent of the genome that makes proteins.
But many genetic variants implicated in common conditions such as diabetes and heart disease fall in the no-protein land between genes. Rare disease-causing mutations, such as those that spark cancer, may also fall in that vast, mysterious territory known as noncoding DNA.
"When it comes to cancer, those regions have been neglected so far," says Jan Korbel, a geneticist at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany. Cancer researchers didn't have enough data to allow a search, says Korbel, who was not involved in the research. "This study shows how you can find these candidates."
To narrow down which noncoding parts probably contain important variants, Ekta Khurana, a computational biologist at Yale University, and her colleagues examined DNA from 1,092 volunteers in the 1000 Genomes Project, an effort to uncover human genetic variation. The team also used information from the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements, known as ENCODE. That project maps stretches of noncoding DNA that are important for switching genes on and off. Some switches control when one or a small number of genes turn on; others govern many genes.
To find the switches most likely related to disease, Khurana and colleagues reasoned that if a stretch of noncoding DNA were particularly important for health, natural selection would have weeded out variants. So the team looked for regions that contain fewer mutations than would be expected by chance. A mutation in one of those sensitive places is about 40 times as likely to cause disease as is a mutation elsewhere in the genome, the researchers found.
Even fewer mutations showed up in a small subset of those sensitive regions, indicating that those switches may be ultrasensitive to change. A mutation in one of these glass-jawed pieces of DNA is about 400 times as likely to cause disease as is one in an average stretch of DNA.
The team used these data to create a computer program that identifies mutations in noncoding parts of the genome and scores how detrimental changes are likely to be. The researchers then used the program to analyze the cancer patients DNA. Of 98 mutations the researchers identified, 90 damage hub controllers of gene syndicates and 68 fall in sensitive noncoding areas.
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Salmonella core genome: Genetic distance among 408 Salmonella measured along the genome – Video
Posted: at 12:42 pm
Salmonella core genome: Genetic distance among 408 Salmonella measured along the genome
The distance between the parts of the Salmonella genome shared by 408 strains in over 50 serovars (the core genome) was measured in a sliding 5 kb window. Re...
By: Michael McClelland
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Salmonella core genome: Genetic distance among 408 Salmonella measured along the genome - Video
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Shuang Wang – Genome Compression – Video
Posted: at 12:42 pm
Shuang Wang - Genome Compression
iDASH Third Annual All Hands Symposium September 16-17, 2013 Atkinson Hall (Calit2) auditorium, University of California San Diego.
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Skin Secrets — The Truth About Eczema – Video
Posted: at 12:42 pm
Skin Secrets -- The Truth About Eczema
Did you know that eczema affects over 30 million Americans? Watch as Dr. Jody Levine of the Eucerin Skin First Council and Dr. Doris Day of Everyday Health s...
By: EucerinUS
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