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Apple comes under fire after pulling Chinese anti-censorship app
Posted: October 6, 2013 at 11:40 am
Apple's decision this past summer to remove a censorship circumvention tool from the Chinese App Store has drawn criticism from some claiming that the iPhone maker is kowtowing to that country's authoritarian government. Users of Chinese microblogging site Sina Weibo recently voiced their frustrations online, according to CNN, claiming that Apple showed it has no integrity in removing the app Open Door. The app is still available in other App Stores outside of China.
The app in question is a browser that masks users' identities as they surf the Internet. It also circumvents China's well-publicized censorship protocols, allowing Chinese users access to banned material on the Internet. It was available in the Chinese App Store until July of this year, when Apple pulled the program.
Prior to its removal, Open Door was seeing around 2,000 daily downloads, according to the Daily Mail. The developers say they received no prior notification from Apple that their app was about to be pulled. They claim that the removal was unjust, given that the app is only a browser and that any information accessed comes at the user's own discretion
Apple countered that apps are beholden to the laws of the countries in which they are sold.
Despite their disagreement with Apple, Open Door's developers say they will not challenge the decision. They say they fear retaliation from Apple if the issue were to become more publicized.
"Unfortunately," one developer told CNN, "we're not aware of any app developer ever [who was successful] in challenging Apple's decision. In fact, we won't be surprised if Apple decides to pull our app from all App Stores and/or terminates our account in retaliation."
Apple's decision drew complaints from social media users and Chinese anti-censorship protestors. "The fruit is contaminated," one Sina Weibo user wrote. "Where is your integrity!" wrote another.
Apple has previously pulled apps from the Chinese App Store in order to meet government censorship requirements. In April, the company removed a book-selling app that gave users access to banned texts.
The Open Door development is indicative of the troubles U.S. technology firms face doing business in China. While the world's most populous nation is a prime market for U.S. firms, its restrictive policies often run counter to American ideals.
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Apple comes under fire after pulling Chinese anti-censorship app
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ArmA3: Combine Transhuman Overwatch Test – Video
Posted: at 11:40 am
ArmA3: Combine Transhuman Overwatch Test
A small test showing my upcoming Combine units for ArmA3. Music copyright by Valve, will not be offered for download!
By: Mats Liljeroos
The rest is here:
ArmA3: Combine Transhuman Overwatch Test - Video
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Aleksandr Shklyaruk ‘Klucis and the Materialisation of a Futurist Idea’ – Video
Posted: at 11:40 am
Aleksandr Shklyaruk #39;Klucis and the Materialisation of a Futurist Idea #39;
Aleksandr Shklyaruk, art-critic, designer, director of Kontakt-Kultura Publishing House, Moscow.
By: GRAD London
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Aleksandr Shklyaruk 'Klucis and the Materialisation of a Futurist Idea' - Video
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s00e01: when they do interviews with people on like the international space station or, like… – Video
Posted: October 5, 2013 at 12:43 pm
s00e01: when they do interviews with people on like the international space station or, like...
kind of like the setting of when they do interviews with people on like the international space station or, like...
By: Nash Irongay
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s00e01: when they do interviews with people on like the international space station or, like... - Video
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International Space Station Transit of the Sun SLOW MOTION 2 Oct 2013 – Video
Posted: at 12:43 pm
International Space Station Transit of the Sun SLOW MOTION 2 Oct 2013
The International Space Station (ISS) crossed over the face of the Sun as seen from my location here in New Zealand today 2 October 2013 (10:30am NZ DST). **...
By: dazzathecameraman
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International Space Station Transit of the Sun SLOW MOTION 2 Oct 2013 - Video
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Let’s Play Just Cause 2 Ep. 9 – Space station – Video
Posted: at 12:43 pm
Let #39;s Play Just Cause 2 Ep. 9 - Space station
Welcome to the next epidoe of justr cause 2 if you enjoy please leave a like and a comment and subscribe today to become a peepsicle!
Continued here:
Let's Play Just Cause 2 Ep. 9 - Space station - Video
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NASA VIDEO Commercial Supply Ship Reaches ISS Interational Space Station – Video
Posted: at 12:43 pm
NASA VIDEO Commercial Supply Ship Reaches ISS Interational Space Station
abd usa news syria u.s obama in hawaii, abd usa news syria u.s obama insurance plan, abd usa news syria u.s obama inauguration schedule, abd usa news syria u...
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NASA VIDEO Commercial Supply Ship Reaches ISS Interational Space Station - Video
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Flipping Cat Maneuver on the Space Station #askAstro 30 sec) Smarter Every Day 83 – Video
Posted: at 12:43 pm
Flipping Cat Maneuver on the Space Station #askAstro 30 sec) Smarter Every Day 83
By: Too Smarter Everday
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Flipping Cat Maneuver on the Space Station #askAstro 30 sec) Smarter Every Day 83 - Video
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Genetic Engineering (2000) – Video
Posted: at 12:43 pm
Genetic Engineering (2000)
Comedy horror music video made to the X-Ray Spex song Genetic Engineering. Starring Mike Anino and Alex Dickman, directed by James Nicholas Mohr. Song by Pol...
By: James Mohr
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DNA: from Crime Scene to Courtroom, a presentation by Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey – Video
Posted: at 12:42 pm
DNA: from Crime Scene to Courtroom, a presentation by Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey
DNA: from Crime Scene to Courtroom, The Global General Gathering of Triple Nine Society, Denver, CO, August 1, 2013.
By: Mitch Morrissey
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DNA: from Crime Scene to Courtroom, a presentation by Denver District Attorney Mitch Morrissey - Video
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