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Category Archives: Transhuman News
MEDIA ZONE 10-01-2013 ~ Politically Incorrect Edition – Sambos – Jolly Tiger – Dunkin Donuts Ad – Video
Posted: October 11, 2013 at 6:41 am
MEDIA ZONE 10-01-2013 ~ Politically Incorrect Edition - Sambos - Jolly Tiger - Dunkin Donuts Ad
The Fantacon credit list continues..... Politically Incorrect advertising. Dave does a read as Peter Sellers. Dave adds some talents to his resume...
By: EdnMike
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MEDIA ZONE 10-01-2013 ~ Politically Incorrect Edition - Sambos - Jolly Tiger - Dunkin Donuts Ad - Video
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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (1998-04-27) – Video
Posted: at 6:41 am
Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (1998-04-27)
Air Date: April 27th, 1998 Panelists: Al Franken, Lynn Redgrave, Star Jones Elizabeth Wurtzel.
By: NoCowEyes
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Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher (1998-04-27) - Video
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200) Vietnam Censorship – Video
Posted: at 6:41 am
200) Vietnam Censorship
HS-TS-VN ...?.?.?. (Paracel + Spratly) Islands belong to Viet Nam !!! .?.?.?... V?N V?T THÁI BÌNH ...?.?.?. https://www....
By: Lý Th??ng Ki?t
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Next vid, and some thoughts on censorship – Video
Posted: at 6:41 am
Next vid, and some thoughts on censorship
Responding to some of the feedback I got on the first video, and the need for some online censorship. Lemme know how it goes!
By: Erika NekoArc
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Time to abolish censorship
Posted: at 6:41 am
FMT LETTER: From the Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA), via e-mail
The Sept 19 filing of charges against activist Lena Hendry for the screening of a documentary which was not approved by the Film Censorship Board has once again brought into focus the immense control of the state over freedom of expression.
Lena Hendry, along with Arul Prakkash and Anna Har, of the NGO Pusat Komas were invited for questioning immediately after the July 3, 2013 screening of the film No Fire Zone, the Killing Fields of Sri Lanka, a documentary about the final stages of the civil war in Sri Lanka in 2009.
It took authorities two-and-a-half months to file charges for violating the Film Censorship Act of 2002, but only against Lena Hendry.
The main issue here is that the government has opted to impose the old-fashioned law for the screening of a human rights-themed documentary, with a topic that is certainly of public interest: impunity of the state. Furthermore, the government has specifically targeted a person whose work is dedicated to promoting human rights.
Sri Lankas culpability for possible war crimes during final offensive against the Tamil separatist insurgency in 2009 has been the subject of much concern in the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).
It does not take a genius to guess that the Sri Lankan government is trying to prevent screenings of the film, and uses diplomatic pressure to prevent No Fire Zone in other countries. And in this case, they did.
With the filing of charges against Hendry, Malaysia will thus be seen as buckling under diplomatic pressure to file charges against its own citizen for showing a human rights film about another country.
Of course, the Home Ministry can always argue that it has to impose what the law says. And true enough, Pusat Komas has received warning letters from the Film Censorship board about their human rights film showings since 2009.
But their actions merely point to the absurdity of the Film Censorship Law: it is biased. Films produced or sponsored by the state are exempt from censorship.
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Time to abolish censorship
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Iran official slams censorship policy
Posted: at 6:41 am
Iran official slams censorship policy By Golnaz Esfandiari
Iranian Culture Minister Ali Jannati has said that book censorship was too strict under the country's former government. In comments quoted by Iran's semi-official ILNA news agency on October 8, Jannati said censors would have rejected the Koran, which Muslims believe is a revelation by God.
"If the Koran hadn't been sent by God and we had handed it to book censors, they wouldn't have issued permission to publish it and would have argued that some of the words in it are against public virtue," he said.
Jannati said he had reviewed some of the titles that the administration of former Iranian president Mahmud Ahmadinejad
censored and concluded that in many cases, censors had objected to "irrelevant" issues.
He also said in many instances censors had based their decisions on personal opinions, and added that the reviewers lacked the necessary expertise.
Jannati has been culture minister since August after being chosen by Hassan Rouhani, the moderate cleric who was elected president in June and who has promised to give Iranians more freedoms.
But limits remain. Jannati hedged his comments by also saying that book censorship will continue in Iran because the government must act in accordance with rulings made by the Supreme National Security Council and the parliament.
"How can we allow some problematic books to poison the society?" he asked.
Jannati's comments about Iran's aggressive censorship of literary materials aren't likely to surprise the Iranian writers and publishers who have experienced firsthand the draconian rules enforced by Ahmadinejad's Culture Ministry.
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Iran official slams censorship policy
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Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 10-7-2013 ~ An Opening To Iran? – Video
Posted: at 6:40 am
Ron Paul #39;s Texas Straight Talk 10-7-2013 ~ An Opening To Iran?
Please rate and subscribe!!! Ron Paul #39;Constitutionally Correct #39; 2012. Twitter: Facebook:
By: RonPaulCC2012
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Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 10-7-2013 ~ An Opening To Iran? - Video
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Ron Paul (1988) A Libertarian President? – Video
Posted: at 6:40 am
Ron Paul (1988) A Libertarian President?
Alternative Views #362: A LIBERTARIAN PRESIDENT ??? (1988) Former Congressman Ron Paul ...
By: wolfpjw
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Ron Paul: Neocons Infuriated by Iran Peace Talks – Video
Posted: at 6:40 am
Ron Paul: Neocons Infuriated by Iran Peace Talks Like us on Facebook: Ron Paul is America #39;s leading voice for limited, constitutional government,...
By: RonPaul2008dotcom
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Ron Paul: Nobody Wants to Admit that the Country is Bankrupt – Video
Posted: at 6:40 am
Ron Paul: Nobody Wants to Admit that the Country is Bankrupt Like us on Facebook: Ron Paul is America #39;s leading voice for limited, constitutional government,...
By: RonPaul2008dotcom
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