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Category Archives: Transhuman News
David Byrne: Great Musician, Terrible Futurist
Posted: October 12, 2013 at 4:40 pm
The January, 1987 issue of OMNI Magazine included a cover story titled, "14 Great Minds Predict the Future." OMNI asked influential people from a variety of fields what was in store for humanity in the year 2007, twenty years into the future. There were predictions about everything from peace in the Middle East to 3D televisions.
David Byrne, lead singer and songwriter of the Talking Heads, gazed into his crystal ball to write about pop art, the future of television, and why computers will never help the creative process. With the benefit of hindsight it's a little hard to believe that Byrne was so pessimistic about the potential for computers as a creative tool, especially when futuristic designs for computers were getting so many others excited. An excerpt from the OMNI piece appears below.
David Byrne, Lead Singer, Talking Heads
I don't think computers will have any important effect on the arts in 2007. When it comes to the arts they're just big or small adding machines. And if they can't "think," that's all they'll ever be. They may help creative people with their bookkeeping, but they won't help in the creative process.
The video revolution, however, will have some real impact on the arts in the next 20 years. It already has. Because people's attention spans are getting shorter, more fiction and drama will be done by television, a perfect medium for them. But I don't think anything will be wiped out; books will always be there; everything will find its place.
Outlets for art, in the marketplace and on television, will multiply and spread. Even the three big TV networks will feature looser, more specialized programming to appeal to special-interest groups. The networks will be freed from the need to try to please everybody, which they do now and inevitably end up with a show so stupid nobody likes it. Obviously this multiplication of outlets will benefit the arts.
I don't think we'll see the participatory art that so many people predict. Some people will use new equipment to make art, but they will be the same people who would have been making art anyway. Still, I definitely think that the general public will be interested in art that was once considered avant-garde.
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David Byrne: Great Musician, Terrible Futurist
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The Ubermensch vs. the Transhuman | Systems and Symbols
Posted: at 2:40 pm
One of the goals of any future White collective should be the evolution of a more advanced human type. This new man in the past has sometimes been referred to as the Ubermensch. I will use this term as well. I wanted to describe my own vision for the Ubermensch and where it fits with the White Path (1) religion that Ive been describing. I want to contrast this Ubermensch with the transhumanist vision that is pushed by the globalist elites and their ideological fellow travelers.
The starting point for my vision of the Ubermensch is with a physical description. The new man/woman would be a perfect physical specimen. The model for which can be found in athletes and models found in their respective fields today. The real challenging question is how much technology should be used in the creation of such specimens? This author prefers that while technology can be used, that much of the development of such bodies should still require that the individual work hard to obtain it. The discipline required to obtain a healthy body is part of the reason for obtaining it. While important, the physical attributes of the Ubermensch are really the least significant aspects.
The real importance lays in the mental and spiritual realms. An Ubermensch is a being that exemplifies the 9 noble virtues (2). This is being that can lead people. That has creative and problem solving abilities. This is a being who is highly motivated, but at the same time serene. This is a being who loves life and who loves the mission allotted to him/her by the Creator (3), but who will gladly sacrifice their life for the good of the mission. This is a being who cares little for material possessions. This is a being that desires mastery in their specialization within the collective White community. This is a being in-tuned with the Force/God and nature. This is a being constantly looking to improve him/herself, while being confident in who they are. This is a humble being. This is a being without ego. This is being whose intentions stem from a positive place (love, goodwill, kindness).
Achieving the Ubermensch will require an environment that could bring this person about. The White Path will be the most important institution in bringing this being about. The White Path will include the White gods in its theology that act as models of the Ubermensch. New mythologies will be written (or uncovered) that tell of these beings in action. The practice of meditation and contemplation will be a major part of producing such beings. The educational institutions will also be important in bringing this being about, but this author expects that the White Path will have its own educational institutions just as the Catholic Church does. Physic powers will be cultivated.
If theres one point that I must make perfectly clear to future persons carrying out my vision, is that you MUST NOT mix the human mind with machines. There is no reason for a human mind to have the computational ability of a computer. If you need to compute something, use a computer. Hooking the mind into a computer will allow for outside forces to control the mind. The future White collective community must always keep the mind machine free.
The future White intergalactic civilization will use robots, computers, and androids, but the decision making will always be done by humans with minds not hooked into computers. The concept of singularity (where artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more intelligent than humans) is extremely dangerous. The future White collective must always have an off switch for AI and if no off switch is possible; then the technology should not be created.
People make the argument that future enhanced humans will be able to think, compute, and communicate faster than non-enhanced humans. This is true, but once the human mind is jacked into a central computer, or into a cloud of other minds, all human freedom will be lost. It can even start out with good intentions, but if someone can hack into the central computer, then all reality can be controlled by outside forces that dont have good intentions. Theres an inventor named Kurzweil who has been pushing this future. His argument is persuasive in that hes promising immortality. The problem is that his immortality is a false promise. If our minds get downloaded into computers, whats to stop someone from smashing the computers? Wars will occur between cloud-mind entities, which can and will result in computers being turned off. With the introduction of scalar weapons, whole solar systems will be able to be blown away.
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The Ubermensch vs. the Transhuman | Systems and Symbols
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building Gods Documentary | transhuman artificial intelligence and nanotechnology AI – Video
Posted: at 2:40 pm
building Gods Documentary | transhuman artificial intelligence and nanotechnology AI
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
By: alexisguide
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building Gods Documentary | transhuman artificial intelligence and nanotechnology AI - Video
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Just Another Day on Space Station 13 [Episode 2] – Video
Posted: October 11, 2013 at 6:42 am
Just Another Day on Space Station 13 [Episode 2]
Another day on the worst fucking space station in the universe.
By: BlackPantsLegion
Excerpt from:
Just Another Day on Space Station 13 [Episode 2] - Video
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UFO Photographed from Space Station – Video
Posted: at 6:42 am
UFO Photographed from Space Station
By: Garry5739
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a tour of the international space station ISS full documentary | international space station – Video
Posted: at 6:42 am
a tour of the international space station ISS full documentary | international space station
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
By: alexisguide
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a tour of the international space station ISS full documentary | international space station - Video
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Space Station passing.mp4 – Video
Posted: at 6:42 am
Space Station passing.mp4
By: Shari Straight
See the article here:
Space Station passing.mp4 - Video
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Just Another Day on Space Station 13 [Episode 3] – Video
Posted: at 6:42 am
Just Another Day on Space Station 13 [Episode 3]
Another day on the worst fucking space station in the universe.
By: BlackPantsLegion
More here:
Just Another Day on Space Station 13 [Episode 3] - Video
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Look! A great week to view Space Station
Posted: at 6:42 am
It was as bright as the brightest star in the sky Tuesday night. The International Space Station (ISS) made a prime pass right over the Midwest Tuesday evening.
The pass began in the southwest sky, allowing you to see the planet Venus nearby. The ISS is just as bright when you are viewing.
How will you tell the difference? Venus won't be speeding across the sky at warp speed. The bright MOVING object is the Space Station. It takes about 5 minutes to reach its peak in the night sky directly above you. Soon after that, the ISS moves out of the light and fades very quickly.
Didn't see the show Tuesday? Don't worry. The Space Station makes more passes across Kansas and Missouri this week.
Thursday evening will provide another show. That will begin at 7:28 p.m. with the satellite appearing in the southwest sky. It will then skirt across the sky before fading at 7:34 p.m. in the northeast sky.
On Friday, the ISS pass begins at 8:19 p.m. in the northwest sky. The pass will end 2 minutes later in the north sky.
Another VERY BRIGHT viewing opportunity occurs this Saturday. The satellite will first appear around 7:31 p.m. in the northwest west sky. it will travel directly overhead and then fade in the northeast sky at 7:35 p.m.. Enjoy!
For more information on viewing times in our area, visit
Copyright 2013 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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Look! A great week to view Space Station
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International Space Station – San Diego, CA 10/08/13 – Video
Posted: at 6:42 am
International Space Station - San Diego, CA 10/08/13
International Space Station Orbit and pass by of San Diego, CA.
By: Matt H
See more here:
International Space Station - San Diego, CA 10/08/13 - Video
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