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Ron Paul Highlights at the ABC News Yahoo Iowa GOP Debate – Video
Posted: October 12, 2013 at 4:40 pm
Ron Paul Highlights at the ABC News Yahoo Iowa GOP Debate
By: TheRonPaul4Prez
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Ron Paul Highlights at the ABC News Yahoo Iowa GOP Debate - Video
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Ron Paul on His Presidential Bid – Video
Posted: at 4:40 pm
Ron Paul on His Presidential Bid
By: TheRonPaul4Prez
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Ron Paul on His Presidential Bid - Video
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Ron Paul State of the Union with Candy Crowley – Video
Posted: at 4:40 pm
Ron Paul State of the Union with Candy Crowley
By: TheRonPaul4Prez
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Ron Paul State of the Union with Candy Crowley - Video
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Ron Paul endorses Cuccinelli in Virginia race
Posted: at 4:40 pm
Posted on: 9:43 pm, October 11, 2013, by Doris Taylor, updated on: 09:52pm, October 11, 2013
(CNN) With a libertarian third-party candidate threatening to spoil his chances of winning the Virginia governorship, Republican nominee Ken Cuccinelli received a welcome endorsement Friday from the desk of Ron Paul.
Paul, the former Texas congressman and the guiding light of libertarians everywhere, endorsed Cuccinelli in a letter to the Virginia attorney general.
Ken Cuccinelli has always stood for smaller government and limited government, he has consistently and unapologetically worked with the Liberty movement in Virginia, Paul said in the letter, which is being distributed by Cuccinellis campaign.
His stand against Obamacare shows he is willing to stand up to Washingtons continued abuses on our individual liberties. I am proud to endorse to Ken for Governor of Virginia, Paul wrote.
Cuccinelli trails Democrat Terry McAuliffe in the race by anywhere from six to 10 points, depending on the poll.
But with voters expressing negative opinions about both major party candidates, Robert Sarvis, the underdog libertarian candidate, has crept up in the polls, reaching double digits in some surveys.
Privately, Republicans worry that Sarvis is draining conservative support from Cuccinelli.
Sarvis told CNN last month that he voted for Paul in Virginias GOP presidential primary in 2012.
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Ron Paul endorses Cuccinelli in Virginia race
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David D. Friedman: Problems with Libertarianism – Video
Posted: at 4:40 pm
David D. Friedman: Problems with Libertarianism
David D. Friedman is an economist, political philosopher, and the author of many books including The Machinery of Freedom: Guide to a Radical Capitalism, whe...
David D. Friedman: Problems with Libertarianism - Video
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The Ubermensch vs. the Transhuman | Systems and Symbols
Posted: at 4:40 pm
One of the goals of any future White collective should be the evolution of a more advanced human type. This new man in the past has sometimes been referred to as the Ubermensch. I will use this term as well. I wanted to describe my own vision for the Ubermensch and where it fits with the White Path (1) religion that Ive been describing. I want to contrast this Ubermensch with the transhumanist vision that is pushed by the globalist elites and their ideological fellow travelers.
The starting point for my vision of the Ubermensch is with a physical description. The new man/woman would be a perfect physical specimen. The model for which can be found in athletes and models found in their respective fields today. The real challenging question is how much technology should be used in the creation of such specimens? This author prefers that while technology can be used, that much of the development of such bodies should still require that the individual work hard to obtain it. The discipline required to obtain a healthy body is part of the reason for obtaining it. While important, the physical attributes of the Ubermensch are really the least significant aspects.
The real importance lays in the mental and spiritual realms. An Ubermensch is a being that exemplifies the 9 noble virtues (2). This is being that can lead people. That has creative and problem solving abilities. This is a being who is highly motivated, but at the same time serene. This is a being who loves life and who loves the mission allotted to him/her by the Creator (3), but who will gladly sacrifice their life for the good of the mission. This is a being who cares little for material possessions. This is a being that desires mastery in their specialization within the collective White community. This is a being in-tuned with the Force/God and nature. This is a being constantly looking to improve him/herself, while being confident in who they are. This is a humble being. This is a being without ego. This is being whose intentions stem from a positive place (love, goodwill, kindness).
Achieving the Ubermensch will require an environment that could bring this person about. The White Path will be the most important institution in bringing this being about. The White Path will include the White gods in its theology that act as models of the Ubermensch. New mythologies will be written (or uncovered) that tell of these beings in action. The practice of meditation and contemplation will be a major part of producing such beings. The educational institutions will also be important in bringing this being about, but this author expects that the White Path will have its own educational institutions just as the Catholic Church does. Physic powers will be cultivated.
If theres one point that I must make perfectly clear to future persons carrying out my vision, is that you MUST NOT mix the human mind with machines. There is no reason for a human mind to have the computational ability of a computer. If you need to compute something, use a computer. Hooking the mind into a computer will allow for outside forces to control the mind. The future White collective community must always keep the mind machine free.
The future White intergalactic civilization will use robots, computers, and androids, but the decision making will always be done by humans with minds not hooked into computers. The concept of singularity (where artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more intelligent than humans) is extremely dangerous. The future White collective must always have an off switch for AI and if no off switch is possible; then the technology should not be created.
People make the argument that future enhanced humans will be able to think, compute, and communicate faster than non-enhanced humans. This is true, but once the human mind is jacked into a central computer, or into a cloud of other minds, all human freedom will be lost. It can even start out with good intentions, but if someone can hack into the central computer, then all reality can be controlled by outside forces that dont have good intentions. Theres an inventor named Kurzweil who has been pushing this future. His argument is persuasive in that hes promising immortality. The problem is that his immortality is a false promise. If our minds get downloaded into computers, whats to stop someone from smashing the computers? Wars will occur between cloud-mind entities, which can and will result in computers being turned off. With the introduction of scalar weapons, whole solar systems will be able to be blown away.
Originally posted here:
The Ubermensch vs. the Transhuman | Systems and Symbols
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building Gods Documentary | transhuman artificial intelligence and nanotechnology AI – Video
Posted: at 4:40 pm
building Gods Documentary | transhuman artificial intelligence and nanotechnology AI
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
By: alexisguide
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building Gods Documentary | transhuman artificial intelligence and nanotechnology AI - Video
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A Transhuman Conundrum: Uploading Your Consciousness – Tested
Posted: at 4:40 pm
By Erin Biba on Oct. 11, 2013 at 9 a.m.
This week were taking a look at the ethics of enhancing ourselves. Well present you with a series of ethical conundrums brought about by entirely possible future transhuman modifications and you can argue the ethics in the comments. Well have to face these questions eventually, might as well get started now. Are you pro or con superhumans?
The scenario: Well, the singularity is here. Computers have surpassed humans in terms of processing power and level of intelligence. But the machines arent totally evil. Theyre open to letting humankind upload their minds into the collective consciousness and live on as digital beings. Youll have to give up your body, though. Still, its a small price to pay. Your knee has never been right since you tweaked it playing football in high school anyway. Plus: immortality! What do you do?
Ok, this one is a bit of a leap. Were nowhere near uploading our entire minds into a computer, depending on who you ask. But there are definitely some folks working on figuring out how to do it. Earlier this year, famous futurist (and director of engineering at Google) Ray Kurzweil said a conservative estimate would have us uploading our brains into a computer by 2045. And, hey, if Google says it will happen theres no reason to think its not possible. Though, in the same speech he also said the singularity would be upon us by 2100. So, grain of salt. Others argue uploading our brains may actually never be possible at all.
Youre going to have to decide how much you like your body and want to hang on to it. Once you upload your consciousness theres very likely no going back. You also have no idea what to expect from living inside a computer, which means youll have to accept the fact that your very idea of consciousness might change once youve become fully digital. If your friends and family arent uploading themselves youll also have to decide if youre willing to give up your current way of interacting with them. Or accept the fact that you may never see them again. But if the singularity has already happened, then youll get the added benefit of being smarter, faster, and better than a human.
There isnt a whole lot of legitimate writing on the ethics of uploading the brain. But those considering it often point to The Ship of Theseus, or Theseuss Paradox, which goes something like this (excerpt from Logical Paradoxes):
Theseus is remembered in Greek mythology as the slayer of the Minotaur. For years, the Athenians had been sending sacrifices to be given to the Minotaur, a half-man, half-bull beast who inhabited the labyrinth of Knossos. One year, Theseus braved the labyrinth, and killed the Minotaur.
The ship in which he returned was long preserved. As parts of the ship needed repair, it was rebuilt plank by plank. Suppose that, eventually, every plank was replaced; would it still have been the same ship? A strong case can be made for saying that it would have been: When the first plank was replaced, the ship would still have been Theseus ship. When the second was replaced, the ship would still have been Theseus ship. Changing a single plank can never turn one ship into another. Even when every plank had been replaced, then, and no part of the original ship remained, it would still have been Theseus ship.
Suppose, though, that each of the planks removed from Theseus ship was restored, and that these planks were then recombined to once again form a ship. Would this have been Theseus ship? Again, a strong case can be made for saying that it would have been: this ship would have had precisely the same parts as Theseus ship, arranged in precisely the same way.
If this happened, then it would seem that Theseus had returned from Knossos in two ships. First, there would have been Theseus ship that has had each of its parts replaced one by one. Second, there would have been Theseus ship that had been dismantled, restored, and then reassembled. Each of them would have been Theseus ship.
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A Transhuman Conundrum: Implantable Sensors – Tested
Posted: at 4:40 pm
By Erin Biba on Oct. 10, 2013 at 9 a.m.
This week were taking a look at the ethics of enhancing ourselves. Well present you with a series of ethical conundrums brought about by entirely possible future transhuman modifications and you can argue the ethics in the comments. Well have to face these questions eventually, might as well get started now. Are you pro or con superhumans?
The scenario: The economys terrible and you just cant land a job. Seems like everybody these days has a digital enhancement of some kind that gives them an edge. Why not get your own? Just get a few teeny tiny sensors implanted to give yourself near-prescient abilities. Choose from the ability to sense magnetic fields, electric fields, or devices that constantly monitor the ship-shapeness of your body. Let your boss wirelessly monitor your brain activity to make sure youre concentrating on your job. And, if your gig is particularly taxing, get a pH sweat monitor to make sure youre truly staying hydrated. Theres literally nothing these gizmos cant sense! What do you do?
There are already tons of implantable sensors on the market or in development. In fact, weve even rounded them up before. Right now theyre all built for medical purposes (the pacemaker has been around for decades, but theres tech to watch tumor growth, track the health of implanted organs, and monitor blood sugar). Its only a matter of time before these sensors branch out to a slew of different purposes and become small enough that you can have several in your body at once.
Youll have to decide just how much insight into your personal life (and the inner workings of your very body) you want to have--and just how much of that you want to give up to your employer. Youll also have to consider how many people will lose their jobs to you because of the extra-special abilities your fancy new sensors impart. Plus, are you going to use the tech just in your job? Or are you going to start watching your girlfriends heart rate for changes outside of work just because you can?
Because weve already begun to implant tiny sensors into our bodies, ethicists have been wondering about the ethics of this direction of medicine for years. In 2007, writing about The Ethical Challenges of Ubiquitous Healthcare (PDF) in the International Review of Information Ethics, Ian Brown and Andrew A. Adam said:
"How far should individuals be held directly responsible for the state of their body? Biological theories swing to and fro on how much of an individuals state of health is determined by nature (genetics) or nurture (lifestyle) ... Who owns health information, and how restricted is access to it? With great information comes the potential for behaviour modification. So thought Bentham and Foucault, at least. Will our bodies become our Panoptic prison, and our behaviour be dictated by health insurance limitations? Will technology gradually reshape and modify unhealthy behaviours? The health gap between rich and poor (and the associated life expectancy gap) is already significant in many developed countries. Government responses have included suggestions to force the poor to take up healthier lifestyles to make up for the r economic disadvantage. More advanced healthcare is already available if one has the money. Will the development of ubiquitous technologies exacerbate this trend and if so, should the lack of availability to all prevent those who can afford it from spending their money on the greatest prize of all a longer healthier life?"
So what say you? Is it fair game to implant sensors in ourselves that give us a better view inside our own bodies and the world around us? Or doe these near-prescient abilities create an unfair advantage in the job market? Discuss!
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CCC-TV – Sigint12 – Pray to the Omega Point – ideas techno-futurism – Christian Heller (EN) – Video
Posted: at 4:40 pm
CCC-TV - Sigint12 - Pray to the Omega Point - ideas techno-futurism - Christian Heller (EN)
Pray to the Omega Point Religious ideas and techno-futurism. The Rapture for nerds, Teilhard de Chardin #39;s "Noosphere" and Frank Tipler #39;s "Omega Point Theory". A look at the resonance between...
By: rabatakeu
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CCC-TV - Sigint12 - Pray to the Omega Point - ideas techno-futurism - Christian Heller (EN) - Video
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