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Junk DNA, Part 2 of 2, Dr. Charles Jackson – Video
Posted: October 14, 2013 at 3:42 pm
Junk DNA, Part 2 of 2, Dr. Charles Jackson | Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship #39;s speaker on March 8, 2013 was Dr. Charles Jackson, founder of Points of Origins Ministries, the c...
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URL Battle Rap Arena has B-Magic saying He’s Ready for DNA – Video
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Lab DNA Extraction – Video
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DNA expert testifies at LaFonse Dixon murder trial
Posted: at 3:41 pm
The DNA found on a roll of masking tape linked to the death of Canton resident Celeste Fronsman is consistent with that of LaFonse Dixon, the man on trial in her murder, according to a prosecution witness.
Kristen Slaper, of the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation, said Monday that she could not exclude Dixon, 34, of Canton, as a source of the DNA. Slaper also told jurors that DNA consistent with Fronsmans was also found on the tape.
Prosecutors have said that a roll of masking tape was found in a 1996 Chevy Tahoe. According to previous testimony, Dixon, Fronsman and two others co-defendants Monica Washington, 25, and Katrina KC Culberson, 22 rode in the vehicle from Canton to a remote wooded area in Muskingum County on Aug. 26, 2012.
Dixon faces charges of aggravated murder, aggravated arson and kidnapping; if convicted, he could be sentenced to death. Culberson and Washington both have pleaded guilty to the same charges. Both await sentencing.
A motorist spotted the 29-year-old Fronsman along the road. After managing to walk or crawl there, she was writhing in pain when she threw herself on the hood of the vehicle the man was driving, according to prosecutors.
Dixon and the others beat up Fronsman, according to testimony. At the Tri-Valley recreation area, Dixon dragged Fronsman into tall grass, according to statements from Culberson and Washington last week. Dixon handed Culberson a lighter and she set Fronsman ablaze, where she was left to die as the trio drove back to Canton, both women told jurors.
Other than opening arguments, Monday marked the first time that Dixon was tied directly to DNA evidence in the case.
Slaper, the DNA expert, said that both Dixon and Fronsman were major contributors to the DNA found on the roll of masking tape. Prior testimony said the tape was used to bind Fronsmans hands together.
Statistically, she said, one in 11,750 unrelated people could have the DNA found on the tape. Slaper described DNA as the genetic material unique to each individual, found in blood and skin cells, for example, with the exception of identical twins.
Slaper faced aggressive questioning from defense attorney Larry Thomas. He pointed out that the odds were far lower than those cited for DNA found inside the Tahoe on some items matching Fronsman. For some of those objects, the odds of someone else having the same profile were staggering the number so high it would take several Earths to find somebody else with the same profile, Slaper said.
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Prosecutors fight for DNA sampling to solve crimes
Posted: at 3:41 pm
SEATTLE A man who raped an 80-year-old Kirkland woman was caught after a DNA match out of California tied him to the crime and he was later sentenced to 22 years in prison.
Moses Kelly pleaded guilty to raping a disabled woman in Bellingham and an 80-year-old woman in Kirkland. Detectives didnt know who attacked the two women, and didnt realize it was the same rapist until DNA connected the cases to Kelley.
Under California law, Kelley had to give a DNA sample when he was arrested years ago even though he was never convicted of a crime. The law differs from that In Washington state, where suspects have the right to withhold their DNA unless they are convicted.
Prosecutors like Dan Satterberg in King County and Mark Lindquist in Pierce County have voiced concern about Washingtons current law and have supported legislation in recent years to change it. Members of the ACLU and criminal defense lawyers have fought to block those bills, arguing they violate a persons privacy, specifically citing the DNA sampling as a violation of the 4th Amendments unlawful search and seizure clause.
Prosecutors plan to bring the Kelly case to state lawmakers when they convene next year in the hope of persuading them to allow DNA to be collected at the time of arrest.
In June, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled criminal suspects can be subjected to a police DNA test after arrest and before trial and conviction.A 5-4 majority of the court concluded it is legitimate, and upheld a Maryland state law.
Law enforcement lauds genetic testings potential as the gold standard of reliable evidence gathering, especially to solve cold cases involving violent offenders.
But privacy rights groups counter the states trust us promise not to abuse the technology does not ease their concerns that someones biological makeup could soon be applied for a variety of non-criminal purposes.
Currently, 26states and the federal government allow genetic swabs to be taken after a felony arrest and without a warrant.Each state has different procedures, but in all cases, only a profile is created. About 13 individual markers out of some 3 billion are isolated from a suspects DNA. That selective information does not reveal the full genetic makeup of a person and, officials stress, nothing is shared with any other public or private party, including any medical diagnostics.
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Part 2 Use of GAPIT in Genome-Wide Association Studies – Video
Posted: at 3:41 pm
Part 2 Use of GAPIT in Genome-Wide Association Studies
Part 2 of 3. Sample data, necessary packages, uploading data, GAPIT functions and GWAS output Presented by Duke Pauli, this tutorial demonstrates the use of ...
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End Times News The human genome, Fukushima radiation, Syria, – Video
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End Times News The human genome, Fukushima radiation, Syria,
Our special guests were Lee Kresser and messianic Jew Ron Arnow. This program was a fascinating glimpse of how God #39;s prophetic word is impacting the Jews, Is...
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Eczema Free Forever – Eczema Free Forever – Video
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Olivia and eczema – Video
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Olivia and eczema
Disclaimer: The information that is shared herein is intended for informational purposes regarding Any advice and/or product(s) mentioned should not be used ...
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Beat Eczema An All Natural Cure – Beat Eczema Guide – Video
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Beat Eczema An All Natural Cure - Beat Eczema Guide
GO TO: Looking for an easy way to download Beat Eczema system? Beat Eczema Keywords: beat eczema an all natural...
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